Evidence of the Value and Impact of Library and Information Services: Methods,
Metrics and ROI
Carol Tenopir
University of
Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
of America
2013 Tenopir. This is an Open Access article
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Those who work in libraries or have a
close understanding of their historical and contemporary roles know that
libraries bring value to the individuals and institutions they serve. Yet, when
there are decreasing resources and increasing alternatives for information and
attention, libraries of all types find that they need to measure and
demonstrate the value of all of their collections and services. And, sometimes,
measuring value means choosing to eliminate some traditional roles in order to
take on or re-emphasize new ones (Tenopir, 2012).
The history of building evidence of
the value of libraries is long, particularly for public and special libraries
(Griffiths & King, 1993, 2011; Fraser, et al, 2002; Matthews, 2002, 2007).
In academic research libraries, the LibQUAL+ initiative provides an
international base of comparison for patrons’ expectations and how individual
libraries meet those expectations (Association of Research Libraries, 2013).
Oakleaf (2010) summarized years of work on value of academic libraries. She
emphasized the need for academic libraries to demonstrate their value and
offered multiple suggestions for how to do so, including surrogate measurements
for value and impact. As important as demonstrating value, however, is being
valuable: the line of inquiry about how valuable libraries are and how to
increase their value derives from inquiring about the demonstration of value
(Oakleaf, 2010).
Yet, much remains to be done in
building a culture of measuring value in the specific context of each
individual academic library. The LibValue project, sponsored by the U.S.
Institute of Museum and Library Services, is a multi-year project focusing on testing
multiple methods for measuring the value, outcomes, and return on investment
(ROI) of academic library products and services (, 2013).
Principals in LibValue include the University of Tennessee; University of
Illinois; Syracuse University; Byrant University; and the Association of
Research Libraries. Other participants have included, in the UK, JISC
Collections; Cranfield University; University of Dundee; University of East
Anglia; Durham University; Imperial College London; and University of
Manchester. In the US, participants include Seton Hall University; the
University of North Carolina-Wilmington; the University of Colorado; Baruch
College; Buffalo State University; and Brooklyn College. In Australia,
participants include the John Metcalfe Memorial Foundation; the University of
New South Wales; and University of Queensland.
The value of an academic library is
complex, because total value is composed of many separate values for each type
of collection or service and because the value differs for different
constituents and over time. The value of the entire library may be a composite
of dozens (or even hundreds) of separate services and collections, each of
which has a different value. Value to first year undergraduates may be the
library’s role in encouraging them to continue in school (thus factoring into
retention rates), which is enhanced by having a welcoming physical space with
friendly assistance. By the time those students are seniors, the value of the
library may be more in helping them find high quality resources in a timely
manner to improve their research papers. For a faculty member, the value of
instructional services may be to help them improve the courses they teach and,
at the same time, help their students do better in class assignments. For a
graduate student or a faculty member’s role as researcher, the value of the
library may be to get access to the widest range of resources or the use of an
institutional repository as a place to deposit their research datasets for
long-term preservation and shared access. Value in all of these cases, however,
revolves around outcomes – how the library contributes to the academic work and
success of the people it serves.
In a broad sense, library and
information resources value can be considered as either “exchange” value or
“use” value (Machlup, 1979). In the
information context, exchange (or “purchase”) value is what one is willing to
pay for information in money or time, and use value is the favorable
consequences derived from using the information. Use value can also be looked
at as outcomes from using information products or services. Bruce Kingma of
Syracuse University, principal in the LibValue project, describes three
different types of library value, including: 1) Economic (private) value, e.g.,
what is the value to an individual to use the library resources?; 2) Social
(public) value, e.g., what is the value to the institution of the library?; and
3) Environmental (externality) value, e.g., what is the value of the environmental
savings of library provision of electronic resources?
Another way to categorize types of
value measurements in libraries is to consolidate these measures into: 1)
measures of “implied” value, such as the value that is measured from usage
statistics (people download the library e-resources, therefore value of these
collections is implied); 2) “explicit” measures of value that come directly
from testimonials (for example, how access to a special collection helped an
author complete a book) or value that constituents ascribe to the library and
describe in interviews, focus groups, or questionnaires; and 3) “derived”
measures such as ROI or contingent valuation measures that are calculated on a
combination of implied, explicit and other sources of evidence (Tenopir, 2012).
