Information Literacy Articles in Science Pedagogy
Cara Bradley
Teaching and Learning
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Received: 24 July 2013 Accepted:
19 Nov. 2013
2013 Bradley. This is an Open Access article
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Objective – This study sought to determine the extent
to which articles about information literacy-related topics have been published
in science pedagogy journals. It also explored the nature of these references,
in terms of authorship, Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
information literacy competency standards addressed, and degree of emphasis on
information literacy topics. In addition to characterizing information literacy
in the science pedagogy literature, the study presents a methodology that can
be adopted by future efforts to explore representations of information literacy
in the literature of additional academic disciplines.
Methods – The 2011 Journal Citation Reports® Science edition was
used to identify the 15 journals with the highest impact factor in the
“Education—Scientific Disciplines” subject category. Initially Web of Science
was searched to identify occurrences of “information literacy” and related
terms in the journals of interest during the 10 year period 2002-2011. This was
supplemented by a title scan of the articles to ensure inclusion of relevant
items that did not include library-centric terminology. Abstracts and, where
necessary, full papers were reviewed to confirm relevance. Only articles were
included: editorials, news items, letters, and resource reviews were excluded
from the analysis.
Articles selected for inclusion were read in their entirety. Professional
designations for each author were identified to characterize the authorship of
this body of literature. Articles were also classified according to levels
developed by O’Connor (2008), to indicate whether information literacy was a
“Major Topic,” “Substantive Focus,” “Incidental Mention,” or “Not Explicitly
Named.” Further analysis mapped each article to the ACRL information literacy
competency standards (2000), to provide more detailed insight into which
standards are most frequently addressed in this body of literature.
Results – Articles on information literacy-related topics appear only
sporadically in science pedagogy journals, and that frequency varies depending
on the specific subject area. Overall, librarians contribute a relatively small
proportion of these articles, and are more likely to co-author with teaching
faculty/graduate students than to publish alone or with other librarians. The
degree of focus on information literacy topics (O’Connor level) varies
depending on article authorship, with librarians more likely to treat
information literacy as the “Major Focus” of their work. Additionally, the articles
tend to cluster around ACRL information literacy standards two, three, and
especially four, rather than addressing them equally.
Conclusions – The presence of some articles on information
literacy-related topics in science pedagogy journals suggests that there is a
willingness among these journals to publish work in this area. Despite this,
relatively few librarians have pursued this publication option, choosing
instead to publish articles on information literacy topics within the library
and information studies (LIS) literature. As a result, librarians are missing
out on the opportunity to share their published work in venues more likely to
be seen and valued by subject faculty, and on the chance to familiarize science
educators with information literacy topics. Future research should focus on:
librarians’ rationale when selecting target publications for their information
literacy writing; science educator interest in writing and reading about
information literacy topics in their pedagogical journals; and the impact of
articles about information literacy in these journals on subject faculty
perceptions of the topic’s importance.
The methods used in this research have implications for the study of
information literacy in other academic disciplines, and demonstrate that the
study of information literacy in the literature of academic disciplines can
provide valuable insights into representations and characterizations of
information literacy in diverse fields of study. A better understanding of how
subject faculty think and write about information literacy in their scholarly
literature could have a significant impact on how librarians approach and
collaborate with faculty in all fields of study.
Thousands of journal articles, books,
standards, and other documents have been written on the topic of information
literacy over the past two decades. Library and information studies (LIS)
venues have published the vast majority of this work, where it is read
primarily by librarians with a pre-existing interest in the topic. This body of
literature is certainly important, as it has promoted information literacy to a
wider LIS audience and helped to refine the profession’s understanding of the
Of particular interest to the current study,
however, is the degree to which information literacy has permeated the
pedagogical literature in the academic disciplines; that is, the literature
that is most likely to be read by teaching faculty. Research has repeatedly
demonstrated that curricular integration of information literacy competency
development is essential to its success, and such integration cannot happen
without the willing participation of faculty teaching in the disciplines (Kearns & Hybl,
2005; Lampert, 2005). This study approaches pedagogical literature in the disciplines as
one measure of the interest in and uptake of information literacy among
educators. In addition to quantifying information literacy’s presence in the
science pedagogical literature, it also attempts to characterize the nature of
this work. It is hoped that the results will provide guidance and insight to
librarians, whether they are considering publication venues for their own
information literacy writing, or trying to identify connection points between
information literacy and pedagogical discussions in the disciplines.
