ADVERTISEMENT. THis is to give Notice, That the Lord Bishop of London and other Charitable Persons, having raised a Stock to set the Poor French Protestants at Work on a linen Manufacture at Ipswich, There is made by them such Cloth both Ordinary and Extraordinary Fine proper for Sheeting, Shifts, Half-shirts, Bands, Handkercheifs and other uses, as never was made in England before, and the same is to be seen and sold at the House of Thomas Papillon Esq; in Fanchurchstreet near Billiter-lane in London; every Wednesday and Friday from Nine of the Clock to Twelve of the Clock in the Forenoon; and from Two of the Clock to Six of the Clock in the Afternoon, to begin on Wednesday the Twelfth of March, 1683. Where all Ladies, Gentlewomen, Citizens and others may not only be furnished to their content and advantage, but may likewise have the opportunity to give encouragement to so Charitable a work, and to be instrumental to the introducing and settling such a linen Manufacture in England as could never heretofore be effected. God Save the King.