At the Angel and Crown in Bazing-Lane, being the Second Turning in Bread-Street from Cheapside, on the Left Hand, lives J. Pechey, of the College of Physicians in London. WHO hath a PILL, that he has found by many Years Experience, peculiarly proper for the Cure of the French Disease, and that certainly cures the Running of the Reins, which being neglected, or unskilfully managed, occasions Ulcers in the Mouth, Throat, and Palate, and sinking of the Nose, Swellings, Scabs, and Breakings out, in many parts of the Body, Pains in the Head, Shoulders, Arms and Legs. Therefore to prevent so many ill Accidents, he has been persuaded to publish this Excellent Remedy, that all that need, may partake of the benefit of it, and may not be to seek for a Cure. For though many pretend to cure this Disease, yet there are really very few that understand it. These Pills prevent much danger, if they are taken Two or Three Mornings, after it is feared any Injury has been received, and cleanse the Body when it has been damnified by Mercury: And Cure the SCURVY. They may be taken in the hottest or coldest Weatherâ–ª and hinder no Business: and keep good many Years. These Pills are in Boxes, from 1 s. 6 d. the Box, to 2 s. 6 d. the Box, and so to five shillings the Box. To prevent Counterfeits, they are only Sold at my House in Bazing-Lane, where they will be delivered to any Person, with a Note of Directions. Printed by J. Bradford, in New-street, without Bishops-gate.