Evidence Summary
Making Life
Easier for the Visually Impaired Web Searcher: It Is Now Clearer How This
Should and Can Be Done, but Implementation Lags
A Review of:
Sahib, N. G., Tombros, A., & Stockman, T. (2012). A comparative analysis
of the information-seeking behavior of visually impaired and sighted searchers.
Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology, 63(2),
377–391. doi: 10.1002/asi.21696
Reviewed by:
Laval Hunsucker
and Collection Specialist emeritus
University Libraries, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Amsterdam; Silversteyn 80, Breukelen, The Netherlands
Received: 1 Dec. 2012 Accepted: 10 Feb. 2013
2013 Hunsucker.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
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which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
Objective – To determine how the behaviour of visually impaired persons
significantly differs from that of sighted persons in the carrying out of
complex search tasks on the internet.
Design – A comparative observational user study, plus semi-structured
Setting – Not specified.
Subjects – 15 sighted and 15 visually impaired persons, all of them
experienced and frequent Internet search engine users, of both sexes and
varying in age from early
twenties to mid-fifties.
Methods – The subjects carried out self-selected complex
search tasks on their own equipment and in their own familiar environments. The
investigators observed this activity to some extent directly, but for the most
part via video camera, through use of a screen-sharing facility, or with
screen-capture software. They distinguished four stages of search task
activity: query formulation, search results exploration, query reformulation,
and search results management. The visually impaired participants, of whom 13
were totally blind and two had only marginal vision, were all working with
text-to-speech screen readers and depended exclusively for all their observed
activity on those applications’ auditory output. For data analysis, the
investigators devised a grounded-theory-based coding scheme. They employed a
search log format for deriving further quantitative data which they later
controlled for statistical significance (two-tailed unpaired t-test; p < 0.05). The interviews allowed them to document, in
particular, how the visually impaired subjects themselves subsequently accounted
for, interpreted, and vindicated various observed aspects of their searching
Main Results – The investigators found significant differences between the
sighted participants’ search behaviour and that of the visually impaired
searchers. The latter displayed a clearly less “orienteering” (O'Day &
Jeffries, 1993) disposition and style, more often
starting out with already relatively long and comprehensive combinations of relatively
precise search terms; “their queries were more expressive” (p. 386). They
submitted fewer follow-up queries, and were considerably less inclined to
attempt query reformulation. They were aiming to achieve a satisfactory search
outcome in a single step. Nevertheless, they rarely employed advanced
operators, and made far less use (in only 4 instances) of their search engine’s
query-support features than did the sighted searchers (37 instances). Fewer of
them (13%) ventured beyond the first page of the results returned for their
query by the search engine than was the case among the sighted searchers (43%).
They viewed fewer (a mean of 4.27, as opposed to 13.40) retrieved pages, and
they visited fewer external links (6 visits by 4 visually impaired searchers,
compared with 34 visits by 11 sighted searchers). The visually impaired
participants more frequently engaged in note taking than did the sighted
The visually impaired searchers were
in some cases, the investigators discovered, unaware of search engine
facilities or searching tactics which might have improved their search
outcomes. Yet even when they were aware of these, they very often chose not to
employ them because doing so via their screen readers would have cost them more
time and effort than they were willing to expend. In general, they were more
diffident and less resourceful than the sighted searchers, and had more trust
in the innate capacity and reliability of their search engine to return in an
efficient manner the best available results.
Conclusion – Despite certain inherent limitations of the present study (the
relatively small sample sizes and the non-randomness of the purposive
sighted-searcher sample, the possible presence of extraneous variables, the
impossibility of entirely ruling out familiarity bias), its findings strongly
support the conclusion that working with today’s search engine user interfaces
through the intermediation of currently available assistive technologies
necessarily imposes severe limits on the degree to which visually impaired
persons can efficiently search the web for information relevant to their needs.
The findings furthermore suggest that there are various measures that it would
be possible to take toward alleviating the situation, in the form of further
improvements to retrieval systems, to search interfaces, and to text-to-speech
screen readers. Such improvements would include:
In any event, further information
behaviour studies ought now to be conducted, with the specific aim of more
closely informing the development of user interfaces which will offer the kind
of support that visually impaired Internet searchers are most in need of.
Success in this undertaking will ultimately contribute to the further
empowerment of visually disabled persons and thereby facilitate efforts to
combat social exclusion.
The last 15 years have witnessed the
appearance of a very considerable, and now in fact quickly growing, number of
publications dealing with the problems and requirements of visually impaired
persons in the context of searching for, selecting, and making use of
information and resources on the web. The study reviewed here confirms numerous
earlier research findings and furthers, in particular, our understanding of how
these users interact with search systems, while more fully exploring to what
extent, and for what reasons, this interaction is significantly different from
that which one observes among searchers who are not visually impaired. It is a
useful contribution, as well, because it again explicitly focuses our attention
on what could be done to render internet searching less time-consuming and
cognitively burdensome, and accordingly more rewarding, for visually impaired
Aside from the inherent limitations
of the research design, as conceded above, the study’s presentation also
displays certain shortcomings. Quite remarkably and inexplicably, the
researchers tell us nothing at all about the setting in which they conducted
their study. Furthermore, they specify neither what the sampling frame was for
the random sample of visually impaired searchers, nor exactly what
population(s) the samples were meant to represent. Also, the demographic
information which they provide is surprisingly limited; we find here no
indications, for example, of educational level, of socio-economic status, or of
ethnic or cultural identity. It is, therefore, even apart from any lingering
uncertainty regarding the internal validity or the reliability of this
research, easily imaginable that at least some readers will, justifiably, feel
unsure as to just how pertinent the study’s findings actually are within their
own specific environments. We should also note that, while the authors do
review and cite some of the important earlier research on their topic, they
reference none of the relevant non-English-language literature. Even then,
remarkable omissions remain. We encounter here, for example, no mention of the
very interesting and still highly pertinent study by Theofanos and Redish (2003).
