AT the Sign of the Moon and Stars in Leopard's Court in Baldwins-Gardens near Holbern, Lives a Gentleman, who by the benefit of a learned Education in the University of Louvain, daily study and 30 Years practise and Travels, has arrived to a greater Perfection in several Arts than the common Practitioners in physic and Astrology can justly pretend to. And were it not to prevent you from being imposed on by ignorant Pretenders he would never have appeared in Print. To strangers that cannot speak English he speaks Latin or French. ☞ Those that can procure the time of their birth are desired to bring it with them, because some Questions are best answered and some diseases best discovered by the Party's Nativity. He tells what Good or Ill shall befall you, and when, whether Rich or Poor, and by what means? When a change shall happen? What Part is best to live in? If an absent party be dead or Alive? Shall you recover Goods or Money lent or due? If good to travail? Good to remove or not? In law suits who shall gain the better? A woman with Child or not? Lodgers or servants honest or not? If mary, and when, and how oft, and what sort of person? Courtship or Friendship real or not? If overcome your enemies or not? Shall you obtain the Office or place desired or not? Or when get a place? What Trade is best to follow? Whether ones imprisonment, misfortunes, or distempers shall be long or short? He tells the Cause of your distemper and whether one sick shall recover or not. He interprets any dream, and honestly answers all other lawful Questions. {inverted⁂} He Calculates Nativities most exactly and at reasonable Rates, discovering thereby all the great Accidents and Changes of the Nati- Life- ☞ If you bring or sand your own Birth, or the Birth of any other Person, the tells you without asking any Questions, what hath happened as well as what Will happen, to you or them. Persons of Quality that have not a mind to come, may sand their Births, and have any Question answered. He tells whether any Child shall live or die. † If you be any ways afflicted or troubled in Mind by any means whatsoever, he tells you the best way to overcome those Afflictions or Troubles. ☞ He fells the famous scots Pills which are a most safe, effectual, and easy purge, eminent for curing the Scurvy& dropsy, and are excellent after hard drinking and surfeits. They open Obstructions, and are incomparable for the Green-Sickness, and other Distempers in Women, they neither gripe, nor makes the Party Sick. They are excellent in most Distempers where gentle Purging is required Price 1 s. the Box. His wife sells excellent beautifying Washes at 1s. the Bottle and has Proper Remedies for several diseases incident to the female sex. His cephalic powder is a present Remedy for all Diseases of the Head, proceeding from colds or any excess of Humours, price 6 d. a paper. 'tis to be taken up the Nose: one paper generally cures any Pain, could or humour in the head, and cures or prevents many Dismal Distempers, 〈◇〉 the apoplexy, Megrim, headache, Lethargy, heaviness, Deafness, Obstructions, Stopage in the Head, &c. as also cataracts or suffusions, and any Rheum fallen into the Eyes. It has cured many other Distempers of the Eyes by carrying off the offending Humour thro' the nose, which it performs without danger. ☞ He gives Advice, and for any Disease sells wholesome Medicines at very reasonable Rates. Particularly he cures Vapours, the Green sickness, and most other Diseases incident to Women, without such nautious physic as others force upon them. He has also a pleasant Remedy for the Worms. Would you your Minds free from each labouring Doubt, The future State of your Disease find out? The WHEN and HOW of things to come explore, Shall you grow Rich( or God forbid!) be Poor? Are you fallen Sick, or grievous Pains endure? He'll tell the Best and Speedi'st way of Cure. If good to mary, if the charming Soul That wounds your Heart, will ever make it whole. Ask but the Dr. you shall truly know What in each thing the ruling Stars will do. This is the same Doctor that lived in Globe-Court, and after that in Hanging-Sword-Court in Fleet-Street. When you are in Baldwins-Gardens, that you may not mistake, ask for Leopard's-Court and there at the Sign of the Moon and Stars you will find the Louvain Doctor from 8 in the Morning till 7 at Night. As you pass by the End of Leopard's-Court you may see the Sign of the Moon and Stars, which pray observe, least you mistake; for there are several Pretenders; therefore keep this Bill. Baldwins-Gardens are near Holborn.