THE WORD OF THE LORD To all the Inhabitants in England, From the HIGHEST to the LOWEST, THAT They may know his Determination, and so be entreated to break off from their sin, in true Obedience unto Him, that they may escape in the day of his dreadful appearance when no flesh shall stand before Him. Blessed are all who are united to God in the Lord Jesus; yea happy are the People that have the Lord for their God. WILLIAM DEWSBERY. Printed in the Year 1666. The Word of the Lord to all the Inhabitants in England, &c. TO all Rulers, Teachers and People, in the Nation of England, and to all the Inhabitants in these Northern Countries, in which the mighty Jehovah Lord God omnipotent over all hath determined to raise up his Righteous seed to the exaltation of the glory of his great name to the fulfilling of the Scriptures of truth, as is recorded in Jeremiah the 23. Chap. and 7. and 8. verses, It shall no more be said the Lord liveth that brought us out of the Land of egypt, but shall be said the Lord liveth that hath raised his seed and brought it forth of the North Country, and out of all the Nations where it is scattered; and this I have to declare to you all in the authority of the Word of his Holiness: The Lord will manifest according to the determination and purpose of his mind unto a poor people that fear before him, and seek the Lord with strong crys and tears day and night, that if it be the pleasure of the Lord, all the Inhabitants in England and else where in these Northern Countries might break off from all the evil of their doings, in a true resignation to the Light of Jesus, that reproves for sin in the secret of their Consciences, that so the Lord may turn his fury away, and spare the People of the Land of our Nativity, that not any be found sealed up to destruction in that day wherein it shall be said, Let him that's filthy be filthy still, and let him that's holy be holy still: Oh sad will it be to them who hath neglected the day of the Visitation of the Lord God to their Souls, and have not their Consciences washed, and their hearts purified in the blood of the Lamb, for they shall cry but not be regarded, and call to the Lord but he will not hear them, because the decree of the Lord will be sealed against all that reject the council of the Lord, and the tenders of his mercy, and sport away their precious time in lend and wicked ways amongst the workers of iniquity, whose condemnation slumbereth not, the day of Gods vengeance will come as a thief in the night, great destruction will come upon them all, that reject the Government of the soul-saving, sanctifying Spirit of the Lord Jesus; in this day he is making up his Jewels and putting a difference between them that serve him and them that serve him not, and between them that swear, and them that fear an oath. Oh what shall I say concerning the people of the Land of my Nativity; Oh my bowels, my bowels, are moved within me for her Inhabitants from the highest to the lowest, with all in these Northern Countries, and in the tender compassion I cannot be silent, but in the force of the Spirit of the Lord exhort all, who yet witness not redemption from their vain conversations, turn, turn, why will ye die, for the Lord God will not be mocked, he is of purer eyes then to behold Iniquity; Oh reject not his council, neither kick at the reproofs of the Lord, for the day of his patience will not extend for ever, neither will his Spirit always strive with man, for he is jealous of his Glory. Oh turn, turn, all people and diligently harken to the council of God, the light of his own spirit that reproves you secretly in your hearts and consciences, and look up to the Lord with the eye of your minds, in true watchfulness and dependency upon the Lord, that he may save you from your iniquities, that you may find peace with God, what ever befall you in these days of great calamity, which is upon the Face of the Earth: Oh people if you reject God's council and harden your necks against the reproofs of the Spirit of the Lord. Oh what shall I say unto you, seeing there is no minding the fear of the Lord, but every one doth what seemeth good in your own eyes: Oh the pitty that's to you from one that cannot help you, but in the sense of your misery that rejects Gods mercy saith in my secret mournings for you; Oh that my eyes were as a fountain of tears, that I might water thy Alter oh Lord day and night, that if it were possible thou might be prevailed withal, and change thy purpose concerning this stiff-necked and hard hearted people, that reject thy council in the Land of our Nativity: But notwithstanding all this simpathizing bowels, as one who hath received favour at thy hands oh Lord, I leave all with thee; spare thy people oh Lord, and enable them to go through the trial of the day, and