The Way I See It
Six steps for success
© 2019 Daniel A. Sobol
Roving reference requires an open and friendly person who is understanding of the student’s needs. Also, roving reference requires a good deal of interpersonal skills and the ability to read a situation. We tend to walk the library and find students who are lost in the stacks or sitting in a chair with a database open, but not quite sure what to do with it. These are the students we are trying to reach, the student who needs help but will not ask or it.
In my approach, I find that saying hello before your intervention, remembering names, and keeping the students’ best interest in mind achieves the best outcomes for both the librarian and the learner. Roving reference has value to the student and offers a service that adds value to librarians. Librarians play an enormous role in the learning and student outcomes. However, many students are not aware of what exactly it is that we do.
The students have to trust you and expect to be treated as colleagues. Keep in mind that we are in college, and this is a learning experience for them as much as it is for us. They are here to learn all the skills they can before or while entering the workforce. In addition, I have found that we want to act as a guide of sorts. We want to show them how to use databases and other tools and not allow them to get too accustomed to coming to us everyday with minor requests. We have to take a student-centered approach to learning, even with roving reference.
I also find that we cannot leave a student without giving them an answer or a solution to his or her problem. You have to always be willing to help and have an even and steady personality each time you make contact with them. If you are in a bad mood or are not feeling confident in your work when you approach a student, then that the student may not want to work with you again.
Below, I have listed the steps which I take for roving reference:
Roving reference may require a second librarian ready to step in at the reference desk if you use the model and it takes off. The library has room for outreach regarding student service. We have to try different things to gain the student’s attention. We have to model how to use our tools, such as our databases and skills, especially with tools they are unaware of. This requires us to prove to our students (I could not change the brakes on your car unless somebody demonstrated it to me) how to search or order an item using interlibrary loans. We then should let them try with our guidance. This is where the consultation comes in handy, as you can ask that the student sit with you and you work through a problem together.