New Discovery OF AN Old Intrigue: A satire LEVELLED AT Treachery and Ambition: CALCULATED To the Nativity of the Rapparee Plott, and the Modesty of the Jacobite Clergy. DESIGNED By Way of Conviction to the CXVII. PETITIONERS, and for the Benefit of those that Study the Mathematics. Unus Nobis Cunctando Restituit.— Ennius. Printed in the Year MDCXCI. PREFACE TO THE One Hundred & Seventeen. THE End of satire ought to be, exposing Falsehood, in order to Reformation. As all Warrings are Unlawful whose Aim is not Peace; so Satyrs not thus meant, are no more Satyrs but Libels. One great Character, and the Lines of which I liked as well as any, is left out here: Because the Person is Atoning, as I am told, for the past Errors of his Practice, by a future Loyalty to the Government. As for me, if I am blamed for accounting the Petition reflected on, a Branch of our New Jacobite Plott, I refer to the Letters taken with my Lord Preston: and say no more, to any whose meaning was short of that, (as I hope some were) than that they may here see and be convinced whose Tools they have been made, and whose Work they have been doing. PREFACE. For myself, Gentlemen, who I am, you must excuse me, you shall not know: Why I wrote this, I shall answer only Negatively: Not for Profit, nor make none of it I assure you; and if I thought I could work on you, I would bestow 117 upon you gratis, and lose so much for a Reformation: Not for Applause I assure you, for I shall not so much as ask How you like it: Not for Envy or Malice, for I Honour your Persons, and should be glad to see you become Englishmen again; and as I hinted above, should be so much a Friend to the Work of Conversion, as to leave out any other Character of a Reforming Brother. If no Reformation follows, I must do as Providence does, let you alone to your Own Wills, and as I never drew my Pen before, so expect no Second Item from Your Humble Servant, etc. THE INTRODUCTION. IN ancient Times when men of Worth were known, Not by their Father's Actions but their own, When Honours sacred Pile could be come at, But by the Steps to Virtue Dedicate; No purchased Fame our Panegyrics sung, Nor were our widowed Harps on Willows hung. Renown by Downright hazard was attained, And Deeds of Honour only Honour gained. Expense of Blood the Noble Theme began, And he alone who saved a Roman called a Man. No gaudy Heir which purchased Honour sat Insulting o'er the Legal Magistrate; Nor Glittering Knighthood strutting with Renown, That from the Fathers well stuffed Chest begun, By purchased Mandamus made his Own: But well Fought Victories did Fame advance, The Old tried English way of Fight France. And certain Valour certain Glory won, The honest Bait to Emulation. No tattered Hero in his Shoulder-Belt, In Age and Poverty his Bruises felt: By conquering Fortune still acknowledged Brave, Yet go Heroic Beggars to the Grave, No mangled Cavalier at Seventy Four, With Fifteen Wounds obtained at Marston-Moor, His Scars Exposed to the Unthankful Court, The Father's Champion, and the children's sport; Whose stranger Politics New Systems had, And crushed the Carcase to Exalt the Head; And so the Basis of Deceit began, The King put on by putting off the Man. And that the Royal Stratagem might take, Heroic Paths of Luxury they make: New Ways of Happiness and Life Define, And sacrifice to their almighty Wine; No Idol Pagod more Enchantments knew, Than this did first contrive, and that pursue: Nor do the Ages since Records were known, Such Standards of Refined Delusion own: In close resolved Tyrannies pursuing, By different Means That one great End, our Ruin. While Crowds of Thoughtless Mob with Changeling Praise, To their great God the King did sacrifice: Nor Hor-brained Zeal to Fiery Moloch paid Inhuman Offerings of the sacred Seed, (While hapless Mothers their own Breasts deny, To Bribe the God with their own Progeny) With greater Gust than our Addressors sold Their Liberty for Lust, for Flattery their ; With eager Violence their Charters gave, Bartering the shadow Freedom, for the substance Slave. And thus the new erected Fabric throve, And Freedom long with dying Pangs had striven, Till Fate disclosed its Restoration nigh, The Mighty Sound dispirits Tyranny, So darkest Clouds the Morning Brightness fly. But still the haughty Faction's discontent, And struggle with the Chains of Government; Restraint from Ill is Freedom to the Wise, And he that parts with