royal blazon or coat of arms HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE dieu ET· MON DROIT BY THE Lord Deputy General, AND General governor of IRELAND. A DECLARATION For the Good Government of the Army. TYRCONNEL, TO Prevent, for the future, all the Disorder and abuse that has hitherto been in this Army, in their subsistence and clothing. And to the end that every individual soldier in it may know what he has coming to him by His Majesty's Allowance; and how the same is to be disposed of for his subsistence and clothing; For which all care possible shall be taken, that the private men, and Non-commissioned Officers, shall at their Garrison receive every Month their full subsistence of two shillings a Week, so that there will be no need of accounting with their Officers, they being to be Paid their full Subsistence every Month, and new Clothed once every Year, as followeth. And We having thought fit, by this Our Declaration, to make known what the clear Pay of a Private sentinel is yearly, after all Deductions, and how he is to be accounted with for the same.   l. s. d The Pay of a Private sentinel for a year, as he is now paid, after all Deductions that are to be taken from him; which are for Poundage, Hospital, and Agent, comes to 07 18 04 For which sum he is to be Accounted with as followeth;       For his subsistence, at two shillings a week 05 04 00 For a Coat and Breeches lined 01 05 04 For a Hat. 00 04 06 For three pair of shoes, one pair of which is to be delivered him at his first Clothing, which is to be always on the first of July; another pair on the first of November; and the other on the first of March 00 10 06 For two pair of Stockings, one pair of which is to be delivered also on the first of July, with his clothes; and the other pair on the first of January 00 02 06 For two Shirts, to be delivered always on the first of July 00 05 04 For two Cravats, to be delivered at the same time 00 01 08 For a Sash, to be delivered at the same time 00 02 06 For one pair of Gloves, to be delivered at the same time 00 01 00 For one pair of Garters with Buckles, to be delivered at the same time 00 00 06 For one pair of buckles for shoes, to be delivered at the same time 00 00 06 Total of the Clothing and Accoutrements 02 14 04 Total of the Subsistence 05 04 00 Total of the Clothing, Accoutrements, and subsistence; which is the total of all his Pay for a year 07 18 04 Each soldier is to have weekly for his Subsistence 00 06 00 Each Corporal and Drum is to have weekly for his Subsistence 00 04 00 With Clothes and other Accoutrements as they now have them.       No Deduction is to be made for Clerks, We allowing of none in any Company, but expecting every Captain by himself, or one of his Commissioned Officers whom he shall appoint, shall keep the accounts of the Company, and shall take especial care that the Men wear, and keep their clothes, linen, and other Accoutrements whole, neat and clean. And in case any of the Souldiers of this Army shall fail of receiving the aforesaid subsistence of two shillings a week weekly, and the aforesaid Clothes and other Accoutrements here above mentioned; We do allow any number not exceeding five, of any Company that shall be aggrieved, to petition us, by the Post, in behalf of the said Company, for redress, as often as they shall have just occasion of complaint. And we do declare, that if any Captain, or any other Officer in this Kingdom do detain any part of the said weekly Subsistence, or of the Clothing and Accoutrements aforesaid, that he shall be punished with the utmost severity that the nature of the Offence does deserve. And We do expect that all the Officers do take especial care in their respe- Garrisons and Quarters, to keep their Souldiers in good Order, and that they do not insult, any of the Magistrates or Inhabitants where they are Quartered; and that no Officer shall presume to Quarter any Officers or Souldiers under his Command, but by the Billets of the proper Magistrate; and that upon their march no Officer or soldier do press, or take away any of the King's Subjects Horses or Carriages, but by the consent of the Owner, and paying the usual Rates for the same, nor offer any other violence to their Person or Goods. And We also require all Officers and Soldiers of His Majesties Army always to pay all due Respect to His Majesties Iudges in their Circuits, and to be aiding and assisting unto them whenever they shall be called upon by them, in order to His Majesties Service, and the Peace of his Subjects. And whereas We think it reasonable, that each of the respective Commissioned Officers, that is to say, Field-Officers, Captains, Lieutents, Cornets