A hue and Cry AFTER CONSCIENCE. FIRST, to describe Her, if I speak by guess only, and by the discourse of most: She is God knows what, an Individuum vagum; no one that I have consulted can lay claim to her justly; she's like UTOPIA, pretended to by many, but such generally as intend to do nothing for her, but discourse; she's like an old Woman, whom few men value, but at the grave, or in some business wherein they may gain by her; she's thought to be a long Cloak, formerly worn for Formalities sake by John Presbyter; and thus is she abused. But not to weary myself or the Reader; according to common discourse and mistaken Opinion, she is not to be described( having been so long absent) but by her Effects, and those are so strange and contrary, that she works upon every disposition according to it's temper; and thus mistaken for Religious Humour, that bastard Child of Religion dipped by the name of NON-CONFORMITY, her Zeal hath often imbrew'd the whole World in blood, and like a Fury precipitated men of all sorts to the most desperate and unreasonable things. Rebellion hath often had it's being from her, and seldom is able to move without her countenance; and as she enrages some, she alleys the fury of others, and makes them patient and calm under the greatest injuries and oppressions: she is blind, and if well guided, of excellent use to the sillier sort, but for want of due management, like Phaeton's Chariot, she destroys all before her. Now we have such a distracted account as most men give of her, let us consider what really she is: If I understand her, she was originally called INNOCENCE in Paradise, and when circumcised by the Jews, INTEGRITY; which term not pleasing the Church, she was Baptized GOOD-CONSCIENCE: so much for her Name. Her Originals are, Innocence, Truth, Fidelity and Charity. She is a perfect satisfaction to a mans self, of having done no hurt, nor suffering any to be done, when it was in her power to prevent it; nor wilfully omitted any good which she had an opportunity to do. Now you have her positive, let's know her negative definition. She's no Truce-breaker, Rebel, or traitor, nor can she converse with them, but to their ruin, which she brings them at last, being their perfect Enemy. In fine, she leaves all such as are wilfully guilty of any disloyal, unjust, or ungrateful Action: upon these terms I fear there be few that have been lately acquainted with her. She's an eternal Friend to those who enjoy her, and leaves no man, who hath her, in the greatest straits; she is very resolute, and is not to be persuaded to any thing contrary to Truth for the greatest benefit; she's plain, and valves no Riches but that of the Mind, and therefore seldom enriches her Proselytes, and that's the reason she hath so few, and lies so obscure. So many( unable to make a right use of her, or such as only abuse her name to draw on their wicked designs, to cheat, undermine and abuse such as deal with them) have falsely laid claim to her; and so few made any right use of her, that she hath long since forsaken the public, and is wandered into some obscure place, where she may find an innocent Retreat from the Abuses of the Age. But that we may recover her once again, let us consider where she is, or as Scoggin un-til'd the house to find a Hare, let us first examine where she is not. She was never in France since they denied our King his Tribute. She was never in Holland since the English( their too kind Protectors) were denied their Cautionary Towns; and for want of her, both France and Holland run on to more Wickedness and Ingratitude, to ripen their monstrous over-grown sins. She's no Courtier, for three reasons; she goes very plain, hath found no Protection for many years, and is an Enemy to Dissimulation. She's no Citizen, for she hath verily long since been banished Shops and Ware-houses, as an Enemy to Trade; though in her absence her name is boldly abused in all Cheating bargains. The Church is so much defiled by the Impurity of the late times, and smells so rank of the Abuses of these, she seldom comes thither; and she is never summoned to the Spiritual Court, because she hath no Money to pay Officers Fees. She's no Lawyer, for she takes no Fees,( though she Pleads much;) and seldom appears in Chancery, but in forma Pauperis; and then she finds small encouragement from the clerks. Now to guess where she is, let us consider her Condition. She's like an honest old Cavalier, she hath spent all in doing good, and finding her self slighted at last, is retreated into some obscure place in the country to hid her shane, and mitigate, by absence, her sorrow for the Ingratitude of the Age. If any man can find her out, and persuade her to come to public Conversation again, she may be a great Blessing to the World, and he cannot want a correspondent Reward. LONDON: Printed in the year 1667.