A Declaration OF THE COMMONS ASSEMBLED IN PARLIAMENT, Concerning false rumours and reports, which an ill-affected party hath raised amongst divers of the Inhabitants of Westmerland, Cumberland, bishopric of Durham, Newcastle, and Northumberland, against the Parliament, in persuading them, that the Parliament intendeth to take away the Tenants rights of those Counties. LIKEWISE An Order for the Collectors of Purveyance of the several Counties of this kingdom, to pay no compositions for Purveyance for the Kings household, but by the directions of the Committee of the Kings Revenue. Ordered, That this Declaration and Order be forthwith printed and published. Hen. elsing, clear. Parl. D. come. London, Printed by L. N. for E. Husbands and J. Frank. Decemb. 17. 1642. Die Jovis 15. Decemb. 1642. WHereas it is informed, That some evil affencted persons to the Peace of the Kingdom, have to the intent to withdraw the affections of a great number of the Inhabitants of the Counties of Westmerland, Cumberland, bishopric of Durham, Newcastle, and Northumberland from the Parliament, and to draw them to join with an Army of Papists now under the command of the E. of Newcastle, raised false Rumors and Reports that the Parliament intendeth to destroy and take away the Tenant Rights of those Counties; Whereupon the Estates and livelihoods of many thousands of men depend. The Commons assembled in Parliament do now declare, That they neither have nor ever had any aim or intention to destroy, weaken, or infringe any of the said Tenant Rights, or to prejudice the Tenants in their customs or tenors in the least particular; And they do authorize and require all the said Custostomary Tenants and others who are to pay any Fines or Rent to any person or persons who have executed the illegal Commission of Array, or are or have been in actual Rebellion against the Parliament, or contributed thereunto, to detain in their hands all such Fines and Rents, and to employ the same for the Service and Defence of the said Counties and Kingdom, and in so doing they shall be protected therein by the said Commons, and discharged against their Landlords. Hen. elsing, clear. Parl. Dom. come. Die Martis 13. Decemb. 1642. IT is this day ordered by the Commons House of Parliament, That the Collectors for Purveyance in the several Counties of this kingdom, shall pay no compositions for Purveyance for the Kings household, but by the direction of the Committee of the Kings Revenue: And the Knights and Burgesses are to sand down this Order into their several Counties. And it is further ordered, That this Order be forthwith printed and published: H. elsing, clear. Parl. Dom. come. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this Declaration and Order be forthwith printed and published. H. elsing, clear. Parl. Dom. come.