Some examples of types of value and measurements are given below.
Exchange value for a journals
collection can be calculated using questionnaires to gather information on the
amount of reading by academic staff and faculty members (or students), how much
time they spend on average per reading, and extrapolating up to an annual basis
and to the total university faculty population. For example, in six
universities in the UK, faculty members report reading on average per month, 22
scholarly articles at 49 minutes per reading, 7 books or parts of books at 106
minutes per reading, and 10 other scholarly publications at 42 minutes per
reading. This adds up to a commitment of 37 hours per month just on reading
(not including the time spent identifying and obtaining the readings) (Tenopir
& Volentine, 2012). The percent of that time that comes on readings from
the library is one way to measure exchange value; in the case of the UK,
respondents reported that 67.3% of article readings, 27.6% of book readings,
and 15.2% of other publication readings come from the library. That means they
spend over 16 hours per month or an estimated 192 hours per year just in
reading items from their libraries. Bringing in average faculty salaries and
extrapolating to the total faculty numbers, and adding in time identifying and
locating the readings, completes this exchange value calculation (King, 2012).
Another value that can be derived
from this type of study is contingent valuation (what faculty or students would
expect or be willing to pay if the library collections or services were not
available to them). At Bryant University in the US, LibValue principal Donald
W. King conducted an in depth cost and value study of multiple library
services. For journal collections he estimated that at the average salary of
Bryant University faculty members, the cost of not having access to
library-provided articles would carry a total cost of nearly a half million
dollars or a cost per faculty member of $1,200 or cost per reading of $27
(King, 2012).
Return on investment (ROI) in a
strict sense is a quantitative measure expressed as a ratio of the value
returned to the institution for each monetary unit invested in the
library. In other words, for every
amount of money spent on the library, the university receives ‘X’ amount in
return. ROI can be used with contingent valuation or it can be used to
demonstrate that library collections and services contribute to
income-generating activities.
In a study funded by Elsevier, the
ROI of research university libraries in eight countries in helping the research
grants process succeed, through access to high quality materials to cite, was
estimated to be between just under 1:1 for a humanities/social sciences based
teaching institution to over 15:1 for a scientific research university system.
Most comprehensive research and teaching universities had a library ROI in
grants in the range of 3-5:1 (Tenopir, 2010).
The National Network of Libraries of
Medicine has an ROI calculator that helps libraries demonstrate: how much
benefit does the institution, your user, receive for every dollar spent by the
library?; value of benefits and costs for each service; and total value of
library use (2013). Simple public library ROI calculators are also available
(see, for example, and
In a softer sense, ROI is also values
of all types and outcomes that come to stakeholders and the institution from
use of the library’s collections, services, and contribution to its
communities. Use or outcomes value can be gathered explicitly in a survey or
interview by asking respondents to focus on a critical incident of information
use. In the example of scholarly reading, we ask respondents to focus on the
last scholarly article they read (whether or not it was particularly typical or
important), thus giving us a second stage random sample of readings in addition
to the first stage sample of readers. In the study in the UK, faculty
identified many outcomes from article reading, including in rank order: 1)
inspire new thinking or ideas; 2) improve the results of work; 3)
narrow/broaden/or change the focus of the principal purpose; 4) resolve
technical problems; 5) save time or other resources. Negative outcomes were
offered as choices, but were seldom selected.
Open-ended questions are another
source of explicit outcomes to support decision making (Volentine &
Tenopir, 2013). Comments include simple praise or complaints about the level of
service provided or can offer hints on how to improve service. For example,
from one U.K. academic: “Electronic access to the university library system
from off-site is crucial for swift access to articles to support my teaching
and research activities.” Another (this time from our studies in Australia)
offers: “I prefer reading hard copy to online books and articles. I particularly dislike ebooks and articles
which I’m only able to read for a limited time.” Comments can be used to gather personal
evidence of the value of the library’s collections and services; they can also
lead to specific courses of action such as negotiating contracts that include
off-site access and better e-book lending policies.