that will Tyrannize. Kings but by Agents act Illegal Power; No Jailer like a licenced Prisoner. Who first his Freedom sells, receives in Pay Licence to tyrannize some other way. He paid for this who first Indulged their Heat, Whose Guile by pious Fraud they first defeat; Men work for others, but for Themselves they cheat. For when they found Their darling lust Ambition he restrained, That Nero would be Nero by Himself, That He Engrossed the Power and eke the Pelf; That all their Recompenses were Delays, Or such as Tyrants, always Traitors Pays; Then their Engaged assistance they withdrew, And with their Lives New Fortunes they pursue. So Greedy Traitors when their Hopes decline, Do then their Benefactors undermine; So Wolves when barren Wastes afford no Prey, Will one another brutishly destroy. A satire, etc. OF Modern Fame which hourly Pacquets bring, And actions born of Yesterday, I sing: No Errand Knights, but Errand Knaves I quote, With Precedents enough, and none remote. No Foreign Lists our Catalogue supplies, Some of our Own the French have took as Prize; We scorn Reprisals, Knaves of Foreign growth Are Contraband: Besides, the Prohibition bars the Trade, And none but Knaves of English Stamp are made; And Faith the stock is so improved for sale, The Manufacture is not like to fail. No Parallels from Hebrew times I take, And leave the Jingling Simile to speak; Who faithful Balm to England's Wounds applies, The Danger shows before the Remedies: Some Harmony with Hebrew Times may be, In some things differ, and in some agree. The chiming Parallel runs counter more, On all the different steps than is agreed before. The sacred Tribes with Heaven itself convened, And thundering sounds the dreadful Law rehearsed; Immediate Dictates their Records began, Carried by Voice, and constant Vision on; Humane Debates obeyed the heavenly Mode, And all their Statutes were the Laws of God; Long Names and Pedigrees did only tell, The Hero was the seed of Israel: For different Tribes no different Honour gave, But only Marked the Hebrew from the slave; By Jus Divinum of the Heavenly Call, The son of Jesse, not the son of Said, The Regal Dignity at Hebron took, And all the Tribes the Royal Line forsaken. The sacred Oil was now as loud a Call, As when their Teams were threatened by King Saul: No Levite durst in canting phrase descent, Nor levy War with dint of Argument: Nor did with David any Priest abide, Whose Dormant Faith attended for the strongest side: Even Samuel a due Obedience paid Unto the Monarch he himself had made; Proportioned Grandeur for himself declined, To his proper work the Ark, and Sacrifice confined: No Titles raised, nor Haughty Palace framed, But still was poor, and still was Samuel named; The Altar served, a linen Ephod wore, Was still as Meek, and Humble, as before; Retired from Court, in reverend Vests arrayed, To Israel's God, for Israel's King he prayed: Ah had the sacred Tribe his steps pursued, What Years ' of peace to Israel had ensued? How had our Flourishing Isle glad Hours enjoyed, For calmer Joys, and Nobler actions made? While their dark Councils now embroil the State, Our Feuds increase, and Vengeance antedate; And their unpractised Hands exempt from War, Do all the profits of Confusion share. Fatal their skill, too undiscerned the Fraud, While passive Zealots their Harangues applaud; Their Dictates swallow, and at Jehu's Rate, Swiftly drive on with these black Guards of State; A nameless Hydra Crowed with Janus Face, That whisper Civil Feuds, and cry for peace. Domestic Heroes, whose Dragooning Hands Seek out no Foreign Wars, while they can plunder Friends. Inspire me Jove, with thunder arm my Pen, To lash the Manners, and describe the Men. How their loved Tyrant they at first adored, And hugged the Romish Fopperies he restored; How their reciprocal Contrivance met, And Mighty Injury upheld the State: How the loud Echoing Theatre the Church, Burlesque their God, and sacred Themes debauch, Loud thanks return for th' Monster they had made; A Protestant Body with a Popish Head: With humble prayers that Christ would now permit That Antichrist should take his sacred Seat; The Body govern, and the Members keep, So Wolves protected the Unarmed Sheep. Their loud Addresses sanctify the Fraud, And his Almighty Violence applaud: Prompt him to Mischiefs with upraised Note, As Right, and Wrong, had been their own by Vote. Vowed that if ever he his Fate should