bare-chested woman holding a bow and arrow, with a speech bubble sigillum: gub: ET: SOCIET: DE: MATTACHVSETS: BAY: IN: NOVA: ANGLIA COME: OVER: AND: HELP: us AT A COUNCIL Held at Boston in New-England, January 6. 1679. THe Lord having been exceeding gracious and long suffering to his People in this Wilderness; and although we have deservedly for our Sins and provocations, which have been very great and many, been under various Rebukes of divine Providence, yet in the midst of Judgement hath remembered mercy, and not poured out all his Wrath, and hath also graciously granted our desires, and heard our Prayers for our worthy friends the Agents of this Colony, after their long absence, and that God hath given them favour with the Kings Majesty, and his honourable Council, for their dismission, and opportune return unto us; do appoint Thursday January 29th. instant, to be holden as a solemn day of Thanksgiving unto the Lord, for these and all other his many undeserved favours; seriously commending the observation thereof to all the Churches, Ministers and People of this Jurisdiction accordingly. By the COUNCIL, Edward Rawson Scretary.