Corrant out of Italy, Germany, etc. From Venice, the 27. of November, 1620. Letter's from Room are not yet come/ because of great storms and high waters. At Genua are expected 2000 soldiers/ the which should be sent to the River Ponente: because it is understood that the Duke of Savoy doth Arm himself again/ by the which are 3000 Frenchemen come from Dauphin. We here from Milanen/ that there is lodging made for many 1000 soldiers: And the two Rivers Bormio and Canaro were risen up so high/ that they have not only carried away the Lands and Trees/ but also many 100 houses/ People/ Cattle/ with other goods/ and done great harms. From Lublin in Polen, the 26 of November. This day is a Post arrived here from the Lomberg/ brings certain news/ that the Polish Camp is overthrown/ and dispearced and the great Chancellor/ with many Chief Officers/ and other People are taken prisoners/ and the Lord Farcns-Beck/ and others/ be slain in the Battle. The Carters are come under Lomberg in 4 Companies/ set on fire/ and spoil all with in a mile round about: begin to pitch a Camp 3. Miles from the Lombarg/ those 60. Waggens with Women and Children (there under were Chief persons of the Gentelitie) which would have taken their flight this ways are taken prisoners/ and carried away. A Chief Tarter/ which is taken prisoner/ hath revealed that they had commission of the Turk/ to pitch a Camp by Lombarg/ & there to expect the coming of the Turk/ which hath concluded to take his way towards Crakow/ and there to hold his Winter-Camp. In the mean while resort together again about 20000 Cosacks/ and many Gentlemen here about/ but they will not go forwards except that the King of Polen in his own person doth go with them. From Leypsich, the 30. of November. The Duke Elector of Saxens' Soldiers have taken in again 2. places in Nether-Lausnits/ and gotten great spoil/ the which those of Bohemia had brought thither/ to fly away/ it is said/ that they will also set upon the City Gorlits. At prague hath the Duke of Beyeren/ before his departure/ taken an inventary of all things/ also Copied the Letters in the Secretary/ sealed them to/ and sent them the Emperor to Weenen/ had also given command/ that the Citizens should not be ronged: In the mean while dorst no man in prague give advise. Letters out of Breslaw mention/ that the King and Queen/ with 2. Dukes of Weymar/ Earle of Slick/ Hollac/ Solms/ and other Lords/ were arrived there/ with 300 Waggens with baggage/ also there followed him 18. Cornets of Horsemen/ and very many footmen/ so that the speech goeth that the cause should be taken in hand again. In the mean while run the Posts toe and fro/ to take advise of other Kings and Potentates. From Elboghen in Bohemia, the 1. of December. Although Treachery/ ill Gouvernment of the Soldiers/ also that the Bohemians have not assisted the King of Bohemia with on accord/ and more other matters/ are judged to be the movall causes of the loss of Praghe/ with the appendices: yet is the chief causual cause accounted to be an Indignation of God over the pertickuler rulers thereof/ for sin/ for now those Lords and Gentility/ which formerly in high degree did use great Tyranny over their subjects the same are now despised of them/ for in the Cities they are not suffered/ neither dare they come by their Subject's/ of whom they are slain. And in the Satser Craits are gathered together some certain 1000 of Countrymen more/ they think to defend themselves by force/ if they had but a Gouvernour: and that the King/ who having the chief Privileges and juwels with him/ gathering his forces again very strongly/ hath advertised them that hence forth they should be free: therefore will they assemble many 1000 unto them. And although some Counties in Bohemia have given themselves under the Emperor's Comisioner van Walsteen/ some being constrained there unto by force/ others through thretenning: as some few days agone are arrived here the Emperor's Comisioners/ and have propounded/ that this City and County should come to the City Laun/ and give themselves under subjection/ if not/ they would persecute us with fire and sword: but they have gotten but a slight answer. We hope to defend ourselves better than the other Bohemish Counties have done. In the mean while is Taus/ Mies/ Tacha/ and other Cities/ strongly beset with the Emperors or Beyers Garisson. The said Comisioners have enterprised to establish Mas-priests in certain places/ thereupon the Subjects are very disquieted/ and grieved/ therefore the Garissons are in great danger. The Governor of Taus hath persuaded the Lord of Illa (who is Evangelist) from such a Reformation/ exorting him not to Reform the foresaid Commission of the Emperor/ but to punish the disobedient calling to mind the issue of the like former Compulsions. The wars will first rightly begin against the Spring: And there might arise a general tumult/ for there hath been an uproer in the old City of prague against the Sedition of the Soldiers/ what the issue will be/ time can reveal. From Weenen, the 28. of November. Concerning the victorious