royal arms of England, circa 1663 ●●NI· SOIT· ●VI· MAL· Y ●ENSE· D●●V· ET MON· DROIT By the King. A PROCLAMATION Requiring all Officers or Souldiers that served in the Armies of any the late Usurped Powers, and have been Disbanded, Cashiered or Turned out, to depart the Cities of London and Westminster before the last day of this instant March. CHARLES R. THe Kings most Excellent Majesty, for prevention of ill Consequences which may ensue by the frequent resort and abode of Discontented Officers and Souldiers of the late Army, in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, the Suburbs thereof, and places adjacent, hath thought fit( by and with the Advice of His Privy Council) to Publish and Declare, and doth by this His Royal Proclamation Publish and Declare, and also straitly Charge and Command, That all and every person and persons, being heretofore an Officer or soldier serving in any the Armies of the late usurped Powers, and have been Disbanded, Cashiered, or turned out of the same,( who are not under Imprisonment, or other Legal Restraint, or have not their constant Habitations and Families within the Cities of London and Westminster, or the Suburbs thereof, or who cannot procure or obtain a Licence from His Majesty, the Lord General, or one of His Majesties Principal Secretaries of State, or any Three or more of His Privy Council in that behalf) do on or before the last day of this instant March, depart out of the said Cities of London and Westminster, and the Liberties and Suburbs thereof, and not return again, or come within Twenty Miles of the same Cities of London and Westminster, or either of them, until after the last day of September next ensuing: And that they or any of them do not, or shall not in the mean time wear, use, carry, or ride with any Sword, Pistol, or other Arms or Weapons. And herein His Majesty doth expect from all persons concerned, a due and punctual submission and conformity, at their perils, and upon pain of His high Displeasure: Willing and hereby Commanding the Lieutenants, Deputy-Lieutenants, Iustices of the Peace, Constables, and other Officers and Ministers of and in the several Counties, Castles and Places of this Kingdom, and Dominion of Wales, to apprehended and seize the persons, and take away the Arms and Weapons of all such as shall be found faulty, or Offenders in or contrary to the purport, true intent and meaning of this His Majesties Royal Proclamation, and them to sand to the Goal of the City or County where they are apprehended, sending the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council a Note of their Names, and of their particular Offences, that so they may be proceeded against for their Contempts, according to Iustice. Given at Our Court at Whitehall the 25th day of March, 1663/ 4. in the Sixteenth year of Our Reign. God save the King. LONDON: Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1663/ 4.