HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE dieu ET MON DROIT royal blazon or coat of arms At the Court at WHITE-HALL, the four and twentieth day of July 1668. Present, The KING's most Excellent Majesty. His Royal Highness the Duke of York. His Highness Prince Rupert. Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury. Lord Privy-Seal. Duke of Albemarle. Duke of Ormond. marquis of Dorchester. Earl of Anglesey. Earl of Bathe. Earl of Carlisle. Earl of Craven. Earl of Lauderdail. Earl of Middleton. Earl of Carbery. Earl of Orery. Lord Berkley. Lord holes. Mr. Treasurer. Mr. Vice-Chamberlain. Mr. Secretary morris. Mr. Chancellor of the duchy. Sir John Duncombe. HIS MAJESTY being informed that there are Pamphlets, libels, and other Seditious Papers daily printed and dispersed within the Cities of London and Westminster, and the 〈◇〉 thereof, and that this Disorder is chiefly occasioned by the Liberty the Printers, Booksellers and others take in printing and vending the same contrary to the late Act of Parliament in that behalf provided, Hath for prevention of the great Mischiefs and Inconveniencies which may attend such unlawful Practices this day declared his Pleasure, and with the Advice of his Privy Council did accordingly Order, That the Master and Wardens of the Company of Stationers London be, and they are hereby, straightly required and commanded to take effectual Care, that from henceforward no Printer, Book-seller, Book-binder, or any other person, do vend, furnish or dispose of any News-books, gazettes or Pamphlets whatsoever, to any Hawker or other person who shall carry, cry, or sell the same about the Streets: and that the Printers and Stationers do vend all such Books and Papers as they shall print onely to such as are allowed to sell Books according to the late Act of Parliament. And the said Master and Wardens of the Company of Stationers are likewise required by his MAJESTY to take effectual care, that all persons which are or shall be permitted to have the use of a Printing-Press, or a Printing-House, upon or before such his allowance obtained, be bound with Sureties to his MAJESTY in the Court of King's-bench, or before some one or more of the Justices of Assize, or the Justices of the Peace at their several Quarter-Sessions, in the sum of three hundred pounds, according to the said late Act, not to print or suffer to be printed in his House or Press any Book or Books whatsoever, but such as shall from time to time be licenced. And it was farther Ordered by his MAJESTY, That the said Master and Wardens of the Company of Stationers do cause the Act entitled, An Act for preventing the frequent Abuses in printing Seditious, Treasonable, and Unlicenced Books and Pamphlets, and for Regulating of Printing and Printing-Presses, to be duly and effectually put in Execution in all the several parts thereof; and particularly that they indict, or cause to be indicted, all such persons as have erected any Printing-House or Printing-Press contrary to the said Act; and likewise make frequent and diligent Searches in every Printing-House, booksellers or Book-binders Shop or House, and all other suspected places, for unlicensed Books and Pamphlets, and thereof to give an Account in writing under the Hands of the Master and Wardens, or one of them, for the time being, to his Grace the Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, the Lord Bishop of London, his MAJESTY's principal Secretaries of State, or one of them. John Nicholas. Printed by James Flesher, Printer to the Honourable City of LONDON.