Moreover, our present authors’ lengthy “Discussion” section leaves the reader largely in doubt as
to which of the conclusions there being drawn are in fact based specifically on
their study’s own new findings, and which on the whole accumulated body of
research up to and including this study. However that may be, the conclusions
themselves, along with the recommendations which accompany them, strike this
reviewer not only as justified, but indeed as having clear and compelling
implications, possibly even as amounting to a mandate of sorts, for assistive
technology designers as well as for search engine interface developers, if not
indeed for website developers in general. Mates (2012) has, after all, recently written: “A disconcerting fact is that many websites and
applications are becoming less accessible rather than more” (p. 12). And this
is in spite of the fact that many of the proposed approaches to usability
improvement are already well understood, and would be relatively easy to follow
through on. The findings of the present study are of course in themselves
neither generalizable nor necessarily transferable, but they are, taken
together with those of related research, distinctly indicative of what steps
are possible and appropriate, and therefore these findings do have practical
evidentiary value.
Nowhere in this article do we find
any mention of a possible role for the library or information science and
services (LIS) professional, or indeed any suggestion what role human or
institutional intermediation of any kind can fulfill in making things easier for
visually impaired searchers. The researchers look solely to software
enhancements for whatever solutions to the existing problems may be available.
Nevertheless, LIS practitioners – public services librarians and library web
services developers in particular, as well as anyone involved in accessibility
evaluation – would be well advised take notice of, and to take into account,
findings such as those emerging from this study, while decidedly also keeping
an eye out for any promising fresh developments, such as certainly for example
some published too recently to be mentioned in the article here under review:
for example Yang, Hwang, and Schenkman’s
(2012) experimental “Specialized Search
Engine for the Blind”; important new research on the
growing accessibility problems associated with dynamically changing webpages
(Brown, Jay, Chen, & Harper, 2012); innovative software approaches like behaviour-driven transcoding (Lunn,
Harper, & Bechhofer, 2011) or a prototype webpage
restructuring system (Guercio, Stirbens, Williams, & Haiber,
2011); and, by no means least of all, Kerkmann and
Lewandowski’s (2012) proposed accessibility evaluation framework. LIS
professionals and their organizations can pride themselves on a venerable
tradition of striving to ensure broad and efficient access to information,
literature, and recorded knowledge for all, regardless of disability. Staying
abreast of the results produced by this kind of research on accessibility
enhancement will ensure that the practitioner remains aware of a valuable pool
of potential evidence on which he or she can draw in making decisions which
will serve collectively to sustain, perhaps indeed to strengthen, that
Brown, A., Jay, C., Chen, A. Q., & Harper, S. (2012). The uptake of Web 2.0 technologies, and its impact on visually
disabled users. Universal Access
in the Information Society, 11(2),
185-199. doi:
Guercio, A., Stirbens, K. A., Williams, J., & Haiber,
C. (2011). Addressing challenges in web accessibility for the blind and
visually impaired. International Journal
of Distance Education Technologies, 9(4),
1-13. doi:
Kerkmann, F., & Lewandowski, D. (2012).
Accessibility of web search engines: Towards a deeper understanding of barriers
for people with disabilities. Library
Review, 61(8/9), 608-621. doi: 10.1108/00242531211292105.
Lunn, D., Harper, S., & Bechhofer, S. (2011). Identifying behavioral strategies of visually impaired users to improve
access to Web content. ACM Transactions
on Accessible Computing, 3(4),
Article No. 13. doi:
Mates, B. T. (2012). Information power to all patrons. In C. Booth (Ed.), Making libraries accessible: Adaptive design and assistive technology
(= Library Technology Reports 48:7)
(pp. 7-13). Chicago: American Library Association. doi: 10.5860/ltr.48n7.
O'Day, V. L., &
Jeffries, R. (1993). Orienteering in an information landscape: How information
seekers get from here to there. In S. Ashlund (Ed.), Bridges between worlds: Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems: INTERACT '93 and CHI '93: Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, 24-29 April 1993 (pp. 438-445). New York: ACM Press. doi: 10.1145/169059.169365.
Theofanos, M. F., &
Redish, J. (2003). Guidelines for accessible – and usable – Web sites: Observing users
who work with screenreaders. interactions, 10(6), 38-51. doi: 10.1145/947226.947227. Expanded “Authors’
version” retrieved 4 Feb. 2013 from http://www.redish.net/content/papers/interactions.html
Yang, Y.-F., Hwang, S.-L., & Schenkman, B. (2012). An improved Web search engine for visually impaired
users. Universal
Access in the Information Society, 11(2),
113-124. doi: