Proposals by the Drapers and Stationers, for the Raising and Improving the Woollen Manufacture, and making of Paper in England, and for preventing the Transportation of Moneys and Wool. WE Pray that the Act made in the 18th. year of His Majesties Reign, for the Encouraging the Woollen-Manufacture of this Kingdom, and the preventing Exportation of Moneys for Linen, and Importing of the same; may be reviewed, because it is not observed. The want of Charity, and fear of Disobliging Neighbours, is the great cause of neglect herein. For the Forfeiture of this Act being five Pounds is all to the use of the Poor;( which ought to all peoples care) but for want of Supervisers and further Encouragement, no body observes nor regards. It is our Humble Request, that His Majesty would be Graciously pleased to accept of one Moiety of the said Forfeiture, towards the Charge of providing some fit persons, who may have Authority to direct and take Care, that Parish Officers see this good Act duly put in Execution, which will be no loss to the Poor; for by such observance it will be more Advantageous then it is at present. A short Account of some Advantage this Act of Burying in Woollen would have been, if duly observed. It would have raised the Price of Wool,( now worth little) because we should have made so great a Consumption thereof in Burials yearly: For since that Act, we should have employed and Consumed more Wool then is now in England:( with which we are now glutted) It would have also prevented the Exportation of such great quantities of Wool before the Working of it up, the mixture of which our Wool with foreign Wool, maketh it fit for Manufacture, which otherwise would not be,( which is Sold at very low Rates, and hinders the sending over of greater quantities of Cloth, to the great prejudice of Woollen-Drapers and Clothiers, great part of which are forced to leave off their employments for want of Trade; the Poor also would have been much employed in the Working up Wool and making Cloth. If this Act be reinforced, it will be a great means to help us to many hundred tons of Linen-raggs yearly, which will enable us to carry on the Making all sorts of White Paper for Writing and Printing: which will necessary employ many Thousands of Poor people in Honest Labour, and prevent the carrying out of this Kingdom great Sums of moneys, which is yearly sent in specie beyond Sea for Paper and Linen-Cloth; it will also prolong the Wearing of Linen, which is now butted before worn out: It will cause a perpetual Trade in this Nation, and put us in a Condition after some short time to Transport our home-made Paper in great quantities, to the Advancement of His Majesties Customs and Revenues, and keep our coin to be employed at home; which now being transported, is to the great Prejudice and Lessening of this Nation. Every Week of delay in this Proposal, is three thousand Pounds Prejudice to this Nation, and so much Advantage to the French.