BY THE KING. A Proclamation for recalling His Majesty's Subjects from the Seminaries beyond the Seas, and putting the Laws against jesuites and Popish Priests in execution. THE Kings most Excellent Majesty being lately put in mind by the humble petition of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons assembled in Parliament of the increase of Papists within His Majesty's Dominions, and the dangerous consequences of the same: And discerning thereby to his exceeding joy and comfort in t hat representative body of this Realm, & in his loving Subjects in general, a true & hearty zeal & affection to God's true Religion, which he well knoweth hath only power to bind the conscience to loyalty and obedience, is desirous that His faithful Subjects may reciprocally take notice of His Majesty's readiness & constant resolution to maintain the same true Religion professed, and by Law established within this Realm, and upon all occasions to suppress the contrary. And therefore whereas His Majesty hath been informed that diverse Children both of Noblemen, and others His natural Subjects have been heretofore sent over into the Seminaries, Schools, or other Houses of Popish religion beyond the Seas, and are there remaining to be brought up contrary to the Laws here established. His Majesty straight chargeth and commandeth, That all the said Children do before Christmas day next return into their Native Countries, and submit themselves to His majesty's Laws, & conform themselves to live in such duty & obedience as becometh good Subjects. And that their Parents, Tutors, Governors, & such others as have been, or are faulty either in sending, permitting, or maintaining them there, take present order to recall them home, & to provide that they be returned into their own Countries upon the day aforesaid upon pain of the uttermost severity of His majesty's justice to be extended in that behalf, And his Majesty doth also upon like pain straightly charge & command, That no Bishop, Priest, or other person having taken, or which shall take order by, or under any authority, or power derived from the Sea of Rome, which he or they be natural borne Subjects, Denizens, or Strangers, do presume to confer any Ecclesiastical orders, or exercise any Ecclesiastical function, or jurisdiction whatsoever, towards, or upon any of his M ●ies natural borne Subjects within this Realm, or any other his Majesty's Dominions. His Majesty doth also give express charge & commandment unto all & singular judges, justices & others to whom the same appertaineth, That all the Laws and Statutes now standing in force, be put in due execution against all jesuits, Seminary Priests, & others, having taken orders by any authority from the Sea of Rome being His Majesty's Subjects, which from & after the last day of September next coming shallbe found within His majesty's Dominions, which day His Majesty doth by this Proclamation limit & prefix for the uttermost time of their departure, & avoidance out of this Realm, and all other His Majesty's Dominions at their perils, & not to return again upon the severe penalties of the Laws now in force against them. His Majesty hereby commanding all & singular Majors, Sheriffs, justices of the peace, & Officers of Ports whither they shall repair for their Shipping out, quietly to suffer them in the mean time to departed. But if any of them, or any others of that kind shall after that day be found within His Majesty's Dominions, that then the course of justice and the Laws be taken & pursued against them with severity. Giving warning hereby to all his Majesty's loving Subjects, that after the last day of September next ensuing they do not receive, harbour, entertain, relieve, or conceal any of the said jesuits, Seminary Priests, or other Popish Priests upon the penalties which by the Law they shall incur for so doing, And His Majesty's pleasure is, that after the last day of September next ensuing diligent search be from time to time made for the apprehension & bringing to justice of all Offenders in any the premises. Given at the Court at Woodstock the fourteenth day of August in the first year of his Majesty's Reign of great Britain, France, and Ireland. God save the King. Printed at Oxford by I. L. and W. T. for Bonham Norton and john Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1625.