The True SPIRITS of SCURVEY-GRASS Both PLAIN and GOLDEN, With their Respective virtues. Faithfully Prepared only by the first Author ROB. BATEMAN. OBserving divers years since how General a Disease the scurvy was become; and considering for an apt Remedy, I pitched my thoughts on that Herb, which from it, virtues in that Case is called Scurvey-Grass; but both Reason and Experience soon convinced me, That although the same duly Prepared, contain a most Excellent Medicine, yet the Vulgar indiscreet manner of using it, was not only little advantageous, but oft times prejudicial; for the common Scurvey-Grass-Ale, Beer, or Juice, leaves a could, Earthy, undigested slime behind it on the Stomach: As if you let a quart of it but stand twelve hours, you may perceive; for in the bottom you shall find such an h●a●y, Greenish, Slimy Settling, which taken into the Body must needs be harmful, and lay a too sure Foundation for most desperate Distempers. Not to mention their putting Jallop and Scamony into such Drinks, two Drugs, which uncorrected, are so powerful to open and Gripe the Body, that many have thereby taken violent Colds, which thickening the aforesaid slimy phlegmatic matter, tedious fevers, Gripings in the Stomach and Guts, sh●rtness of Breath, d●c●y of Appetite and Digestion, deep Consumptions, &c. have followed, and their former years pretended physic, proved the real cause of many succeeding years grievous Languishment. To prevent these apparent mischiefs, I diligently and faithfully fell to work, to prepare the Spirits of this Noble Herb. Which being separated from those gross Impurities, and wrought up by Art to their highest Perfection, for essisting Nature, and Answering the intents of Healing, I found them to be most Effectual remedies, not only for the scurvy and all its symptoms; but also against the dropsy, and several other Diseases. And having in my particular observation long Experienced such their Incomparable Effects, I was induced for a General Good about four years ago, First, to Publish and Recommend the same to the World; whereby great Numbers of either Sex have to their exceeding comfort found relief and Cure; and that even when all other means failed, and proved ineffectual. By which means ●ny said Spirits becoming deservedly Famous throughout the three Nations, several Whisting Upstarts have since presumed to Counterfeit them, and deceive the unwary, whose Fraud and Boldness I have in ●ormer Papers detected, and hope( if we may hope for any Modesty in such Graceless Animals) they will be Ashamed for the future to Abuse the World; or at least that People so fairly forewarned, will grow wiser then to be Abused by them. However finding their Counterfeiting designs frustrated. There is of late a certain Elixir-monger, or chemical Piece-Broker, who amongst the rest of his Small wears and Slip-Slops that he wants Money for, pretends to fell the Elixir of Horse-Radish; which he would persuade People, Exceeds the Spirit of Scurvey-Grass, &c. But the Reader must Note, that he has only this Mercenary Hucksters word for it, and that the Persons Name that prepares it is Concealed, as being probably ashamed to own either his work or the Impudence of that Assertion, as well he may, since 'tis known that that Churlish Plant has been long repudiated by the most Judicious and Wary Physitians, as too violent in its operation; Nor will this Blustering Incognito with a few hard words and noise of Essential, Seminal, Bals●●ick Crasis of Vegetables of U●ity in the Concrete, and the like Conjuring bumbastian C 〈…〉 ●●om the musty leaves of Paracelsus, be able to Charm the Discreet so far as to make them sacrifice th● Health or Lives to his Avarice and Ignorance. But— Quid opus est Verbis?— Spectemur Agendo. The Excellency of these my truly prepared Spirits of Scurvey-Grass, their Gentleness, and yet worderful Efficacy in operation, and their Remarkable Success in the scurvy, dropsy, and other general Diseases are so sufficiently known, as neither Envy can Conceal, nor Impudence deny. And therefore having in former papers published several authentic Testimonials of their admired Effects, need not here Repeat them, nor insert many others which are daily sent to me from divers parts with thanks and blessings to God for the discovery of so happy a Remedy of Scurvey-Grass. The Plain Spirit of Scurvey-Grass works by Urine, and in many Cases is sufficient; but where the Bowels are foul, and there is need of Purging, it may be convenient to use my Golden Spirit which works by Stool, but without Violence, gripping, or binding the Body afterwards, being most properly called Golden, not only in respect of its delightful Colour, but also for its Sovereign virtues, excelling all the common Pills, Elixirs and Devices, which many now adays boast of, as much as that precious Oar does led, and other viler Minerals; there not being a more Noble or Gallant Medicine extant especially if witha● we consider its Cheapness too, whereby the Poor are furnished with four or five, as safe and Effectual Purges as any in the World, for one shilling. These true Spirits are Approved to be singular Remedies, beyond any yet known, against the scurvy, dropsy, ston, Wind colic, gripping in the Guts, Gravel in the Kidneys, Green Sickness, all Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, worms, Cankers, the Mouth-Scurvey, Hypochondraick Melancholy and Agues, &c. They mightily procure a good Appetite, help Digestion, are great Preventives of Consumptions, and most excellent Anti-Scorbutick Medicines for Sea-faring Persons, and those that inhabit in foreign Plantations, for they retain their goodness and virtues at Sea as well as Land, and continue the same in diversity of Climates; nay, are so far from Corrupting, that they preserve those bodies who often take of them, and deliver them from all putrid matter, which Causes a multitude of Diseases. Price 1 s. each bottle. My true Spirits, both Golden and Plain, are only to be had at these Places following, with Printed Directions for the Use of them; The bottles are sealed with my Coat of arms, the Half-Moon and ermines, to prevent Counterfeits. At Mr. Dorman Newman at the Kings arms in the poultry, Mr. Parker at the Leg and Star, Cornhill, against the Royal Exchange, Mr. Hindmarsh at the black Bull in Cornhill, over against the Royal Exchange, Mr. Thornton at the sun-dial, Minories, Mr. Fisher on Great Tower-hill, Mr. Lacey at the Golden Lion near the Kings Head Inn, Southwark, Mr. Rich. Northco● next Peters Alley in Cornhill, and at his shop at the An●hor and Marrin●r on New Fish-street Hill, near London-bridge, Mr. Hope at the North-Entrance into the Royal Exchange, Mr. Parkhurst's shop on London-bridge by the Gate, Mr. Mortlock at the Phoenix in St. Pauls Church-yard, and at his shop at the white Hart in Westminster Hall, Mr. B●ttersby at Thavie's Inn Gate in Holbourn, Mr. Place at Furnivals Inn Gate, Mr. Dring at the Harrow the corner of Chancery lane against the Temple Gate, Mr. Magnus at the post-house in Russel street, Covent Garden, Mr. Lowndes against exeter house in the strand, Mr. Ledsum at the post-house in the strand over against Northumberland house, Mr. Charl●s Passenger at the seven stars on London bridge, Mr. Rycroft in Leaden hall street, the corner of Grace-Church street. All Booksellers and Stationers. And at Mr. Nest's shop at Westmi●st●r-Hall door, Mr. Adams a Cheesemonger at the Frying pan in clear market, Mr. Cossins a Grocer at the three sugar-loaves in Newgate market, Mr. Scot Haberdasher at the Hat and Gun without B●shops gate, Mrs. Holmes at the Plow in shoreditch, Mr. A●kinson Teacher of the Mathemati●●● at Cherry Garden stairs in Redr●ff, Mr. Fage Grocer at the sugar-loaf in St. James's market, M 〈…〉 wson Grocer in Dorset street in Spittle-Fields. And at my own House in 〈…〉 ●hain near Doctors Commons.