The Repulsive MAID. WHO Once to a Young-man, but now cannot win, To open the door and let him come in. To a pleasant new Tune, or, Open the door and let me come in. young man. SWeet open the door and let me come in, For to be a Wooer I now begin, And say thy Lover I yet have been Ile love thee and no more. Maid. To open the door Love that could I do And if it were for an hour or two, But if that my father or mother should know I should be beaten sore. Young-man. To be beaten for me Love that were a sin, Sweet open the door and let me come in Thy father or mother nor none of thy Kin shall never beat thee more. Maid. To open the door Love I have been hold, And many false tales I have been told, But another man hath my heart in hold, I cannot love thee therefore. Young-man. Thou knowst before when the time hath been Thou hast opened the door and let me come in But now my love is not worth a pin I prithee Love tell me wherefore. Maid. I am not disposed to tell thee now Go walk a Knave as thou knowst how, For I can no entrance to thee allow, adieu for evermore. Young-man. To knock and to call I will never lin, Till thou open the door and let me come in, With coming I fell, and I broken my shin, which grieves me very sore. Maid. If thou hast broken thy shin my Love sorry am I, Yet cannot I find in my heart for to cry, Ile give thee a plaster for it by and by shall pain thee ten times more. The Second Part, To the same Tune. Young-man. I prithee Love, do not to jeer begin But open the door and let me come in, Ile be more kind then ever I have been, I prithee Love open the door, Maid. Two words to a bargain my small friend, To open the door I do not intend. My father and mother I oft did offend, Ile never offend them more. Young-man. Of Father and Mother do not tell me, For I am come alone to visit thee, And if my face thou wilt not see, the show me a reason wherefore. Maid. A reason just I can thee tell To do it now doth not like me well I hate thee as much as the Devil of Hell then adue for evermore. Young-man. How comes it to pass my Love thou art so cursed And wert so kind to me at the first, Of all men living my luck is the worst, to be hated and know not wherefore. Maid. alas Sir I have found out your Tricks You love do crave of five or six, Yet take who you will it shall never me vex, adue for ever more. Young-man. What though I have choice of six or seven, Nay, what if I had nine, ten or eleven, Yet thou mayst make the dozen even, and do as thou hast done before. Maid. I am not the first that hath done amiss, Nor shall be the last that a Knave will kiss, I pray pick English out of this, you shall never kiss me more. Young-man. The Rose is read, and the Leaves are green And the daies are past which I have seen Another man may be where I have been for now I am thrust out of door. Maid. Walk Knave is a Parrats note, And if the Hang-man don't get your coat, Ile meet you at Holborn-Hill in a Boat. if ever I love you more. FINIS.