Courant News out of Italy, Germany, Bohemia, Poland, etc. From Room the 12. of junij, 1621. THe Pope hath prepared for the Emperor's Majesty a Regiment of Footmen and 300 Horses/ which Monsieur Aldebrandino shall bring into Germany/ which the Pope will maintain his self. The Ambassadors of Venice are departed from hence homewards with good satisfaction and fair gifts. From Venize the 18. hereof. At Milanen are more Men taken on/ and the Spaniards fortify the place in Veltlin again very strongly/ which doth not give any expectation of restitution. The Duke of Savoy hath mustered his footmen and Horsemen. From Constantinople is confirmed/ that a very great sort of men go for Polen and Hungary. We hear from Milanen/ notwithstanding commandment is come from Spain twice to restitute Veltlin/ yet the Governor doth to the contrary/ sending many men thither. The Archduke Leopold doth the like/ because that a while agone 14. Companies of Switsers are fallen into some part/ being under the Commandment of the Duke of Austria/ and burnt an abbey/ which doth keep back the restitution yet the Spainyards must give it again at last. They are very much discontented/ because the Duke of Savoy hath mustered so many Men/ wherein they can not tell what his intention is. We hear from Constantinople/ that the Great Turk with his principal Officers are broken up and gone to Adrianopel/ and conducted by a great sort of janitsers and jagy/ his men of War should be (besides the Tartars) 300000. strong/ he hath taken out of the Tresurye with him 4½. Milisns Soltanini/ for to pay his Men he hath also given his General of the Sea 400000. Soltanini. Who is gone with 70 ships in the black Sea/ for to keep the Cossack's back/ who did threaten to come to Constantinople with their Galleys. We hear in other Letters: That the Great Turk will send 150000. Men in Polen/ and 100000. in the Moldou/ leaving the Castles in Hungary well provided for defence. With the Fortress Nieuheusel it doth stand in former estate/ it is wholly besieged/ but they lie yet so fare from it/ that no piece of Ordnance can reach it. This day there are sent more Cannons and Munition thither. In the mean time Bucquoy makes certain thousands of Cannon-baskets for defence/ to shoot at Nieuheusel. The Soldiers of the Emperor show themselves here very unwilling/ because of bad payment. And a certain time agone/ are the 4000 Hungarians/ which Betlem Gabor had sent with money and Munition for the assistance of Nieuheusel/ by the Soldiers of the General Filleck/ and Setschi unawares fallen upon/ beaten/ and taken from them (among other things) 25000 Dallers/ whereupon they of Nieuheuse● fall daily our/ and take many Horses and people imprisoned. They have also some days passed driven the Lord General of Diepenbach wholly out of his quarter/ so that the getting of this Fortress may cost many a head/ here goeth also a speech that there shall be some suspected persons imprisoned. From Vienna the 17. of juny. In Hungaria on this and other side of the Donau it doth stand in former estate/ and we hope that Papa will give themselves over to the Emperor's Majesty/ yet the Budian tarryeth by his former meaning/ Berlem hath sent some Horsemennes and Footmen/ with some money and munition/ which the Liutenant at Filleck Stesfen Heret shin perceiving/ hath with a Company of men from the frontiers/ and Setschi met them/ and by Rimatumbat fallen upon them/ fought against them/ and driven them away. At this present Burquoy shoots at Nieuheusel strongly in two places/ and it continues that they of our side have lost before it (besides the Baggage) already 900. Men. Upon the 5. of july should the Emper. Maj. travel to Prague. From Breslaw, the 18. hereof. Notwithstanding the Marckgrave of jagersdorp and his Soldiers have received their pay of the Lords/ Princes'/ and State's/ yet he seeks all manner of shifts for to keep the Soldiers together/ and under his Government/ he hath some days passed besieged that bishoply Castle at Neus with his Soldiers/ and demanded of the Administrators/ Chief Counsel and commontye/ that they should swear unto him/ he doth not suffer any goods/ monny/ neither any thing else to be carried our from thence. The young Earl of Thurn is with his Wife by him/ and a speech goeth that the General Stubenval will join himself with his Moravish Soldiers to the Marckgrave. We hear from Horn: That the Turks are gotten within some twenty miles to Lublin/ and that the Poles have had two overthrows/ whereupon the King hath caused the Crown to be carried from Cracou. The Polish Lords/ which dwell in Colmisschen have carried their best goods into the Dukeship of Pruissen. And there is great fear in that Land/ because there are no strong places/ therefore Warschou shall be