At the Angel and Crown in Basing-Lane, being the Second Turning in Bread-Street from Cheapside. DWells a Physician, a Graduate in one of our own Universities, and a Member of the college of Physicians in London, who has a Pill prepared with wholesome Ingredients, and is of such great Virtue that it ought not to be concealed, when so many dangerous and stoping Medicines are daily used for the running of the Reins, which being neglected or unskilfully managed, occasions Ulcers in the Mouth, Throat, Palate, and Nose, Pains and Breakings out in many Parts of the Body. This Pill Cures the running of the Reins safely without leaving any ill Dregs in the Body, and repairs all the Parts and Senses when they have formerly suffered Damage, by poisonous Medicines and the use of Mercury, and prevents much Danger in Men and Women if they are taken two or three Mornings after 'tis feared any Injury has been received, and performs the Cure by expellinâ—Ź the Cause and not by stoping up the Venom in the Body as the Custom of some is. These Pills are in Boxes, from one Shilling and sixpence the Box to two Shillings and sixpence the Box, and so to five Shillings, and will be delivered to any Person with a Note of Directions. They may be taken in the hottest or coldest Weather and hinder no Business. I cure speedily and safely, Ulcers in the Mouth, Throat, Palate, and Nose, and Breakings out in the Head and Face, and Pains in the Head and Limbs, with an outward Remedy alone, which is far more effectual than any inward Medicine whatsoever, and perfects the Cure when all things else fail.