royal arms of England, circa 1675 HONI· SO●●· 〈◇〉· MAL· Y· PENSE dieu· ET· MON DROIT. By the King. A PROCLAMATION Relating to the Articles concluded between His MAJESTY, and the Government of Algiers. CHARLES R. WHereas by the late Articles of Peace concluded between His Majesty, and the Government of Algiers, His Majesty out of His Royal Care of the Persons and Estates of His Subjects, did agree and provide, That none of His Subjects employed or trading in any English Ship or Vessel, should for the future be taken and sold as Slaves, or his or their Goods made prise by any of the Subjects of the said Government of Algiers; And also, that any of His Majesties Subjects going in Foreign Ships, as Passengers onely, and having authentic Passports testifying the same, should have the like freedom for their Persons and Goods aboard such Foreign Ships: And whereas His Majesty is informed, that divers of His Subjects, contrary to the effect and true meaning of the said Treaty, do take upon them to colour and conceal the Ships of Foreigners, with whom the said Government of Algier is in War, and to that end do either wholly Navigate the Ships of such Foreigners, or otherwise serve in the same as Mariners or Souldiers: Which way of proceeding, as it doth for the present administer just cause of Complaint from the said Government of Algier, so will it in a short time( if not prevented) endanger the Security intended by the said Articles for the Ships, Persons and Estates of His Majesties Subjects: His Majesty doth therefore by this His Royal Proclamation, strictly forbid all His Subjects, that they do not for the future Navigate the Ships or Vessels of any Foreigners in War with the said Government, nor presume to serve in the same either as Mariners or Souldiers. And His Majesty doth hereby further Declare, That if any Offenders contrary to this His Royal Proclamation, shall be taken, His Majesty will not require any release of their Persons or Estates from the said Government of Algier; but that they must expect to be excluded( as they were intended) out of the benefit of the said Articles; His Majesty also strictly charging such persons as shall hereafter go as Passengers in Foreign Ships or Vessels, to take care that they have Passports with them, signed by His Majesties proper Ministers in England, or His Ministers or Consuls abroad, expressing the Names of their Persons, and the Contents and Qualities of their Goods, at their perils. Given at Our Court at Whitehall, this Two and twentieth day of December 1675. in the Seven and twentieth year of Our Reign. God save the King. LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill, and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1675.