and Ensigns should have Three Months licence to follow their own private and lawful occasions, during the time the Army shall be in Winter-Quarters, to prevent the Disorder that might follow amongst them in that particular, We think fit to signify our Pleasure, That one Field-Officer shall be constantly with one of the Battalions of the Regiment to which he belongs, and that from time to time he visit the several Quarters thereof, to see they be duly exercised, and that no Disorder be amongst them. And that one half of the Captains be always present in each Garrison and Quarter, and two Commissioned Officers; with each Troop, or Company. And to the end that We may know at all times what Officers are in the several Garrisons and Quarters, We expect, that immediately upon the Armies entering into Winter Quarters, the Officers shall, amongst themselves, settle their turns by which they are to be absent respectively; and that they sand up two Lists thereof signed by the Colonel or Commandant of each Regiment, and by all the Officers of the same, one of the said Lists to one of our Secretaries, the other to the Muster-Master General, who is, according to the same, to allow of such Officers, whose Turn it is to be absent at the ensuing Musters, without Checque on them, or their Servants, for their absence during such time respectively. And whereas We are given to understand, That several Officers have heretofore taken upon them to give leave to the Soldiers under their Commands, in such numbers as they thought fit, to absent themselves from their Garrison, or Quarters, on pretence of refreshing themselves, or visiting their Friends, which Irregularities have been of ill consequence to the Army, and will for the future, if not prevented. We do therefore hereby declare, That no Officer is to allow above four private Soldiers, and but one Non-commissioned Officer of any Troop, or Company, to be absent at one time, or for longer than one Month at a time, and that only between Musters: And that We shall not hereafter remove any Checque which shall be imposed on any Commissioned or Non-commissioned Officer, or Soldier; the Commissioned Officer, with their Servants, who shall be absent, in their turns, as is before set forth, being to be allowed on the respective Musters. And whereas several Subalterns and private Soldiers of the Army, and others of His Majesties Subjects, who have Complaints, either against Officers or Soldiers, do to their great charge and trouble, presently make their application to us for Redress, without first applying themselves to the Superior Officer on the place, where they might receive present Relief; We do hereby declare, that We will not immediately receive, any Complaints, either from the Country people against the Officers or Soldiers, or from the Subalterns, or private Soldiers against their Superior Offcers, till they shall have first applied themselves to the proper Officer; that is to say, the Country People to the Officer commanding in chief in each Garrison, or Quarter, and the Subalterns, or Soldiers, to the colonel or Commandant of the Regiment to which they belong, from whom, if they shall not receive due Satisfaction, We will then receive their Complaints ourselves, and see such Right done them, as to Iustice appertaineth: And We do hereby strictly charge and command all colonels and Commandants to receive the Complaints of the Country People, Subalterns and Private Soldiers, and to redress the same according to Iustice. And in such case, where the colonel or Commandant shall not cause the party aggrieved to be satisfied, We expect the said colonel, or Commandant shall forthwith sand up a State of the matter to one of our Secretaries, together with his Reasons why he did not make some reasonable End of the matter. And lastly, to the end that Our Pleasure in the foregoing particulars may be made known, as well to all Officers and Soldiers of the Army, as also to all other His Majesty's Loving Subjects of this Kingdom: We do think fit, and accordingly Order, that this Our Declaration be forthwith red and Published at the Head of every Troop and Company, and also be Posted up, and fixed in the Market and other public Places in all Cities, Towns, Garrisons and Quarters in and throughout this Kingdom, to the end that no person whatever may pled Ignorance of the same. Given at the Camp, this 20th day of July, 1688. W. ELLIS. DUBLIN, Printed by Andrew Crook and Samuel Helsham Assigns of Benjamin took Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty; and are to be Sold at the Kings Printinghouse on Ormonde-Key, and the Colledge-Arms in Castle-street. 1688.