A Brief ACCOUNT of the Qualifications, virtues and Use of that Incomparable EXTRACTUM HUMORALE, Called also PANARETON, From that Universal Operation it hath upon all Humoral Diseases, that is, Proceeding from Evil or Corrupt Humours. Prepared by EDWARD jewel Dr. of physic, and known by the Name of his PILLS. IF there be any pre-eminence, if any Excellence in any one thing in its kind, to make it distinguishable from others, it must needs consist in the Communicative Good, virtue and General Usefulness thereof, which( to the ingenuous and unprejudiced Reader) will plainly appear to be true of this Noble Medicine. My PILL, being by two Grand Qualifications deservedly preferred before others. The First of which is that, which is called by our Greek Authors {αβγδ}; that is to say, A Working by Election or Choice of Matter, by separating, dividing and carrying off such,( and only such) Humours, as being either superfluous, do oppress and indispose the Body, or else being vicious and corrupt, do mix with the Blood, and sweet Nourishing Juices, or Humors thereof, putrifie and corrupt them also, and make them prove to run into infinite sorts of Diseases, of which we see every year produce new ones, And we at this day by sad Experience find the truth hereof, in the Loss of many Lives, both in City and country, both which suffer under the Contagion of a strange, put id and malignant fever; To prevent which, it were both safe and necessary for every one who is yet in Health, to take some Doses of my Pills, which if taken before Infection prevents it; so also it doth where the Small Pox, Measles, or other Malignant Diseases do infest any Town or Place. This I I say is the one Qualification of my Pills, that they do after a most admirable manner separate and draw away those Humours, which are prepared to form Diseases, and by that means do Radically Cure them. The other Qualification of this Great Medicine, resteth in the due, Measure of its Working, for therein it holds such a Proportion with the strength of the Body, that it never hazards an Hypercatharsis or over-Working, but effectually prepares and draws together all superfluous humours, and such as are corrupted and putrid, and carries rhem gently off, without gripping or other churlish Working, leaving the Body refreshed and disposed to a lasting state of Health. These are the two Eminent Qualifications of my Pills, and such they are! as shall not only serve this present Age, but recommend them to the good and benefit of those which are to come. But after this General Account I have given of this Noble Medicine, my Pills, I now come to be more particular, and to let you know how they make their Progress through the Body. First, They cleanse the Stomach, which( as it is designed by God and Nature, to Concoct the Food, and distribute Nourishment to the whole Body, so) by the Power and Faculties thereof, being hurt and depraved, is the Fountain of most Diseases, which annoy and in time destroy it; For it carries off all its Crucities, and vicious, tough, clammy and waterish Humors, with which it is loaden and stuffed, and by which many sore Diseases are caused, as Obstructions, Flushings, windy Belchings, Fumes, Head ache, Surfeits, gripping in the Guts, Vomiting, looseness, Fainting Loss of Appetite& a multitude of others which would be too tedious to mention, and leave the Stomach mightily strengthened, and in good order. When it hath wrought effectually in the Stomach, it passeth( with its virtue) into the Bowels, cleanseth the Liver, Spleen, gull, Mesentery, takes away their Obstructions, empties them of all Superfluities, and strengtheners their Faculties. By this means, it excellently Cures all sorts of the Dropscy, gently, by degrees and with safety, discharging the Belly and other parts of that serous watery humour which affects them: Thus it helps the scurvy, purging away those salt, briny, melancholy, sharp humours, which so universally indispose the Body. For a more large Description whereof, I refer you to my Book, which shall be Given given with my Pills. So also they help the jaundice of both sorts, colic, Melancholy, Sighing, Pains in the sides and Back, windy Vapours, difficult Breathing, and others which depend on these Parts; Hence it proceeding through the small Guts, draws from the Reins, Ureters, Bladder, Womb and seminal Vessels, all viscous or slimy matter, which causeth Gravel and ston, Strangury or Diabetes. Also the Malign Humors, which affect the Seminal and Generative Parts. For, beside its sufficiency to help in all other Weaknesses in those Parts. They have a peculiar Property in Curing the Run● of the Reins, though highly virulent; And when it is heightened into the POX, it Cures that too; For these Pills contain in them the true Antidote against the POX, and do with great Ease and efficacy dissolve and draw away the Malignide thereof, and seldom or never fails to Cure its most inveterate symptoms; Provided the Patient have strength and vigour enough left to cooperate with the Medicine; But here is Required more then ordinary diligence in Attending the Cure, both in constant taking the Pills, and observing a slender( but wholesome) Diet during the Cure. They are to be taken at Night going to Bed, and Work the next Morning; Begin with Four or Five, and use more or fewer, as you find them agreeable to your strength; You may swallow them in beer, Ale, Apple Pap, or any other thing greateful to your Palate, and the next day go abroad about your Occasions. A more particular Account is Given of them in a Book which is Given with the Pills, which are put up in Tin Boxes, two Dozen in every Box; And sealed with the Crest of my Coat of arms, being An Eagles Head Eras'd. Price 2 s. 6 d. They are Sold by Mr. Parker bookseller at the Leg and Star against the Royal Exchange. Mr. Northcott bookseller, next St. Peters Alley in Cornhill, and at his Shop at the Anchor and mariner on New-Fish-street-hill near London-bridge. Mr. wilson Watch-maker in Threadneedle street, by the Exchange. Mr. Lacey Stationer at the Golden Lion in Southwark. Mr. Delves a Cheesemonger in Bishops-gate street near Great St. Hellens. Mr. Parkhurst at the Bible and 3 crowns in Cheapside near Mercers chapel, bookseller Mr. clerk at his Coffee-house in the Half-Moon Tavern-yard in Cheap-side. Mr. John Miller bookseller at the Rose, at the West-end of St. Pauls. Mr. Heldar bookseller at the Angel in Little Britain. Mr. Battersby bookseller at Thavy's Inn-gate in Holbourn. Mr. Harrison at Lincolns-Inn gate in Chancery-lane. Mr. Heyrick bookseller, at Grey's Inn-gate in Holbourn. Mr. Christopher Wilkinson at the black boy against St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street, bookseller. Mrs. Bayley at the sign of the Hare in great Turn-stile in Lincolns-Inn Fields. Mr. Waterman Cheesemonger at the read Cow in Clare-street. Mr. John Dear more at the Coek in Panton street, bookseller. Mr. Halford in the Old Pell-Mell, at the paid Alley going into the Park, bookseller. Mr. Cooper Grocer at the white Lion in Russel-street over against the Coffee-house in Covent-Garden. Mr. Samuel Lowndes over against exeter Change, bookseller. Mr. Nest at Westminster-hall door his Coffee-house. Mr. John Smith bookseller in great Queen street. Mr. Mills at the pestle and mortar without Temple-bar. Mr. Turner baker without Bishops-gate. Mr. Adam Livinston Fruiterer, on the South side of the Royal Exchange And at mine own Abode at the Golden Ball in Long Acre near St. Martins lane.