The Sea Man's farewell to his Mistress, and her Answer unto him. To its own proper Tune. AS I wedt early in the Spring, Aboard a Ship to s●rve our King, I left my dearest dear behind, Who said for e'er her Heart was mine, Her love appeared true to me, And she aboard did go with me, She went with me to the Boyo'th Nore, And then returned back to shore, Oft did I hug her in my Arms, I thought she had Ten Thousand Charms, Our Vows we bound with Kisses sweet, And many a night time we did weep. A Golden Chain I did present, She seemed very well content, These Sighs and Sobs did break mine Heart To think my Love and I should part, As I was sailing on the Sea, I took an opportunity, To writ a Letter to my Dear! But word from her could I never hear, As we were Bombing of a Town, Where Cannon Balls flew up and down, In midst of all these dangers there, My Heart remained still on my Dear, But now I am returned home, And here my Love to wait upon. Who lived in Wapping now of late, Though it's proven unfortunate, When I unto her Father came I called for my Love by her Name, Her Father Churlishlie did say, Sir, all your Love she doth defy, Kind Sir, said I, what's mean'd by this, To tell you true she wedded i● On a rich Old Man for all her Life, Sir, you may look for another wife, A curse on all false loves said I, A curse on all such perjury, A curse upon them that do make A vow and break't for riches sake A curse on Gold and Silver too, A curse upon that miser too, Who caused his Daughter change her mind But tyrants words are like the wind, Adieu the comforts of my Life, Adieu the pleasures of a Wife. I 'd rather be where Bullets fly Than in such Womens company, I'll range the Seas until I die, Where believes do toss like Mountains high Adieu all false Hearts now a shore, For I will ne're see England more. Her Reply. IN every street I heard them sing, My loves complaint that served the King I went with him to the Boyoth Nore And would have gone all the world o'er, A Golden chain I had of him, Which freely I'll return again, As for these Kisses when we did part Was from the bottom of my Heart, As for the Letter you sent me, I here declare I never did see. But my Father bade me be at rest, For thy true Love was slain at breast, And he persuaded me to wed, A rich Old Man who's almost dead, And now I 'm Married and a Wife, Would I had lived single all my Life, Now as for Gold and Silver too: I freely curse as well as you. Had't not been that had caused the strife You and I had been Man and Wife, Therefore I pray return my Dear, For there are many Women here, That are more beautiful than I, I pray thee look where beauty lye 'T will be the comfort of my Life, To see thee have a loving Wife. Once did I love a Seaman brave, And was in hopes him for to have But now I'm Married and a Wife▪ Would I lived single all my Life. FINIS.