C R dieu ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon surmounted by a crown and flanked by the English lion and Tudor rose on one side and the Scottish unicorn and thistle on the other Nothing without God: Performed by John Choke,( approved Physician; and farther, privileged by his Majesty); or, in his absence, by Clement Blewton and John Bemston, Students in physic. ELixir Capitalis totius mundi; vel Nepenthe Authoritica; or, the only Elixir in the World, for the thorow-Cure of the GOUT, dropsy, Agues of all sorts, as Tertian, Quartan, and Quotidian; the ston, Falling-Sickness, scurvy, colic; pleurisy without Bleeding: All these Diseases we Cure Infallibly( by the Assistance of God) in a very short time, taking away the Cause in such a manner, as that the Patient may never doubt of a Relapse into the same Distemper. I am sensible that the Vulgar will not admit that there is any Cure for the GOUT: neither have they Reason, seeing there have been so many Pretenders which come short. It is an Arcane which I had in Germany, from the Famous and most Learned Baptista Van-Helmont, of worthy Memory( whose Daughter I Wedded) and whose Praescripts most Physicians follow. This Elixir extracts from all parts of the Patient's body, those crude and viscous humours, which are the occasion of the GOUT in general, as Arthritis; or in particular, as either Chiragra, Genogra, Sciatica, or Podagra. If there be any amongst you, willing to be freed from that Malignant distemper,( by the assistance of God) you shall receive a perfect Cure in very few days; first, by applying a Balm, being an External topic, or Application, which gives ease to the violency of the Gout-pains in two hours, to the satisfaction and ease of the Patient, and admiration of Spectators; thwarthing that opinionated falsity Nodosam nescit medicina curare podagram. I am not yet thoroughly resolved, whether to come down, or not; but, in the mean time, have thought fit to sand down Mr. Clement Blewton, and Mr. John Bemston, Students in physic, whom I have instructed in my way of practise,& do make use of my Medicines. Thomas Odored, Esq. Deceased( was also of my instructing) who was so Famous in Curing the GOUT, and many other Distempers chronic; unto whom his Majesty recommended a Patient of the Falling-Sickness, adding, that he was persuaded he could Cure him, and there followed an admirable Cure in one days Administration of Medicines: Of this, and several other miraculous Cures, there is a Book in Print, which is no idle Pamphlet, but Dedicated to the most Reverend Father in God, Gilbert, by Divine Providence, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. He used no other Medicines but what I taught him in chemistry. I could treat particularly of each Disease, and its symptoms, but am unwilling to burden the Reader: We have several specifical medicines for Diseases of the Eyes, Head, stomach, jaundice, fevers, Morbum-Gallicum, Consumptions, gripping of the Guts, surfeits, Melancholy, Spleen, Rickets in Children, Green-sickness, Fits of the Mother; with all Diseases incident to Women; present ease to Tooth ache, without drawing; gonorrhea, and weakness in the back, with other Diseases curable. We have Pills, both good and cheap, for purging the blood, fortifying the body against Distempers& ill Air, restoring the Spirits of those which decline by hard-drinking and Night-watching, which occasions surfeits, Dropsies, and many other Distempers; obtains a good stomach where Appetite is lost. I could mention many more Virtues, but, for brevity, shall omit them, being you may have advice at any time; this being a good time of the year, neglect not your Health, since God hath been pleased to sand a means. It's needless to declare my Forrain-actions, and the many thousand Cures I have perfected in London. I Cured the Duke of Buckingham of an Ague, when all Physicians had left him: In a word, my Cures have been so many and wonderful, that his Majesty was pleased to sand for me, and as a mark of his Royal Pleasure, gave me his Authority to practise in any of his Dominions, without any control. We are not come for Lucre of Gain, but, our opinion of doing Good to the Poor as well as others, was not the least motive that brought us hither;& since we are come down, thought it requisite to disperse a few of these Advertisements for the particular Informations of such as esteem their Health. If you bring a true relation of the Sick person's Indisposition, or his true Water, you may have proper Medicines for the Cure; we have so much Reputation that we shall not undertake more than we can Cure: As for the Poor, such as are Relieved by the Parish, if they come in season, we shall as readily assist them for Charity, as the Rich for Money. The two Persons, aforesaid, do Administer my Medicines according to my Directions: I Live myself in the Strand, London; but you that are near this Town, need not give yourselves farther trouble, but repair to the 〈…〉 in 〈…〉 where my Friends have Medicines, and instructed to perform any Cures, as well, as though I were present, in every particular: They may be spoken with, any hour of the day 〈…〉 at the aforesaid place, where you shall find some of these Advertisements sticked up at the Door. God save the King.