try, With Life and Fortune they would all stand by, So afterwards they did at Salisbury: Nor Murmured they until Dispensing Art, Their well-beloved Ambition had cut short: But Early * The Carlisle Address. Thanks for standing Armies gave, And shouted home the glorious Charter Slave: With Mushroom Joy themselves Themselves deceived, And thank their God for what they ne'er † Pr. of Wales. Believed. Triumphant Flames in Hypocritick Scorn, A second time do London's * Fireworks. Trophies Burn, While Injured Heaven does Flash for Flash return. Yet these the same who when his Fame decreased, And all his borrowed Glories Overcast; Are found Caballing, and in short Debate, Quitting his Fortunes to avoid his Fate. Nassovian Justice Tyranny suppressed, The wearied Land for some few days had rest; Ah few they were indeed, but very few, Till Discontent our former Feuds renew; And did King Jesus Reign they'd murmur too. Some smaller aids to our new Joys they lent, And feigned to smile when they could not prevent But balked of Lawless power as once to Reign, At their own awkward Jest they first repine; At Government with passive Fury rail, And their forsaken Idol now bewail: His hopeful Voyage to Irish Bogs they sing, And his Almighty thousands hither bring: From Month to Month his Numerous Hosts they show, How oft has England been Invaded so! Of his great Deeds they threatened, and of their own, And talked of Fights, but always talked at Home. So Great D— s the Royal Fortress manned, How oft he swore, how oft the Prince he Damned: With many a Battering Curse, and many a Gun; Still as he run he cursed, and as he cursed he run. His willing Bands with wondrous Courage broke, Nor fought he for his Monarches Cause a stroke; But fled e'er yet the distant Troops appear, Ah! had his Gild been less, so had his Fear. And now for Twins in craft observe the Men, Who early for the Princes 'Cause began: The Posse raised, and with united bands, In Fraud, and in Ambition too shaken hands; For Hostages their Noble Pledges gave, There needs no arts to keep him true that's Brave; Once with our Hate successfully they strove, Screened by their Vices, and their Master's Love; Bloated by Pride, as they had oft been told, By their own Brass, and by the Kingdom's Gold: Their early Dictates of Tyrannic Sway, When we the King, the King did them Obey, They still maintain, nor can they soon forget, To crush the Subject, and embroil the State; New fears of unborn Factions do infuse, And threadbare cries of Forty One renews. Accustomed to be Jealous even of Light, When formidable Nothings did affright; Vouch that the Votes that William's Sceptre gave, Made him a King, a Commonwealth to have. That those are fittest to direct his Rule, Who meant him that unthinking thing a Tool; Unfettered at his hazard, not their own, Would pay the Swisser off, and Reign alone: And now in closest Councils they preside, With Friend, and Foe, an equal spoil divide: With double aspect, seek their single Ends, Aiding King William with King James his Friends; To neither true, but hold the Poise at home, That both may humble Clients be to great King T—. And now the Church that sacred Vizor's on, And Rome gins to pull down Babylon: Dragooning's ceased, and Passive Laws declare, They wait to see the Issue of the War. Too well the subtle Statesman knew the Tribe, To tamper till he found the Sovereign Bribe, Too well he knew they could not long withstand A trifling Oath. De Facto now at one Distinction gained The Militant thousands of the Sacred Train, Who long with starving hopes withstood in vain. Four Golden Candlesticks compose the Van, With all their Persecution glories on. The same that in the fiery Furnace trod, For Sons o'th' Church are all the Sons of God. A fifth nor Clergy, nor the Laity own, Was Soldier, Bishop, Lord, and Puritan. Blue Cloak, or Cassock, Troop, or Convocation, And thus he tries his skill upon the Nation. In Grand Procession thus he views the Lists, His Squadron full four hundred booted Priests; The black Brigade thus for their Church appeared, And horrid cries for Abdy, Harvy, reared: With Notions scared, and their own Gild subdued, So once before they fled when none pursued; But when the terror of the Church begun, And Citts in Troops of Blew-Coat-Whiggs came on; The Martial Zealot in his Cope uprears, To the Royal Petticoats his Christian Prayers: And for Disbanding Grace made his Orisons, Which like his Grace's