AT the SIGN of the Wheat-Sheaf in Bedford-Berry,( near Covent-Garden) up one pair of Stairs, the back-door coming into Deans-Alley, being very private, Liveth a physician, who has a Method that Cures the French Disease in a more easy way than can be expected, but by those that have tried it, although of several Years standing; and does not doubt under God but to do it in a short time, to their great satisfaction; and although they are broken out all over their Body in Blotches, and so full of Pains that they cannot rest night or day, he doubts not but to Cure such. And for those that have lately been in the Garden of Venus, and have got a Clap or Running of the Reins, I promise to Cure in six or eight days without hindrance of business. My Hours are from Seven in the Morning till Ten at Night.