fortified. The Duke Elector of Brandenburg is celebrated Duke of Pruissen/ through the King's Commissioners upon the 29 of May/ and the whole Land of Pruissen is commanded to acknowledge him for there Prince. From Prage the 17. hereof. Hear are again some more pieces of Ordinance caused to be fetched out of the Magazine/ and brought into diverse places of the Castle/ the same shall also be done in the City/ the reason is/ because they fear for an uproar when the execution shall be. In like manner the General Sassers Horsemennes are arrived here/ being 7. Companies strong/ well Armed Men/ alone they have no long guns or Carbyners/ they are inquartered in the old and new city/ it is said/ that the Execution shall be upon Monday or Tuesday next/ which being ended the Emperor's Commissioners shall go from hence into Moravia/ and there do the like Execution. The Spanish Soldiers in Moravia do Tyrannize very much over the Citizens and Inhabitants. The Soldiers/ which lie here/ would yester night have saccaged the jews City (or that part of Prague/ wherein the jews dwell) but an Agreement is made/ and the jews must give the Governor of Walsteyn a great some of Money. The Governor French goeth daily here up and down/ without any watch/ he will set our an Apology against Mansvelt. The speech goeth that the Earl of Mansvelt is broken up with his Soldiers against the Bavarians/ whether he will onsett Tabor or no is yet unknown it. The Marckgrave of I●gersdory is also retired back into Bohemia/ and taken in the Lordship Nachot/ as the speech goeth. From Bunten, the 15 hereof. Although those of Zurich were expecting their Folk again every hour/ but it is happened that the passage is onexpected taken from them/ by 900. well mounted Spaniards/ the which arrived at Meyeubelt by 1 or 2 at a time/ so that there is little hope of a peace. From Lints the 20. hereof. The Governor of Munchen is arrived here again within these few days/ whereupon the 16. of this present the 2. Lords of Sternbergh Brothers/ 2 Lords of Geil/ Brothers/ and the old Lord Governor Heger/ are all set at liberty from their arestment/ but how others shall speed time will reveal. From Egher the 21 of june. The Bavarian Soldiers/ which have lain in Conincksweert/ Slackewalt/ and other places are all march to Tachou/ the Bavarians and the Earl of Malnsvelts Soldiers rove daily one against another/ like as they did a quarter of a league from Bleyensteyn upon the 18. of this present/ falling the one upon the other/ and a long while Scher●nidged together/ where in 300. of the Baverians were slain and 100 of the Mansvelts Soldiers. From Newmark the 24. of juny. Hear are 700 Horsemen inquartered/ which are come from the Onder-Pals/ and arrived at Pleynvelt/ Ollinge and other places/ where they hold but bad house with saccaging & evil doings they should join with the Earl of Mansvelt/ who is broken up and in marching/ fell upon 3. Cornets of Bavarish Horsemen/ and slew almost all of them. From Straesburgh the 21. hereof. Hear pass many Frenchmen daily/ through this City to the King of France/ whom the Duke of Bavaria hath casshierd. From the Palts the 25. of juny. The Baron Digby/ English Ambassador/ hath taken his way through Cruytsnach and Frankendall/ and the other night lodged at Spier/ he hath reasonable good store of Baggage with him/ wherefore he makes but reasonable hast/ we hope that he will effect some good matters at Weenen. From Mentzes the 26. dito. The Spaniards have burnt down to the ground the market-town Albech by Altzey/ 2. days agone/ because the Country men had slain 3. Spaniards. The speech goeth that the Emper. should have given the Electorship to the Duke of Bavaria/ who thereupon caused him to be pictured in his Electoriall Habit: Wherefore it is thought that the Ambassador of the King's Majesty of Great Brittaigne will effectuate little/ because his Majesty will never suffer that/ and therefore for these and other such like matters the wars might begin again in Germany. News from France mentioneth/ that the City S. jeand Angely is yet besieged/ and that those within had done some outfalles upon the King's Host/ and done them great hurt/ so that some certain 100 Soldiers were slain/ where under were many persons of great Dignity. News from Flaunders mentioneth that some certain mutinierde Soldiers of the Archduke have burnt two fair Villages. At Wesel was provision made to bake for a Camp/ to have all Bread a forehand/ but there was tidings that the Marquls Spinola should very shortly rise with 20000 men of all Nations. The 28. of june were brought into Zurphen 20 Horses/ where under was on Lieutenant/ on Corner/ and on Aunsient of a Company of Foot men taken by our Soldiers. Printed at Amsterdam, By GEORGE VESELER. The 9 of JULY.