royal blazon or coat of arms C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE A PROCLAMATION, Discharging Doits. CHARLES, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britian, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, To 〈◇〉 Macers or Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting: Forasmuch, as the Lords of Our Privy Council by their Proclamation of the date, the twenty fourth day of April, 1662. did prohibit the importation of these pieces of Copper-coyn, called the French Doubles or Doits, or other foreign Copper-Coin into this Kingdom. Likeas, by another Proclamation, dated the twenty day of July, 1671▪ not only the importation of all foreign Copper-Coyn was prohibited, but also the same was discharged to pass, or be current within this Kingdom: well-being whereof, we are informed that great quantities of the saids Doits have been of late, and daily are imported into this Kingdom, and do pass at a rate far above the true intrinsic worth and value thereof; and also far exceeding the rate at which they are current in that Kingdom where the same are coined, whereby Our Subjects are exceedingly abused. Therefore, We, with advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council,( but prejudice of the saids former Proclamations, and of the penalties therein contained,) do hereby prohibit and discharge all persons whatsoever in time coming, to import into this Kingdom any Doits, or other foreign Copper-Coyn: Certifying such persons as shall contravene, that the Copper-money so imported shall be confiscate to Our use, and the Importers thereof shall be liable to such punishment as Our Council shall think fit to inflict. And We discharge the saids Doits, and any other foreign Copper-Coyn either already imported, or that shall be imported hereafter to pass or be current within this Kingdom at any rate whatsoever. And discharges the same to be either offered or received by any persons in payments of money to be made to them. And We command, and require the magistrates of Burghs, and others in Authority, where Sea ports are, the Collectors, or Fermourers of Our Customs, and their Deputs to seize upon any foreign Copper-money which shall be imported, and to confiscate the same for Our use. And Ordains these presents to be printed and published at the Mercat across of Edinburgh, and other places needful, that none pretend ignorance. The which to do, We commit to you conjunctly and severally Our fully Power by these Our Letters, delivering them by you duly execute and indorsat again to the Bearer. Given under Our Signet at Edinburgh, the second day of October, one thousand, six hundred and seventy four, and of Our Reign, the twenty sixth Year. Tho. Hay. Cl. Sti. Concilii. God Save the King. EDINBURGH, Printed by Andrew Anderson, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1674.