An Essay how to raise above Six Hundred Thousand Pounds per Ann. by a Equal and Easy Tax. Humbly submitted to the consideration of the Honourable the House of Commons. IT is proposed, That all Neat, Calf and Slinck Hides; Sheep and Lamb Skins in the Raw be appropriated to the use of the Government. Which Hides and Skins will raise the above sum is demonstrable thus, viz.   l. s. d. That in this Kingdom there was computed 1175951 Houses, which paid to the Chimney-money( besides Alms-houses and Poor, which were excepted) and compute but one Beef to be eaten in one year in half the Houses as paid to the said Tax, one with the other, the Hides of which are sold from 5 s. to 20 s. but at 8 s. per hid they produce 235190 4 0 Eight Sheep to be eaten in each House for half the said Houses in one year, the Skins of which are sold from 8 d. to 5 s. but at 12 d. per Skin, they produce 235190 4 0 Three Cal●es to be eaten in each House for half the said Houses in one year, the Hides of which are sold from 8 d. to 3 s. but at 12 d. per hid they produce 88196 6 6 Two Lambs to be eaten in each House for half the said Houses in one year. the Skins of which at 4 d. per Skin, produce 19599 3 8 The Beef killed for the Sea-service, and all the Fresh-meat eaten by our Sea-men and Foreigners when in Harbour, and what they take for Victualling their near and foreign Voyages, may be computed one eighth part of the above account, which produce 72271 19 9½ sum Total 650447 17 11½ The Hides and Skins of the aforesaid cattle that may die, are not included in the above account. The methods for managing the whole, with Safety to the Government, and Ease to the Subject, are very obvious, and any Objections can be fully answered, but too long to insert here. The Advantages of this Tax. 1st, A Gentleman of 800 l. per annum paid, or ought to have paid to the 2 s. in the pound Land Tax 80 l. but in this, which may amount to as much as that did, he pays but for his Eatables of Beef, Mutton, Veal and Lamb; which four kinds, proportionable to a Family expense, is not above one eighth part of the whole; so, instead of paying for 800 l. he pays but for one hundred( and not that, except the whole is expneded) and instead of paying 80 l. he pays but 10 l. per an. to this Tax; and by limiting the Government to sell the Hides and Skins at a certain price, will reduce the Leather Manufacture to easy terms, and save considerable in the year in the Leather Harnesses, and other Leather Wearables, and encourage the Exportation of the same. 2d, It cannot fall on Land, for the Butcher will give the same price to the Breeder and Grazier, and be content with the same profit then as now;( for 'tis only the Consumer that pays) and one farthing per pound advance on the carcase will make the Butcher amends for the loss of the hid and Skin, and the number of Butchers will oblige them to sell at a reasonable profit, what they deal in being so hazardous to keep. 3d, That the number of Tanners, and their dependence on their Trades, will induce them to buy, at a reasonable price, which being by this duty reduced to more certainty, will be great encouragement to them, by reason more will be exported than formerly. 4th, That a great sum will come in weekly, and the whole Years Revenue answered into the Exchequer in a few days after the year is expired, whereby a great deal of Interest will be saved. 5th, That the Collecting it will be with less charge than any other Duty, which answer so great a Fund, by reason it is not liable to such Frauds and Concealments, as some other Revenues are. 6th, It will be the most equal, for tradesman and Foreigners will pay as much as Gentlemen, proportionable to what they spend. It is presumed, That the number killed, and the value of the Hides and Skins will amount to a considerable sum more than is here set down. An ESSAY How to raise above Six Hundred Thousand Pounds per Ann. by an Equal and easy Tax.