Literature Review
In 1992, Jacobson
and Vallely undertook a study to determine the prevalence and authorship of
articles about “library instruction” in the “journals that faculty members
read” (p. 360). They did not specify any subject area limitations in their
research, and the databases searched indicate that they included a wide range
of disciplines. The term “information literacy” was not yet in widespread use
in the period covered by their search (1980-1990), so they used “bibliographic
instruction” and other keywords and subject headings (outlined in detail in
appendix A of their article). They found 74 articles about library instruction
in non-library journals, with approximately 50% written by librarians alone,
25% written collaboratively by librarians and faculty members, and another 25%
authored by faculty members alone. Jacobson and Vallely expressed general
disappointment, not only with the small numbers, but also with the quality of
the articles retrieved, noting that there was “not much . . . novel or
surprising” (p. 360) in the articles by librarians, and that faculty-authored
articles revealed, “a remarkably superficial notion of who we [librarians] are
and what we do” (p. 362). They ended with a call for librarians to increase
publication about the value of library instruction in journals read by faculty
Still’s 1998
article followed six years after Jacobson and Vallely’s early effort to use
non-library literature as a barometer for interest in and uptake of library
instruction. Like her predecessors, Still looked at subject-specific
pedagogical journals across disciplines, and found that only 33 of 13,016
articles discuss library instruction or library-related assignments. She
highlighted specific articles within four broad subject categories: Sciences,
Humanities, Social Sciences, and Nursing/Social Work, but did not characterize
the literature in any systematic way. In Sciences, the category most relevant
to the present study, she lauded the creation of the “Chemical Information
Instructor” column, edited by a librarian, in the Journal of Chemical
Education. Her conclusion, however, was sobering: “If the library and library instruction have been integrated into the
academic curriculum, there is little evidence of it in the discipline specific
teaching journals studied” (Still, 1998, p. 229).
Nearly a decade
after Still’s article, Stevens (2007) was the first author to analyze
discipline-specific pedagogical literature in the era of widespread adoption of
the term “information literacy” and the ACRL information literacy competency
standards. Even with the broadening of her focus from “library instruction” to
“information literacy,” Stevens found only 25 information literacy articles
published from 2000-2005 in the 54 pedagogy journals included in her study.
Like Jacobson and Vallely, Stevens was particularly interested in the
authorship of these 25 articles, and found that 7 were written by librarians,
12 were faculty/librarian collaborations, and 6 were written exclusively by
faculty. She concluded that, while information literacy had not made
significant inroads into the disciplinary pedagogy literature overall, there
were some bright spots. She noted the growing presence of information literacy
in the nursing pedagogy literature, presenting it as an example that
illustrates the value of publishing this work in disciplinary journals. Stevens
was also the first author to mention the ACRL standards in her analysis; while
she didn’t delve down to use of specific standards, she did note that some
articles, “use the ACRL Standards as a framework for
defining IL competencies, designing assignments, and assessing student
learning” (p. 262). Ultimately, like Jacobson and Vallely and also Stills,
Stevens concluded with a call for librarians (either alone or collaboratively
with faculty) to capitalize on the potential of discipline-specific pedagogy
journals to interest faculty in information literacy.
O’Connor (2008) was
the first, and to date only, author to conduct a more in-depth study of
information literacy in the literature of a specific discipline. She searched
business literature (broadly, not just pedagogical journals) in order to assess
the “diffusion” of information literacy in business studies. She located 159
relevant works (unlike previous studies, O’Connor included trade publications
in addition to scholarly journals) and her analysis revealed that
disappointingly few were written by librarians. She also developed and applied
a scale for delineating the extent to which the works addressed information
literacy topics, a scale that has been adopted for the current study. She found
that most of the information literacy articles she had identified gave the
topic “Incidental Mention,” although there were also a significant number in
which information literacy was the “Major Focus.” O’Connor’s application of
Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Theory led her to the conclusion that the low
and relatively stable level of information literacy publications appearing in
the business literature over time indicated that it is in the “earliest phases of adoption . . . and has not
yet reached the tipping point” (2008, p. 120).