Putting together quantitative data
and open-ended comments in surveys allows libraries to put a personal face on
their value to constituents by building data-based personas (Volentine, et al
2012). Personas are fictional characters based on actual respondent data. For
example, in the UK, segmenting the data to select the most successful academics
(defined as those who have won an award in the last two years and published
four or more items), builds a portrait of a successful academic, who: reads
more of every type of material; spends more time per book and other publication
readings; uses the library for articles; more often buys books and obtains
other publications from the Internet; occasionally participates and creates
social media content. Another persona in the U.K. study is an Associate
professor in physics who reads 30 articles, 2 books, and 11 other publications
per month and has not visited a physical library in many years. He needs
current issues of articles, off-site access to collections, access to search
engines and online resources without a distinction between library and
non-library resources, and a wide range of dates to see trends over time.
It should be clear that value of the
library to its constituents can be demonstrated in many ways – by time
invested, by value to purpose, by outcomes of use, and by ROI. Multiple methods
should be used to measure value, including quantitative, qualitative, and a mixture
of both. No one method stands alone and the choice of methods must be tied to
the mission of each specific institution. Quantitative data can show ROI and
trends, while qualitative data can tell a story or put a personal face on data.
Whatever methods are used, libraries need to focus on measuring outcomes, not
inputs, and use this evidence to demonstrate the role of the library in helping
with the success of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students.
This commentary is based on a
presentation for the LIS DREaM Project Conference, British Library, 9th July
2012, UK.
Acknowledgements: The studies
reported here involve many librarians around the world, who are too numerous to
mention specifically, but who collectively have made
these projects successful. Special thanks to Paula Kaufmann, Dean of Libraries,
University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign; Bruce Kingman, Professor at Syracuse
University; and Donald W. King, Research Professor at Bryant University and all
of the LibValue researchers. LibValue is funded by a grant from the U.S.
Institute of Museum and Library Services. Additional funding for international
participation comes from, in the U.K. JISC Collections and, in Australia, the
John Metcalfe Memorial Foundation. An international study on ROI in grants was
funded by Elsevier.
Association of Research Libraries (2013). LibQual+: Charting library service
quality. Retrieved from
Fraser, B.T., McClure, C.R. & Leahy, E.H. (2002). Toward a framework for assessing library and
institutional outcomes. portal:
Libraries and the Academy, 2(4), p. 505-528.
Griffiths, J.M. & King, D.W. (1993). Increasing the information edge. Special Libraries Research Series.
Washington, DC: Special Libraries Association.
Griffiths, J.M. & King, D.W. (2011). A strong future for public library use and
employment. Chicago: American Library
King, D.W. (29 October 2012). Assessment of the use, value, and ROI of
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Machlup, F. (1979).
Uses, value, and benefits of knowledge.
Science Communication, 1(1), p. 62-81.
Matthews, J.R. (2002).
The bottom line: Determining and communicating the value of the special
library. Westport, CT: Libraries
Matthews, J.R. (2007).
The evaluation and measurement of library services. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
National Network of Libraries of Medicine (2013). Library value calculator: What is your
library worth? Retrieved from
Oakleaf, M. (2010).
The value of academic libraries: A comprehensive research review and
report. Association of College and
Research Libraries, Chicago, IL.
Tenopir, C. (2010).
University investment in the library, phase II: An international study
of the library’s value to the grants process.
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Tenopir, C. (9 July 2012). Building evidence of the value and impact of
library information services: Methods, metrics and ROI. Keynote presentation at the DREaM Project
Conference, London, UK.
Tenopir, C. (2012) Beyond usage: Measuring library
outcomes and value. Library Management,
33(1/2), p. 5-13. DOI: 10.1108/01435121211203275.
Tenopir, C. & Volentine, R. (1 February 2012). UK scholarly reading and the value of library
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Volentine, R. & Tenopir, C. (2013). “Value of Academic
Reading and Value of the Library in Academics’ Own Words”. Aslib Proceedings. 65 (4).
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