A POEM( By way of elegy) UPON Mr Stephen college, Vulgarly known by the Name of The PROTESTANT joiner. AH college! how relentless is thy Fate, That will not grant to Life a longer date! No Cordial Ignoramus can retrieve Thy fainting Spirits, and new Vitals give. Since the too long and last farewell you took, How lonely seems the Coffee-house to look! Your long beloved Twist, that used to be Sedition mixed with little Loyalty, Complains of your long absence, and doth fear Some Rival Twist will entertain you there. Circl'd within her Hempen Arms, you'll be Rapt in surprising Sweets of ecstasy: There to unenvi'd Bliss you'll safely soar, Till Breath begin to fail, and you give over. Great Martyr, Stephen, who shall now succeed To lance Religion till the beldame bleed? Under whose circumspection will you see Your Infant-Libels that in time may be Fomenters of your fatal jealousy? Was't thus you sought for liberty and ease, Redress of Grievances, and endless Peace? Incorrigible Zealot! sigh, and see How painfully you've drudg'd for misery. Thus the too active Sun, himself betrays, Exhaling Mists that intercept his Rays. But now he dies, his Stratagems do fail: hark how the whining Puritans bewail. Their Shams and Train of Oaths discovered lay; Let them seek easier people to betray. Yet on their Darling college we'll bestow An artless Monumental Verse or two. HEre lies the man that zealously would be Pretending Union and Liberty: But now his Glew-pot's useless, 'tis too late; He cannot piece the breaches of the State. FINIS. London: Printed for J. Bowen. 1681