WHereas Samuel Ravenshaw, of London, Bookseller, above Three Years ago, during the then Session of Parliament, did Publish a short paper, by way of Advertisement, touching a large and copious Argument, the which for near 16 years last past he has been Prosecuting; about which he had likewise formerly, in a Latin Specimen( whereof were only a few Copies, and those never publicly dispersed) given some very short account; And lately likewise, as well at Cambridg, as elsewhere, has had an opportunity more fully to Discuss the Premises. Whereas farther, divers Learned Men heretofore, have laid down several Principles, not only in Explication of the Prophetical Scriptures, tho the same, perhaps not yet sufficiently demonstrated, unto the Conviction of others, by pertinent matters of Fact, Numerically disposed: But Others also, as particularly the great States-man J. Bodin de Republica, lib. 4. c. 2. Ejusd. Method. Hist. cap. 6. de Conversionibus Rerumpublicarum ad Numeros collat. Jo. Bodin, have, ex professo, treated of Political Changes, on the Expirations of certain Numbers of Years. He the said Samuel Ravenshaw hereupon, from and after long Experience, does lay down this general Position, That the Prophetical Principles are most clearly Demonstrable by the Prophetical Numbers. And according hereunto, That the following Numbers, viz. 2300, 1335, 1290, 1260, 666, 490, 390 and 40, 144 and 70. which do Occur in the Proph●cies of Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and the Revelation of St. John, he asserts to have been certainly revealed, in Order to the Bounding of Times, and the great Revolutions therein. And that some of them, especially at some times more than at others, are of as Eminent and undeniable use, as even Vowels in Writing, or Figures in Conjunction with ciphers, in Numeration, for the transmitting a faint Idea of some of the Divine Decrees to the World, for and during the most Material Transactions Ecclesiastical and Civil, of above 2500 years last past; viz. by the Intervening Distances betwixt Events, formerly, by the forementioned Numbers of Years; and Now, by the like, of Natural Days. But because it would exceed the determined bounds, of a short Advertisement, to exemplify ought, touching those Particulars; the which, tho but briefly comprised together, must necessary arise unto a large and copious Discourse: A farther Account thereupon, touching the Premises, is reserved to be Verbally given, unto All Persons of Quality. Gentlemen, or Others, at the House on the Right Hand, next adjoining to the Foot of the Stairs, going up to the House of Lords, out of the Did Palace-Yard, Westminster, at any time from and after this present Saturday, March 25. 1694. during the present Session of Parliament. The General History of the Reformation of the Church, from the Errors and Corruptions of the Church of Rome, begun in Germany, by Martin Luther; with the Prozress thereof in All Parts of Christendon, from the Year 1517 to the Year 1556. Written in Latin by John Sleidan, L. L. D. and faithfully Englished: to which is added, a Continuation to the End of the Council of Trent, in the Year 1563. by Ed. Bohun, Esq; with the Effigies of Sleidan, Luther, Charles V. Frederick III. Duke of Saxony, P●pe lo X. and Phil. Melancthon. To be Sold by Samuel Ravenshaw, at the place forementioned. Where Variety of other Books, by written Catalogues; as also several Volumes of Tracts bound together, and great Numbers of single Pamphlets or stitched Books, &c. are likewise to be sold. 1695.