sweeten their passage, and the cup they are to drink, who fear before thee, and tremble at the word of thy Holiness, even so be it with them oh Lord. Once more I cannot but exhort all people, look about you, yea from the highest to the lowest, and who hath not desperately sold themselves to do wickedly, take a view of the Lords dealings with the people of the Land, how he hath shaked the rods of his many Judgments over the Nation, which did smite upon many, and they were mown down as grass, which caused many that feared the Lord to wrestle with him with strong crys day and night, that he would stay the hand of the destroying Angel, and the Lord heard his poor people, and stayed his hand in a great measure, waiting to see if the people of the Land would mend their ways, and the Rulers therein would give over persecuting, imprisoning, spoiling and banishing his poor people, who fear before him, and serves him in uprightness of their hearts day and night, and dare not disobey him in what he makes known unto them, though they hazard their liberty and all enjoyments, yea life itself, so tender are they over the glory of the Lord, who hath given them victory over sin, and all selfishness, through the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their Testimony, no more to love their lives to death, &c. But oh you Rulers, though God hath stayed his hand in a great measure, that the sound of mortality is not so loud in the ears as hath been, yet how do you answer the end of the Lord, seeing that few Prisons in the Nation but the Lords people are in them, because of the exercise of their pure Consciences towards the Lord, and other cruel proceedings in rending Husband from wife, and wife from husband, and Parents from Children, and Children from Parents, and inhumanly banishing them out of their Native Country: for these things, and other wicked proceedings, the hand of the Lord is stretched out still, and the pale horse is on his way, passing to and fro in the Nation, and he that rideth thereon is death, smiting and cutting down with the sword of Plague and Pestilence, and if so be you proceed as you have done in executing these cruel laws against the innocent, then will the commission of the rider of the pale Horse be enlarged, and what flesh can stand before the pale Horse, seeing the rider thereon is Death, as is recorded in the Scriptures of truth, Rev. 6.8. Oh my bowels is moved within me for the calamity that will come upon the Nation, if you Rulers continue your persecution, for the day of the Lord hastens, that they that do wickedly shall be as stubble, and the maker thereof shall be as a spark, and he will blow up the flamme in the fierceness of his wrath, and who can stand in this terrible dreadful day, wherein Christ shall be revealed in flames, rendering vengeance on all them that know him not, and obey not the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, &c. Further this I exhort all mind what you say and do, who hath hardened their hearts in a boasting spirit, and said, we see no difference, but these People we cast in Prison God cuts off in a common Calamity as well as others; the sense of their sufferings causeth many a cry and tear to be poured forth before the Lord, and the mighty God answered and said unto my soul, I have beholden the cruelty of Men, how they have stowed my People up in Prisons and in the Ship, where the infection was, and them that hath been taken away, their blood shall be required at their hands who cast them into Prison, and as to all in general that fell in the common Calamity that feared my name, it was to slain the pride of the glory of all flesh, as well among my people, as others, that my people might wait in my light to stand in a true preparation for the day of their dissolution, therefore I take away my people in my everlasting loving kindness from the evil to come, but the wicked I cut off in my fury, and they shall reap the fruit of their own doings, and this is the substance of what the Lord hath said in taking away his people in this common Calamity, therefore let the stout-hearted bend, and no more boast themselves in loftiness of their minds, to see the righteous taken away, for if the judgement begin at the house of God, and the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the wicked and ungodly and sinners appear, for yet a little while, and the Lord will pled the cause of his people, with terrible vengeance he will manifest himself, and the Rod of the wicked shall not always lie upon the backs of the righteous, but their long continued afflictions will be accomplished in time, therefore you meek, gentle, and peaceable quiet people, who abhor every appearance of evil, abide in the word of patience,& pray for them that persecute you, that if it be the will of God we may