Repartees were wise Ones. One purchased Priest, whose pay did not miscarry, A very Priest, for very Mercenary; Conscious of his too tottering Faith, and knew That if he took but one, should perjure two; In Conscience said he'd never break them both, And swore, by God, he would not take the Oath. But now the gaudy Nicety's in vain, De Facto Swearers with De Jure join. Sworn and unsworn, one common Cause promote, And private Feuds for public good forgot; While Doctor Sherlock now the Church harangued, With that same Topick Cook had tried and hanged. The Honest Levites who are poor and few, As they may well be poor who dare be true; With words they wheedle some, with Gold as many, For Priests were always to be bought for money. Room for a Regiment of Bigott Citts, Who lately lost, and lately found their Wits; By wondrous Fate with * I don't ●…an the Lieutenancy. forfeit Favours graced, By Mighty T— m's Almighty Magic placed: View them in Arms when our invaded Coast, Some glittering hopes proposed that all was lost; How their advanced Battalion's did appear, To fight the Men appointed to come here. Sir W—m that in Martial Robes did shine, And Reason good indeed, began the Line; With many a Rank of Tory Buff and Feather, That's now Restored, and gone the Lord knows whither; To keep the Peace Precedency's did grant, And here, (if not at home) he's Commandant; Tho might he choose Commands, it would be again Ten thousand Guinea's, not ten thousand Men: Ah! Tom Papillion, 'twas a slippery trick, To bilk the Mayor, and then to Holland sneak: See now the Martial Magistrate from far, With all his dreadful Equipage of War; Three equal Halves compose his stately Mien, Half Lord, half Soldier, half a Gentleman. And three as equal Dividends make out, The gaudy styles of his Pedantic Rout. True City Champions, tumults to appease, And wished for Conventicling Trophies raise: As Tailors, Porters, Prentices, become Half drunk, half sober, and a half run home. Sir P— r next had Primitive command, Completely fixed, had but his Boots come on, A Campaign Phys, and as it came to pass, As much a Soldier, and as much an Ass: In different styles his numerous Titles ran, Was Hangman, Colonel, and Chamberlain; Synonimous to that Miraculous store, Was very Rich, and also very Poor. In later times he learned to Domineer, And now most accurately swaggers here: His Favourites now his dear bought Trophies sing, And he sues for speaking Treason like a King: Enriched with lusty Verdict from the * Suing Bellamy for words, & had two Marks Damages. Assize, Who at two Marks his overvalued Honour prize. A third, and fourth, to fill the Cavalcade, With matched battalions meet on the Parade; For equal Falsehood, equal Fate befell, This dubbed a Knight, and that a Colonel. A fifth and sixth, with many a subaltern, Went out with Fools, and just as wise return. But his Condition justly we condole, For pity is a Tribute to a Fool; Who first dismounted in the hot dispute, Went out on Horseback, and came home on Foot; The unhappy shot distinguished to a Jest, Picked out the Animal, and spared the Beast: Tho' some affirm the truth did not appear, Till he had first be— t himself for Fear; Nor with the fright did his Misfortune end, But first his brother Beast condoled, and next his Friend: So once the Woodman to the Man of God, When the lost Axe sunk in the Neighbouring Flood, Alas 'twas borrowed. And thus the Knights with City Discipline, Martched to High Park indeed to see the Queen. So once the French with Forty thousand Men, Went up the Hill, and so came down again: So once King James his Squadrons did delude-a, By storming Hounslow Heath instead of Buda: Had you the Baggage of the Host but viewed, Besides the running Campers that pursued: Had you beheld the Stores, the Magazine, The Bread, the Cheese, the Bottles, and the Wine, You would have swore it had been a Scotch Campaign; That barren Highlands their fateagues should know, Where neither they could reap, nor others sow: Or that Montross' Marches they should take, With fifty days Provision at his back. And now the Queen advances to the view, Lord! how the ready Troops in order show, No more a Figure, their now dissolved Files, And one great Throng the well fixed Line compiles; To let the Queen their Annual postures know At their more regular Figure, Lord-Mayors-Show. And now the Royal Chariot's shouted home, By that Almighty Monster Captain Tom: Whose echoing