At the Angel and Crown in Basing-Lane, being the second Turning in Bread-street, from Cheap-side, dwells a Physician a Graduate in the University of Oxford, and a Member of the College of Physicians in London, WHo has Safe and Sure Medicine for Curing the French Disease, and all the degrees of it, as heat in the Urine Running of the Reins, inflammations, Swellings and Sores in the Privy Parts Swellings in the Groins, Scabs in the Head and Face, and breakings out in other parts of the Body, Ulcers in the Mouth, Throat Palate and Nose, Pains in the Head Shoulders, Arms, and Legs, Nodes, Night Pains, Sore Eyes, Noise in the Ears, Deafness, and the like. My PILL by a Specific Quality destroys the Venom of the Disease, and certainly cures the Running of the Reins, which being neglected or unskillfully managed, occasions the Sinking of the Nose and all the other degrees of the French Disesse. These PILLS prevent much danger, being taken 2 or 3 mornings after it is feared any Injury has been received, and cleanse the Body when it has been damnified by Mercury and cure the Scurvy: These Pills may be taken in the hottest or coldest Weather, and do not require any strict confinement: They are put in Boxes from 1 s. 6 d. the Box, to 2 s 6 d. the Box and so to 5 s. with a Note of Directions. I have also a BOLUS of a pleasant Taste and Smell, which hastens the Cure of these Dissese and without it some of them cannot be cured.