prevail with the Lord, that their eyes may be opened, and their hearts softened, that they may break off from their evil doings, and so escape the terrible vengeance as is before written, wherein the Lord will break the Battle out of the Earth, and establish purity and peace amongst a people called by his name, that as they have sown in sorrow and long-suffering, they shall reap with joy, in this great and terrible day of the coming of our Lord, which is nigh to be revealed, wherein he will say to the wicked that hath imprisoned, and afflicted his people, go ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels; and to his righteous blessed suffering seed, he will say, come you blessed of my Father, enter into the kingdom prepared for you before the foundation of the Earth was laid, so shall every one reap the fruit of their doings, whether it be good or evil, according to their deeds, so shall be their reward from the Lord, who is over all blessed for ever. Oh London, London, yea I say once more you Inhabitants of London, whose lives was given you for a prey, and you stand as Monuments of Gods mercy to this day, while many of your dear relations, neighbours, and acquaintance were cut down, with him that rid upon the pale Horse, oh that you would lay it to heart, who are yet living before the Lord, and all turn to the council of the Lord, the light and manifestation of his spirit in your own consciences, to guide you in all fear, and dread of the Eternal God to wait upon him to feel the operation of his holy spirit, to guide you in all your words, and works, that so you may be a good savour unto the Lord in your faithful obedience to the measure of his spirit, that so he may take delight in you, and take away the reproach that hath been cast upon you, the Inhabitants of the City of London, &c. But if you people, in the City of London, do not prise the mercies of the Lord, but slight all his kindnesses,& harden your hearts and not regard the reproofs of his spirit, but delight your hearts in pride, pleasures, pomp, riches, and glory, in this present World, and with so doing provoke the eyes of the glory of the great God, oh then what shall I say unto you Inhabitants of London, who thus requited the Lord notwithstanding all his favours, and boundless mercies, which he hath manifested to you, in the sight of all people this day, oh if you do not speedily return to the Lord by repentance, and break off from all your ungodly ways, in obeying the sin-reproving spirit of the Lord God in your own Consciences, I must take up a Lamentation for you, in the sense of the misery that I feel will come upon you, for the Lord hath determined to bring you down, and if you will not be entreated, to harken to his council, the measure of his spirit in you, to guide you in his holy fear, that you may be heires of his living mercies, through your holy Conversations, then will he come upon you in the fearceness of his wrath, and break you to pieces, like potsherds, and get his glory over all your heads, in the revelation of his righteous judgments, wherein the rider of the pale Horse shall execute the pleasure of his own will, as he did the last year, upon thy Inhabitants oh thou City of London, so now art thou warned, through the Constrainments of the spirit of the Lord, through him that could have no rest till he signified unto thee, what is here given forth, what the determination of God is. Therefore wo, wo, unto the wicked, for it shall go ill with them. But oh blessed be the faithful Lambs, happy are you, dear, precious, and blessed Vessels, your faithfulness to God, in your watching, waiting, in the light of the Son of righteousness, for whom you have stood as Pillars in the strength of the Almighty, ah your tenderness and love to God, and one unto another in the dayes of great Calamity that hath been amongst you, is recorded in the Book of Eternal Remembrance of the living God, and in the hearts of his righteous Generation, never to be forgotten, oh take your Crown of everlasting blessings, you innocent Lambs, and Children of Light, in the City of London, oh be valiant, and keep your state with God, that his pure, saving, sanctifying spirit, may guide you all in purity of life,& conversation, and in the aboundings of the pure, holy, love to God, and one unto another, the mighty Jehovah will show himself for you, in the day of great Tribulation you shall rejoice, when the wicked shall howl, yea you shall triumph in the pure Dominion of the Lord of glory, when the wicked shall be turned into Hell, and all that forget God the mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it, Given forth in obedience to the Lord, the 10th. day of the 3d. month, 1666. Through your Brother in the tribulation and kingdom of patience of the Lord Jesus. W. D. THE END.