holding of the field by Praghe/ and the obtaining of the same (as is confirmed by Sundry Posts) is held a stately Profession/ by the which the Emperor himself was present: the Cardinale of Diederichsten made a Sermon of thanksgiving/ after the which all the ornance upon the Walls were shot of 3 several times/ in like manner discharged all the Muskets. The Moravians which were guarnished in these Lands/ do fly from the same/ and do daily more/ and more/ retire towards their own Country with speed/ having burnt the Fortress called Diricks-Church/ leaving afterwards Wolckers' dorf/ and Greytsen-townes/ both Cities and Castle: except one Moravish Guarnisson which lie in the Castle of Greytsenstone/ the which are well provided with Wine Meal/ and other provision/ but our men have environed the same/ intending to scale the same. The Earl of Thurne is in Moravia/ assembleth many men/ and it seemeth that he will take his course towards Bohemia/ with many thou sands of Turks/ with the which (and other more as it is thought) he will take in hand some enterprise. Bethlem Gabor is removed from Presburgh/ to Thirna/ taking with him a great somme of Mony. The Emperor's guard/ and the like appertaining unto him/ be commanded to keep themselves in a readiness/ it is deemed that the Emperor will in short time remove from hence/ but is unknowe whether: Some think towards Lints/ or Passow/ other mean towards prague/ unto which place the Elector of Saxen/ and the Duke of Beyeren would repair/ what theyre intent is/ is as yet unknown. The speech is/ that Bethlem Gabor would come hitherward to Weenen with a great Army/ to which end the Emperor hath sent for the Earl of Buequoy/ and most of his forces: in the mean time/ the Moravians assemble their forces together: also have the Gentry of Sleasia cited man/ for man/ to be in a readiness. From Heydelberg, the 6. of December. The King of Bohemia is yet at Breslaw/ where his Majesty/ with the Princes and Stands have sitten in Counsel many days: So that there will be a great Army gathered again. Also there are many thousand Hungarians assembled in Moravia/ unto which place the Dispersed forces of Bohemia do repair very strongly/ and many pieces of Ornance are brought from Vlinits Zuam and Brin unto them. The speech is/ that the King will prepare two Armies: Employing the one in Bohemia/ and the other in high Austria and Beyerland: in low Austria is great fear/ because the Moravians make great spoil/ therefore they call op their people man for man. It is expected that there will be Treves made in this quarter/ by means of the Lord elector of Ments/ and the Land-grave/ or Earl of Darmstadt. The Bishop of Spiers doth fortify the town Idenheym very strongly/ so that he hath brou●… the same into a resonnable defence: and hath ca●…sed 17. pieces of Ornance to be brought upo●… the new made work. From Worms the 8. hereof. Our Army is divided unto the places o●… their Winter abode: the Marquis Spinola hat●… take the Castle of Cruytsnach for his abode/ having by him the most part of the Footmen: his Horsemen have their place at Hontsruck: Altze●… is inguarnished with 2000 foot/ and some fe●… Horsemen: in which place/ as also at Oppenheyn●… his Men die very sore. The Marquis Spinola hath advertised th●… Rulers of the Villadges round about/ that the●… should remember their duties/ and help (as others do) to bear the charge of War: if not/ he would visit them by force: His Soldiers imboulden themselves to go upon frie-bute eve●… unto Worms/ take the Carriers their Horses out of the carts: It is also thought that Spinola●… should have had an assault upon Franckendale/ and Deutesheym/ the which perhaps migh●… fail. Last Saturday have the United Princes holden Counsel at Manheym: unto which place divers Carpendors are assembled/ waiting for their employment/ which as yet is unknown: In the mean time there is great harm done in the Bergstraten/ 50. Spanish Horsemen plondered a Village by Darmestat/ and carried some of the Vnited-Princes-men captive unto Oppenheym: the which the Horsemen of the Marcgrave do seek to revenge/ who are ridden out very strongly. From Ceulen the 12 December. Letters from Praghe mention/ that the Citizens there are commanded to bring their Weapons upon the Town-house/ and there to give op their names: The houses of some that are fled and others/ be confiscated/ and made prize of. In thee mean time dearth doth increase/ the while there is no Provision at hand/ and through the great danger can none be brought unto them: so that the Citizens are in a very sober case. It is said that the Earl of Mansvelt hath not (as yet) given open the City Pilsen: but that they are in parley with him about the same. Tidings is/ that Prince Henry Frerick of Nassaw is retiring homewards unto the low Countries/ having (with his Horsemen) passed the Land of Hessen/ and the Bishopdom of Paterborn: being at present in the Stift of Munster. Imprinted at Amsterdam by George Veseler, Ao. 1620. The 23 of December. And are to be sold by Petrus Keerius, dwelling in the Calverstreete, in the uncertain time.