An approved Antidote or cordial Medicine, that by Gods favour cureth the pestilential fever, or Plague, with other contagious Agues or fevers, beginning either hot or could, and that once taking, or at the most at twice, and hath no taste nor smell: and the quantity at one time to be taken is but 8 grains, And the virtue therof, will not decay in 40 yeares, and it is to be used as followeth. The manner of taking this Antidote. IMprimis, Whether the Ague or fever begin hot or could, let Him or Her that taketh it, take it when they are in bed; it being half an hour or more before the expected fit. But if the Ague or fever be continual; give it any time, and let him be inclined to sweat. Item, It is best to be mixed with a little Mithridate treacle or some Conserve, or in the pap of an Apple, for that it is a Powder small in quantity, and cannot well be received alone, otherwise it needs no helper, and being taken in, shortly after let the Patient take a reasonable full draft of an ordinary Posset well warm and lying still on the one side, being warm covered Head and all, leaving sufficient place for breathing, sweat gently, not forcibly, with some abatement of his covering( after he beginneth to Sweat) and the room kept warm, and if he can so continue it for 3 or 4 houres( it were best so) or as long as he can well endure, and ever if he thirst give him posset drink, and when he hath performed due sweeting, let him bee dried, shifted, and clothes put on, and let him take some light refreshing of Broth, or the like, and if he before or after his sweeting bee much bound in his Belly, he may take an ordinary Suppositary onely to move one stool and no more. For Purging is dangerous in the cure of the Plague: and Sweat provoking Medicines are more safe, and the Disease itself explains no less. second Hippocrat. lib. 21. Aphor. 1. Quò natura vergit ad loca conferentia, eo ducere oportet. For in the Plague Nature forceth out her contagious enemy in Botches, blains, &c. by the Pores of the Ski●ne; so that by the true Rule of Art, the Artist being Natures Minister, is to assist and help her in her weakness, for the expelling of her enemy, by her preordained way, namely, by sweeting, and not by Purging. All such as take this Antidote before the Disease have overmuch weakened them, they may safely go about their affairs, the Day following without fear or danger, being carefully temperate: and if they had any appearance of Botches, blains or Carbuncles, they will decline and go away of themselves, without further help. But nevertheless he may take a second like Sweat safely. Also if the Patient have any running Sores, and be much weakened, yet by taking this Antidote he shall so sweat out the venom and infectious Poison, as that his Sores will not onely easily be healed, but the Patient will quickly recover perfect health. A Child about 8 yeares may take 5 grains, one about 16 yeeres may well take 6. and one of 20 yeeres or upwards 8 grains: and a Woman the like, although with child, if shee have the Plague; and so all sorts of Persons as aforesaid may take the like quantity in contagious fevers or Agues, hot or could, although the Agues or fevers have been of coninuance, for if the first Sweat help not, the second( God willing) will. This Antidote provoketh no vomit, stools, nor any other Accidents, but by a hidden special faculty( no doubt from above) helpeth Nature; utterly to vanquish her dreadful enemy the Plague. From the which God of his Great mercy protect us.