The present study, like O’Connor’s work, is
based on the premise that detailed examination of the literature of specific
fields provides a deeper and more nuanced understanding of information
literacy, while also recognizing that there is value in being able to conduct
some comparisons among similar fields. It shares earlier authors’ interest in
the number of information literacy-related articles appearing in non-LIS
literature over time and their curiosity about the authorship of these
articles. It also offers a deeper level of analysis, not only characterizing
this body of literature by applying O’Connor’s levels, but also, for the first
time in this type of study, mapping journal articles to the ACRL information
literacy competency standards.
This study aims to answer the following
research questions: To what extent are information literacy competencies addressed by
science pedagogy journals? What is the nature of these references, in terms of
authorship, ACRL standards addressed, and degree of emphasis on information
The term “information
literacy,” despite its widespread use among librarians, lacks a single,
accepted definition. Professional associations in different countries have
variously defined it as “knowing when and why you need information, where to
find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner”
(Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, 2004), or as
being “able to recognize when
information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use
effectively the needed information” (American Library Association, 1989). The
author of this study used the ACRL’s five competency standards as the basis for
her definition and conceptualization of information literacy, primarily because
they have been so widely adopted in the North American academic library sector
where she works.
The researcher used
the 2011 Journal Citation Report (JCR) Science® edition to identify high
impact journals in the “Education—Scientific Disciplines” subject category.
While the problems inherent in using journal impact factors as a proxy for
journal quality have been well-documented (Lozano, Larivière, & Gingras 2012; McVeigh & Mann
2009, among others), this provided a
convenient way to identify journals across scientific disciplines whose reach
is significant, thereby serving the purpose of this study. The analysis included the 15 non-medical
journals with the highest impact factors, and the study considered articles
published in the most recent 10-year period for which complete data was
available (2002-2011), with the sample obtained in April 2013. Only articles
were included; editorials, news items, letters, and resource reviews were
excluded from the analysis. This created a large pool of 10,743 articles for
analysis, providing broad coverage across scientific disciplines, and covering
a time period of great change in information retrieval and usage practices. The
study used the online versions of the articles, relying on print only in cases
of missing content or access restrictions.
Efforts to identify
articles from this pool of 10,743 publications that address information
literacy-related topics were two-fold. The researcher initially conducted
keyword searches of Web of Science to identify occurrences of the terms
“information litera*” or “information fluen*” or “library instruction” or
“information competen*” from within the large pool of articles. She then
supplemented this by personally scanning the titles and, where necessary for
clarification, the abstracts and/or full text, of the original pool of 10,743
articles. This ensured the inclusion of relevant articles that did not contain
library-centric terminology in describing information-literacy related
concepts, as well as articles that focused on specific competencies (such as
plagiarism, searching) without including an umbrella information literacy term.
In an attempt to ensure consistency and quality control in the selection
process, the author selected only articles that could be correlated to specific
components of the ACRL competencies/ performance indicators/outcomes.
Additionally, articles had to focus on inculcating these competencies in
students, rather than mentioning them in other contexts. For example, an
article about instructor strategies for detecting plagiarism was also excluded
as the focus was not on educating students about the topic.
The researcher read
articles selected for inclusion in their entirety to ensure accurate
categorization. She created a standardized template in Excel and extracted data
from each article as it was read. The entry for each article included details
about the professional designations for every author in order to characterize
the authorship of this body of literature; in cases where this information was
not provided in the article, the researcher located it through Web searches
and, in a small number of cases, email follow-up. The template also required
entry of the publication year and the broad scientific subject area of the
journal in which each article was published. Additionally, the template also
required that the researcher classify each article according to the levels
developed by O’Connor to indicate the nature of the work’s attention to
information literacy concepts. The four levels are:
texts in which IL [information literacy] is
explicit and a major focus (IL–Major topic); texts in which IL is explicit and
treated substantively, but is not the focus of the article (IL-Substantive
Treatment); texts in which IL is explicit, but only mentioned in passing,
possibly with a very brief definition provided (IL–Incidental Mention); and
texts in which IL competencies are clearly being discussed, yet IL is never
explicitly named. (O’Connor 2008, p. 113)
Finally, the
template required the researcher to assign each article to the appropriate ACRL
information literacy competency standards for higher education (2000) to
provide more detailed insight into which standards are most frequently
addressed in this body of literature. The researcher coded articles as
addressing up to four individual standards, while coding those addressing all
five standards or information literacy generally as “IL—General.”
