The catholic or Universal PILL. FOr the Cure of the Scurvy, Dropsy, jaundice, Leprosy, Kings-evil, Green Sickness, or any other chronic Distemper whatsoever, which my printed Books which are given out with each Box of pills will inform you of the Names, and Places of Abode of several Persons that have been cured by them. Prepared and Set forth by John Holney, Student in physic, and Apothecary at Lewis in Sussex, with a Description of the Scurvy. God's great Blessing to Mankind in this Life, is Health and long Life; the former of which if wanting makes the latter miserable. And amid all Diseases that afflict Mans body, there is none so Epidemical and Raging at this time as the Scurvy. The Scurvy is a certain evil habit of the whole Body, turning all the Aliment we receive into evil Humours, taking its Original from Crude and Melancholy Humours; the Cause whereof is for want of good Digestion in the stomach, caused either by great Obstructions of the Spleen, Liver, or Mesentery, and sometime from Obstructions of the Sweetbreds, as also from a raw and undigested Blood in the whole Body, but chiefly in the Hypochondries or Sides, which offends by a certain specific Putrefaction arising from our Diet, as salt and windy Meats, and many other things not natural to our Bodies; to which may be added the great Excess of Tobacco that is generally taken. The Signs of the Scurvy are these; A Weariness without cause; a sluggish dullness about the lower Parts of your Body, as if you felt some great weight; a Weakness of the Thighs, a straightness of the Breast, and Difficulty of Breathing; also the Strength much impaired; a Redness and Itching in the Gums; the Face grows pale; the Pulse small and unequal; the Teeth grow loose and often ache; besides there is a Corruption of the Gums, and a great Stinking of the Breath; the Thighs and Legs are full of purple spots, also sometimes read and livid, or inclining to blackness, at other times yellow, according to the Constitution and evil State of the Body. There is also a great Weakness in the joints, Pains in the Shoulders, Sides, hips, Thighs, Knees, and Legs; moreover there is many times great Pain in the Head, stomach, and Back. This Disease many times( Proteus like) shows itself in several Dresses, as Eugalenus formerly, and since our learned Country-Man Dr. Willis hath taken particular notice of; as the Palsy, colic Pains Convulsions, Gouts, Fluxes of the Belly, and many times very costive doings, pleurisies, Apoplexies, Falling-Sickness, Dropsies, sottish Sleepiness, and fevers of all kinds. This Disease, if not cured in time, grows very dangerous, many dying suddenly thereof, some break out into evil Ulcers, others fall blind, some fall into Consumptions, others into Dropsies. These Pills cure all Diseases incident to the Brain, if taken in time, as Vertigo, apoplexy, Lethargy, headache, Falling-Sickness, Palsy, Madness, Frenzy, Diziness; likewise they cure Ulcers in any part of the Body, although in the Legs. I have cured several of long standing, and all other Distempers that are possible to be cured by purging, which my printed Books that are given out with each Box of Pills will further inform you. I shall now only inform you of three or four very strange Cures that have been performed by my Pills since the printing of my Books, wherein you may find betwixt thirty or forty more, which may satisfy any indifferent Person of the Goodness of these Pills; my purpose being only at present by giving these Papers about to make them more fully known: for several Persons that have taken them in London have been cured of several Distempers in a very short space, and with small charge, when all other Medicines could effect no Cure upon them. Mr. Thomas Patrick, Butcher in little East-Cheap, can acquaint you of the Gentlemans Name and Place of Abode, that was very much troubled with the Kings-evil, and was twice touched by his Majesty, and afterwards used several other Remedies though to no purpose, was notwithstanding cured in a very short space by the use of these Pills. and, the Wife of John Gratwick of Shermanbury, Esq; being very much troubled with the yellow jaundice, her Face and whole Body being very yellow, or rather of a saffron colour, her appetite lost, and she worn away to skin and bones; after several Remedies used by a very able Doctor for her Cure( although to no purpose) was thoroughly cured by the use of these Pills. The Widow fen, alias Fenner, living in Hayton-Street in the Parish of West-Furle in Sussex, being troubled with a Dropsy for a long time, so that her Belly and Legs were mightily swelled, the small of her Legs being as big as the Thighs of most Men, and withal very Astmatical, so that she could hardly breath, having made use of several Physicians for her Cure, but all unsuccessful, was at last persuaded to make use of my Pills; and by the use of 7 or 8 s. worth of them was thoroughly cured. Attested by the Minister of the Parish with several other Neighbours. John Harwood of Alciston being very much troubled with the Scurvy, having a great pain in his Head and stomach, no Appetite to his Victuals; he was troubled likewise with a great pain all over his Limbs, as also a great Ophthalmia or Inflammation of his Eyes; was cured of all these Distempers in a very short space by taking one whole Box of these Pills. I might mention many other Cures which I shall forbear, having referred the Reader to the printed Books. Lastly, these Pills will leave no Man unsatisfied that makes use of tthem, for they open all Obstructions whatsoever, and purify the whole Mass of Blood and Nervous Juice from all Heterogenous Admixture whatsoever. They exactly cure the Lues Venerea, and do free the Body from all Impurities. The Method and Order of taking these Pills is fully described in my printed Books, which are given with each Box of Pills. The biggest Box, containing 60 Pills, 5 s. the half Box, containing 30 Pills, 2 s. 6 d. and the small Box, containing 12 Pills, for four Doses, 1 s. These catholic or Universal Pills are sold by the Persons under written, both Boxes and Books, being sealed with a Coat of Arms. Mr. Benjamin Shirley, Bookseller under the Dial of St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet. Mr. Edward Godmans at the two Cocks in Southwark, Silkman. Mr. Mannings at the Swan on the Bridge, Silkman. Mr. Cradocks Coffee-House at the Crown in Birchen-Lane. Mr. Paul Holland, Victualler at the Dolphin on Fishstreet-Hill. Mrs. Powel, Beltfeller under Alsdergate Church nigh the Gate. Mr. Thomas Patrick, Butcher in little East-Cheap. Mr. Richard Isaac, Apothecary, next door to the Silk Stocking Frame in Shoreditch. And at my own Shop nigh School-Hill in Lewis. Mr. Thomas Rogers, saddler in Folestone in Kent, over against the George. Mr. Richard Constable, living in Gromebridg, Mercer. Mr. Richard Walker, Barber-Chirurgion in Bedersden in Kent. Mr. Humphrey Banfeild, Barber-Chirurgion in Limmington in Hampshire. Mr. Thomas Gold, Grocer nigh the Dolphin in Southampton. FINIS.