Evidence Summary
Academic Librarians Would Benefit from Instruction on Conducting
A Review of:
Kennedy, M. R., & Brancolini, K. R. (2012). Academic librarian
research: A survey of attitudes, involvement, and perceived capabilities. College & Research Libraries, 73(5), 431-448. Retrieved 31 May 2013
from http://crl.acrl.org/content/73/5/431.full.pdf+html
Reviewed by:
Annie M. Hughes
Reference Librarian
Wilson Dental Library, University of Southern
Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Email: amhughes@usc.edu
Received: 27 Feb. 2013 Accepted: 25 May 2013
2013 Hughes.
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provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
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Objectives – To survey and ascertain the level of
confidence academic librarians demonstrate with regard to performing and
consuming research, as well as to gather information in order to plan a
curriculum that would offer professional continuing education programming for
librarians interested in enhancing their research skills.
Design – Web-based survey of academic librarians on their level
of confidence with regard to performing and consuming research.
Setting – Various email lists with academic librarians as subscribers.
Subjects – 918 self-selected academic librarians who subscribe to
email lists.
Methods – The authors chose to gather a convenience sample of
academic librarians by sending a survey via various email lists. A link to an
informed consent notice was sent via the request for participation and then
linked to the survey. The survey consisted of 19 questions and gathered
information regarding four areas: current research practices, self-evaluation
of confidence in research practice, research courses in which the participants
participated either during their library and information studies (LIS) programs
or through other means, and demographic information and information related to
support provided by the librarians’ home institutions. The authors adapted their
survey from other previously published surveys, and it was pre-tested for its
effectiveness and reviewed by the Institutional Review Board. Question 10
included a confidence scale from 1-5 with 1 being “Not at All Confident” and 5
being “Very Confident.” The confidence scale was used to capture respondents’
self-perceptions of their research design expertise. Various statistical tests
were performed.
Main Results – The authors received 918 responses to their
call for participation, with 809 completing the full survey; incomplete
responses were not excluded. Results indicate that the vast majority of
academic librarians are focused on staying current with regard to the
literature, and there is the assumption or expectation that they will do this
as part of their job duties. While nearly 78% of librarians view the table of
contents of journals, fewer librarians regularly read the full content, as time
is a determining factor with regard to consumption of the literature. The
results show that 62% of academic librarians have undertaken some type of
research since graduating with an LIS degree, but they do not necessarily
publish or disseminate their results; only 77% of those who had done research
had presented at conferences, published in a journal, or presented at their
institution in an informal setting.
A confidence scale was
used to determine the level of confidence in performing certain research tasks,
and while respondents recorded the highest level of confidence in conducting a
literature review, the lowest levels of confidence were noted for the ability
to design a project to test their questions and to analyze research data.
Respondents were fairly confident on average with regard to turning their
topics into questions, gathering data, reporting results in a written format,
reporting results verbally, and identifying appropriate places to disseminate
results. The authors chose to analyze two variables with regard to their
question on confidence (Average Confidence and Conduct Research), as they
predicted that whether librarians conduct research after completing their LIS
studies was dependent upon their confidence in performing evidence-based
research. After running a logistic regression analysis in SPSS, the authors
found that confidence may be a predictor for research performance.
With regard to training
in research methods, only 26% of respondents felt that their LIS training
provided them with the background to perform research tasks. The authors
analyzed the data in this instance and found that there is no statistically
significant relationship between the belief that LIS training prepared them and
the likelihood of performing research.
The demographic
section of the survey provided the authors with information regarding research
support from institutions, and asked librarians if they are tenure
track/promotion, promotion only, or not eligible for tenure and promotion. The
results showed that 45% were eligible for tenure, 28% achieved tenure, 48% had
been through the tenure process, and 40% had other degrees in addition to their
LIS qualification.
Conclusion – By surveying a sample of academic librarians,
the authors were hoping to gather information about their confidence level,
training level, and current practices with regard to research. The data was
collected as a way to inform the authors as to how they could best design a
curriculum for continuing education in research practice. The survey results
show that academic librarians are confident with regard to consumption of the
literature and developing research questions, but less confident with regard to
gathering and analyzing data.
The proposed
curriculum would provide training on conducting research, and the authors’
eventual goal is to offer an “Institute for Research Design in Librarianship”
that would help librarians, especially those who are required to do research
for tenure and promotion purposes, to perform the more difficult aspects of
research such as design and analysis. Librarians would complete the course and
be able to return to their home institutions with the capability to perform all
steps in the research process.
The authors focus on a
very important issue within the academic librarian community: some librarians
are required to perform research tasks, but may not feel confident in
performing these tasks. While the article uses a survey instrument to gather
general data about the population, the main goal was to gather evidence to
support a curriculum that would effectively teach research design and data
analysis. The authors’ proposal to offer an Institute for Research Design in
Librarianship, from the evidence provided in the article, looks to be a much
needed form of continuing education, as many librarians’ jobs depend upon
producing and disseminating quality research. While there is evidence that some
librarians receive training in research methods during their LIS program, it
appears that the courses do not always go into sufficient detail regarding data
gathering and analysis. A course focused mainly on conducting research, as
opposed to just consuming and understanding research, could be one way of
closing the gap with regard to low confidence levels in the academic librarian
population. The authors should continue in this line of inquiry and gather
further evidence to support their idea.
The authors are very
forthright about their research limitations, and state that they used a
convenience sample, gave two weeks for response time, and only sent out one
call to the email lists. They also felt that further study would need to be
done with regard to the idea of self-efficacy as a predictor for completion of
research tasks. The authors mention that confidence as a predictor may not show
the whole picture, and more would need to be done to get a better perspective.
However, as stated several times throughout the article, the survey was only
meant to generally inform and gather evidence in order to develop a curriculum
in research design.
Future research
possibilities were also identified by the authors. Research culture is one area
of interest to them, as support from an academic librarian’s institution is
important to fostering production and dissemination of research. An
institution’s expectations for staff to publish or disseminate may enhance the
research culture and therefore provide support through resources such as time
and money to attend training workshops and conferences. One other possible area
of interest noted by authors is to study academic librarians who are successful
researchers and who have published their research, in order to explore their
steps to success. The authors believe that a study of high level researchers in
the academic library world may enable a formula for effective research
The article is only an
introduction to what could potentially be derived from a more substantial
analysis of academic librarian research behaviors. The authors do an excellent
job of utilizing the evidence they gathered in an effective way and do not make
assumptions based on the data. Their goal is to inform themselves so that they
may develop an effective strategy for continuing education for academic
librarians. They clearly state their purpose, their goals and their
limitations, and hopefully will continue to develop the Institute for Research
Design in Librarianship.