shouts when she no more can hear, Their Potgun Volleys charge Her Royal Ear; Whose regular noise, had she not known how tame, How unprepared, and how resolved they came: Some dreadful scambling combat did present, Alike confused, though different in event: And who knows what that day might have produced, By Wine and Martial Gallantry seduced; Had not the Wiser Sex their Votes denied, As to the Bag of Bullets by the side. Wisely the adventurous Wife her presence gave, To calm with Frowns, the Fop she came to save; A Whip's a proper weapon for a Slave, So once Sclavonian Masters did attack, When conquering Slaves came in Rebellion back. And thus the Royal Muster did conclude, And the Host dissolved into a multitude; Mere Mob the Matter, Army was the Form, So Bees go out a Troop, come back a Swarm. So well composed Vapours represent Ships, Armies, Battles, in the Firmament; Till steady Eyes the Exhalation solves, And all to its first matter Cloud dissolves. Mean while the Martial Terrors of the Field, The threatened whigs with just Disdain beheld; The unwieldy Monster they at once defy, And in their Monarch's Cares do Peace enjoy; Their joyful Aids to his support lay down, And thankfully his happy Influence own; Their hearty thousands his Exchequer knows, And ready Loans their Pressed Obedience shows; No false Harangues of late addressing Age, But thus their Lives and Fortunes they engage; An active Loyalty their Princess sees, To purpose shown, and in Extremities: Words are an empty Loyalty at best, And cheaply paid, Occasion is the Test; So found too late their Abdicated James, And so our Naval Management Proclaims. Nor do we Laurels to his Temples bring, Or conquering William's dear bought Triumphs sing With greater Joy, than with regret we see His Cause (for his is ours) Betrayed at Sea: So while th' accursed thing i'th' Camp remained, Were Israel's Tents with Israel's slaughters stained. Not so the Hero's our Design displays, Whose awkward Grin their treacherous Joy betrays. Ungrateful Smiles their envious hopes declare, And style the Invasion a Familiar War. Their horrid Jests on English Fears they make, And wild Delights in hoped Revenge do take: Boast of our Losses with exalted Voice, And at their countries' Infamy rejoice. With uncouth Joy the well known Story told, How an Invasions bought, and England sold; And how exact the deep Intrigue is laid, The Dutch be sacrificed, and we betrayed. 'Twas like a Priest, when of the Sacred Tribe, One in his bloated Hopes their Plots describe: Our Plot! said he, and paused, to let you know To whom your Hopes, to whom your Thanks you own, 's So deep, so well contrived, such Actors in't, The Devil perhaps may know't, but can't prevent. But when the Mob the Reverend Author took, How like his * Roger when ●ook and carried to Guild-Hall. Guide did passive Clerus look; How more confused, if Impudence can blush, When sarched for boasted Plots! The Priest, as Priests are wont, deceived the throng, And looked for * A Parson taken at Grave's Coffeehouse. Treason's proved a Bawdy Song, And thus the Victories they declared, Even before the hastening Fact appeared: Boasting their shame, and hugged themselves to find Their Israel, their own Israel flee before the Philistine: Just then when sinking Horror did surround, And present Fears our absent Hopes confound; The wondrous Trump his * Bo●ne▪ Conquest sounded o'er, So once his Aspect saved the Land before. Moment's of time the vast occasion hit, To those surprising, and to these complete: Had the great deed exactly timed by Fate, One weighty juncture slipped, it had come too late; Had he not fought, or had it not been then, Tho' he had conquered, it had been in vain. So Mighty Nassau, so did Heaven contrive, That thy Great hand should twice the Nation save. See now the Hydra-Faction of the Town, Cry Hail, and bend with awkward Couchees to the Throne; The Cause disown, and cowardly Nero curse, Not that he did no better, but no worse: Ah! were they true to their adopted Cause, There's far more danger in their Tongues than Claws. For now with fatal Industry they drive, And unto one past Plot two more contrive; Nor grudge to perish in the storm they raise, So their last fall their Country but betrays: So swift are Men to desperate Ills designed, To ill spontaneous, and in good confined. A proof the evil Principle is first, And Gild has all the Power to Will engrossed. View next the last Fateague of Newborn hope, To sink their fears, and empty Comforts prop, Exactly laid, but * The Words of the Letter to K. James, taken with Lord Preston. God knows how let drop. In suppliant Postures now to Court they go. And they who once abhorred, Petition now. Nor are the Rout of less supposed esteem, Than six score representing Persons seem: Captains of thousands, mighty Men of Valour, From silly Will, to Captain Tom the Tailor; In Mood and Figure to the House made way, To beg their Prentices a Holy day. And made a most unconscionable Prayer, That they might have no Aldermen, nor Mayor: But that the City as in ancient Troy, One General Revel-Jubilee might enjoy; That Bedlam, Newgate, Counters, and Bridewell, Might with the Common-C— i'll now Rebel; That Tower Ditches might exclude the Thames, And Royal Nassau truckle to King James: And that your poor Petitioners may be eased, And have a Mayor, or no Mayor, as they pleased; Remonstrating that what they did restore, Had more restrained them than they were before; 'Twas not their loathsome Privileges they sought, But freedom to do ill. Give them their ancient Privileges again, When they could plunder and destroy like Men: The luscious Garlic of the former Reigns, And pin not Freemen up with Posts and Chains: When threatening Bastions at the Tower begun, And Guild-Hall Gate became a Garrison. When Charters were the Test, and Kings did know What they durst ask, the Subject durst bestow: When trusty Patriots bought Mechanic sway, Begged for Illegal Orders to obey, And Compliment their Liberty's away; Whose * Pickering that begged to have his Companies Charter taken away, and delivered it with his own hand. swifter Grant his cravings did defeat, And Tyranny itself anticipate. A new Sir Will. this second March begun, And brought his Blunderbuss, but left his Gun. 'Twas thought the King bestowed his Spurs in spite, And spoilt a Captain to compose a Knight; In Whigg-Plot days have you not seen the Beau, With Martial Bagpipe to the Main Guard go; With many a Blunderbuss, and Musquetoon, Completely armed, with Cane, and Pantaloon: Equiped with his Hereditary Pride, And his Inheritance of Brains beside: Nature has wisely blazoned on his Face, The Escutcheon of his Family, an Ass: From ear to ear the Mantling does extend, Cresteed to show the Goat's the Ass' Friend; Accostomed to Command, he raised in pity This Independent Troop to serve the City: And wisely does remonstrate to the House, How much his Zeal before his Knowledge goes; And how he had improved his time at School, Was now a well accomplished Captain Fool, A weighty Blockhead, with an empty Scull. Next him Sir Ralph, in his due order stood, A very Ralph, a very piece of Wood: By art they say his Timber does excel, An artificial stroke may polish Hell: Some hid accomplishments he may contain, That do for Speculation still remain; Or to be known; when th' art to understand, Without the drudgery of speakings gained, At present if we judge by what is known, As to the species of a Fool, he 's one. Alas Tom Durfey thou hast fallen Short, And now * New Rappare●s, pag. 6. Drugestus shall excuse thee for't, For he had else come next to make us sport; With Ruby Face, and old abhorring Nose, So Copper mixed with Stone, does Brass compose. Next Cousin Will, with withered Face and Foot, In his Addressing Slippers hobbled to't, With awkward Phys, and a Petitioning Band, Recants Abhorring now, to heal the Land: With many a sigh the Danger represents, And now like Pen, the Brother Statesman cants; Had he a Linen Ephod from the Stall, On's head a neighbouring Sign, he'd be a Cardinal: Were I King James, I'd send for him to France, And to a real Hat the Tool advance. Who knows when once become His Eminence, He may be fit for an * His Blunder at the Bar of the House. Evidence; Besides some change attends him that he knows, Informed by his prognosticating Toes. Now if you'd hear some Loyal City Farce, Hear Bed— d, he'll bid you kiss his Are— Nor Sheriffs, nor Mayor, nor Common Halls excused, But his Posteriors are alike exposed: Nay, if Bow Bells for Whiggish Joys are rung, The jangling Metal must salute his Bung; The Parliament he hopes will hear him now, If not his common Compliment they know. Some of the sort have Crimes are Capital, On whom their Brother's Blood does Vengeance call; Tender of these, we say to Rouse and Brough, Eternity is Punishment enough. Take an authentic Term for your Condition, 'Twas Murder styled by th' House you now Petition; Petition Heaven, (if it be not too late,) And tempt no more inevitable Face: But note, that they do Penitence pretend, Who strive to extenuate, and not amend. And here some Tears does injured Cornish call, Whom weeping Heaven does annually bewail, And Vengeance swift as Fate upon his Murderers entail; Whose Death will never be forgot, forgiven On Earth by Man, or unrevenged by Heaven: An Innocent Man by your unrighteous Breath, As a Man before the wicked fell.