John Evans, his Hummums is in Brownlow-street in Drury-Lane, where Persons may Sweat to what Degree they please, there being Degrees of Heat, and several apartments, Fit and Commodious for private sweeting, Bathing, and fine Cupping, after the New German manner, with greater Ease than ever yet known, with good and clean linen; and diligent Attendance of both Sexes; attending every Day. Likewise he has good Conveniencies for could Bathing, which is highly Approved of by all persons which have made use of them, the price for one person alone, Three Shillings, two persons together Five Shillings; and every Person that comes single, hath a private apartment to him or her self: It is also accommodated with good Lodgings for such as desire to lye all Night. If any Persons desires to be Cupt at their Chambers, he will wait on them. Note, There are two Spikes before the door, to prevent Mistakes.