C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon surmounted by a crown BY THE KING CHARLES By the Grace of God, King of Great britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith; To all and sundry his Lieges and Subjects, greeting. Whereas the Lord hath been pleased in his gracious goodness and tender mercy, to discover unto his majesty the great evil of the ways wherein he hath been formerly lead by wicked counsel, and hath so far blessed the endeavours of this Kirk and kingdom, as his majesty hath now sworn and subscribed the Solemn League and Covenant, and given satisfaction to their desires: And whereas his majesty is most willing and desirous to grant the Propositions of both Kingdoms presented to his royal Father at New-Castle, and Hampton-Court, with such alterations and additions as shall be thought necessary for the good of King and Kingdoms, and to give such farther satisfaction to his people of England, as shall be desired by his two Houses of the Parliament of England, sitting in Freedom. And forasmuch as an Army from he Sectarian party in England, under the Command of L. G. cronwell, after all the evil and wickedness committed in England, in murdering his Majesties royal Father, using force against the two Houses of Parliament, and oppressing their fellow Subiects in England and Ireland, hath now also invaded this Kingdom, contrary to the solemn League and Covenant, and the Treaty betwixt the kingdoms, wherein his majesty is persuaded, that many of the Officers and Souldiers of the said Army have been misled through the craft and subtlety of others, who have contrived and designed the subversion of all Government, Civill and ecclesiastical in all the three Kingdoms, and to subject all persons to their Tyrannicall usurpation and domination. Therefore his majesty from the pious and tender care he hath to reclaim his Subiects from such unlawful and rebellious courses, doth hereby offer a free Pardon and Indemnity to all Officers and Souldiers of the said English Army now within this Kingdom, for any thing done, or acted by them against his Majesty and his Royal Father, during these troubles, who shal immediately upon sight of this his Majesties gracious offer leave that Army, and come over to the Scottish Army, where they shal be courteously used and entertained; Provided always that this his majesties offer shal not be understood to comprehend any person or persons, who after the said force used against the Houses of Parliament, having satin in the pretended House of Commons, or in any other Court, pretending power from them, did vote the taking away of his majesties royal fathers life; Given at our Castle of Sterling, the 27. of July. And of our Reign, the Second year, 1650.