PROPOSALS Humbly Offered for the Relief of the Hackney-Coachmen. WHEREAS, in the Act for Regulating Hackney and Stage-Coaches, the Stage-Coaches were to Pay Eight Pounds a Year, by Quarterly Payments; and those Licenses expiring with the Year, they may, as it seems, Drive where they please, without a licence, out of the Bills of Mortality. That there being about Four Hundred of these Stage-Licenses, It is Proposed, That they may be licenced for One and Twenty Years, Paying Eight Pounds every Year, to be employed towards the Discharge of the Transport-Ships, or otherwise, as your Wisdoms shall seem meet; and that some Act may be passed to that Purpose, or some Clause added to some other Act for that End, that none may Drive, either in the Town, or country, without their Figure. And, Whereas several Rich Men, who have got Licenses for Keeping Hackney-Coaches, endeavour the having Liberty to Drive in the country without Figures: Above 600 of the licenced Hackney-Coachmen here in Town, who have paid their Fines, and have large Families, do humbly desire, that no Hackney-Coachmen may have Liberty to travail without their Figure; and for that purpose they make the Proposal above-written: For if such Liberty to travail without Figure be allowed, there will always be 700 Coaches in Town, which will be very pernicious to the Poorer Sort, by reason of their being over-Numbred; and the Rich Men, who can keep Ten or Twelve Horses, will have much the Advantage of all the rest; and the Poor Men and Widows, who cannot keep above Two or Three Horses( can only work in Town) will be utterly undone: Whereas, if their Figures are employed for country journeys in the Summer, there will be more Work for the Poorer Sort, who can only serve in the Town, which are above 600. It is therefore humbly hoped, That either all Drivers in the country may be licenced as Stage-Coaches, and none may Drive there without licence; or else, that no licenced Hackney-Man may travail into the country without their Figure.