— To paint the single Character of all, Would swell the satire to a Chronicle: As whipping Langham, and his Brother Kent, With Pious Brerewood, Doctor Small-beer's Saint; And some that sacrificed Mistress Gaunt; With one of Cornishes, (that yet survives,) And near an hundred more Diminutives: One general Character the List may Own, The Hackney Jurors of the Drooping Town; The Inquisitors of late Tyrannic Reign, Who now Petition for Power to Ride again. How vast had been the List, had not the band, To Senate Members only been confined: Thus Sir I— M— r they left, and that was pity, Who had so long been th' Genius of the City: Well might the King to his Escutcheon add The Rampant * K. Charles added to his Scutcheon the Lion Rampant. Lion, who such roaring made, And eat up all the Privileges we had: And some Assistants that the Fury fed, Were now become of the Petitioned. Not thence the slacker handed to put on, The laboured purchase of Confusion: For if past Hazards are a proper Test, Sir Thomas shares a Faith above mistrust: Who Frigidated by Distempered Hams, His Fiery Zeal for Slavery proclaims; With Gouty Corpse, in Mathematic Chair, To Charter giving Votes did hearty repair. Sir Sy—n n L— s held up both his Paws, To think that he who smarted for the Cause, Should now be robbed of his delight, Applause; And by his quondam Honours loudly swore, Tho' Jilted oft, was never Thus before; Nothing but time can lay the fermentation, Or make his Worship fit for Conversation. Not Celia's Charms, not Clora's tender hours, But raves in Love, and frets in his Amours. Sir W—m W—ms first the Cause espoused, And all his sputtering Eloquence he roused; Foaming with learned Fury, you'd ha' thought, He came to spew them in, he once spewed out. Well hired to be the Church's Champion, And thus for Bishop's Trial does atone. For Sovereign Fee, with eager note does prate, No Cause so bade but has an Advocate. And to make up the show, with Men of Sense, Comes Common S— t for an Evidence; With We's, and They's, with Us', and Suppose's, Tells how in Common Hall he counted Noses: Tells you how he himself with City Power, Decently waited on by Sheriffs, and Mayor, Does Propria Persona first disclose, And tell the People who it is they chose. With Meager Face, and true Mechanic Pride, So will th' exalted Beggar always ride. The CONCLUSION. GReat Nassau from his envied Throne looked down, And viewed their busy Malice with a Frown. Their Impotent Fury viewed with just disdain, And asked if he had Saved them all in vain? Their weak Intrigues with due Contempt he saw, And generously restrained the scourge of Law. His Conquering Mercy did his Justice stay, And at his Peril let them disobey: Restraints to his own injured Passions gave, Their Folly pitied, and their Gild forgave. A Proof he strove for their mere Liberty, Had fought to save, and conquered to set free; Divinely Good, their treacherous arts he bore, Was still as kind, and gentle as before: Armed them as Friends, to fortify his Throne, And smiled until they thought he durst not frown. But when their Insolence his Arm defied, And would again their baffled Cause have tried, And he must now destroy or be destroyed; Let's fly at once his Vengeance to devour, And gives a taste of his mistaken Power: Takes care that they shall never more rebel, And with just Thunder drives them down to Hell. " So Jove when Earth born Titan's did aspire, " Pile Hill on Hill, and higher yet came and higher, " Till they almost had scaled Heaven's glittering Wall, " And either they, or he himself must fall; " Unreined his Vengeance, let his Thunders fly, " And forked Lightnings sally round the Sky; " The black Abyss is covered with their spoils, " They float on Chaos, like enchanted Isles; " Transfixed with angry Bolts, from surge to surge they go, " Despair and raving wander in Eternal Woe: May all thine Enemies, Great Nassau, perish so. FINIS.