Cupids wanton wil●ss: OR, The young mans friendly advice, beware lest Cupid you entice: Although God Cupid he be blind, yet he doth oft ore come the mind. To the tune of, Shee cannot keep her, &c. depiction of woman with hand outstretched to man BLind-fold Cupid with his Dart, did a long time strive to hit me, Yet he shall not pierce my heart, I know better how to fit me, His decree shall not be any way to my disparriage: I will strive how to thrive, And to keep myself from marriage. Cupids sleights and cunning tricks never in relapse shall bring me, To be drowned in loves pits, no aspiring boy shall sting me. he's a fool in loves school, and mere simplo in his carriage, That will dally and say shall I Now incline to wanton marriage. Cupid is a subtle wile, and hath many projects used, The ripest wits for to beguile, many are by him abused: Let no man trust him then, lest he do their states disparriage, I advice you to be wise, And keep yourselves from wanton marriage. To speak of Cupid to the matter. I intend as it time gives leisure: He will cog deceive and flatter, if you in his ways take pleasure. He will make you to take such strange courses in your carriage: Which will be your misery, If you incline to wanton marriage. Cupid is become a Gallant, and will tempt a brave young Shaver, On fond love to spend his talent, and besides a false deceiver: He is when foolish men doth intend to change their carriage, For we see often he Crosses young men in their marriage. The stoutest Champion Cupid dan●eth, and doth bring the boldest under: The meanest man he then advanceth, and to fill us more with wonder, He can move Maids to love, though nere so modest in their carriage, And will vex Female sex, To bestow themselves in marriage. The second part, To the same tune: depiction of man doffing cap to woman NOble Lords Kings and Princes, Cupid bound in his subjection, beauteous Ladies he convinces, they must yield to his direction: He will still use his skill, though it breeds a great disparridge, Therefore I till I die mean to keep myself from marriage. Guy of warwick brave and bold traveld far to gain his Philice: Cupid kept his heart in hold, Hector though he met Achilles, Cupid prest with the rest, this stout captain in his carrydge, Thus he can force each man To bestow himself in marriage. Some Cupid takes at unawares in the bed where they lie sleeping, Some he catcheth in his snares, as they on downs their flocks are feeding Every sort, clown and Court, stoops to Cupid in his carrydg, No delay can him stay, If he appoint the time of marriage. High and low poor and rich men, strong, the weak, the simplo creature: If Cupids arrows do but twitch them, and they bridle not his nature, It will grow great in show, therefore I wish men in carrydge, To prevent his torment, And look before they leap to marriage▪ If thou art old be more wiser, let no blind God so deceive thee: learn this Emblem● of a Siser, lest Cupid do of joys bereave thee. If thou béest young do not wrong thine own state in such a carrydge: Have a care and beware Lest thou repent thy hasty marridge. Now to finish and conclude, I exhort all that are single, In your choosing be not rude, when you do with Hymen mingle. Liberty as we see, is a life of lovely carrydge, Therefore I till I die Will absent myself from marriage▪ FINIS. Printed at London for John Wright the Younger, dwelling in the Old-Bayley. L.P.