A total of 10,743
journal articles met the criteria of articles published from 2002 to 2011 in
the target 15 journals. The researcher first reviewed article titles in order
to determine relevance of the papers, which revealed that the vast majority of
these did not address information literacy topics in any notable way. In 430
instances where titles were ambiguous or suggested information literacy-related
content, the researcher read abstracts to glean a better understanding of the
article. This allowed further refinement of the article set, and left 218
articles to be read in their entirety. Ultimately, only 156 of the original
10,743 articles (or 1.5%) addressed information literacy-related topics. The
names of the journals included in the analysis, the number of citations under
review from each journal, and the number/percentage of information
literacy-related references found in each journal are outlined in Table 1. These numbers clearly indicate that articles
on information literacy-related topics appeared only sporadically in science
pedagogy journals.
Table 1
Information Literacy Articles by Journal
Journal |
Total articles |
Number of information literacy articles |
% of information literacy articles out of
total |
Journal of Engineering Education |
228 |
6 |
2.6% |
Advances in Physiology Education |
358 |
15 |
4.2% |
Studies in Science Education |
52 |
1 |
1.9% |
CBE—Life Sciences Education |
325 |
18 |
5.5% |
IEEE Transactions on Education |
659 |
13 |
2.0% |
Physical Review Special Topics—Physics
Education Research* |
143 |
0 |
0 |
Journal of Science Education and
Technology |
459 |
13 |
2.8% |
Chemistry Education Research and Practice |
277 |
4 |
1.4% |
Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology Education |
566 |
19 |
3.4% |
European Journal of Physics |
1213 |
0 |
0 |
Journal of Chemical Education |
3057 |
39 |
1.3% |
American Journal of Physics |
1702 |
3 |
.2% |
International Journal of Engineering
Education |
1260 |
8 |
.6% |
Journal of Technology and Design Education |
198 |
7 |
3.5% |
Journal of Biological Education |
246 |
10 |
4.1% |
Total |
10,743 |
156 |
1.5% |
* Publication began in 2005 |
Journals were also
grouped according to specific scientific discipline, based on “Subject
Category” assigned in the 2011 Journal Citation Report (JCR) Science® edition, in an effort to
uncover any differences in the frequency of information literacy articles by
subject area. Figure 1 shows that, of the scientific disciplines represented in
the 15 journals under review, biology/life sciences journals were most likely to
have addressed information literacy topics (4.2% of articles). Science
(general), chemistry, and engineering journals published somewhat fewer
articles on information literacy topics, and information literacy articles were
virtually non-existent in the physics education literature, with only .2% of
journal articles under review addressing the topic.
The researcher also
analyzed journal articles to determine the level or depth with which they focus
on information literacy topics. Application of the levels developed by O’Connor
(1998) revealed that, when addressed in science pedagogy journals, information
literacy is most frequently the “Major Topic” of a journal article, with
O’Connor’s category “IL Substantive Treatment” a close second (Figure 2). This is not to imply that the term
“information literacy” itself was used in the articles; in fact, this phrase is
absent in the vast majority of articles. Instead, it indicates that the concept
or its constituent parts (as articulated in the ACRL Information Literacy
Competency Standards for Higher Education) were represented at the
specified level. Thus, the category “IL Not Explicit” does not refer to the
absence of the term “information literacy,” but most often indicates that a
learning activity was developed to foster several skills, of which information
literacy is one.
The researcher further
broke down the journal articles on information literacy-related topics by
publication year over the 10 year period. Figure 3 reveals a general increase
in the number of articles addressing information literacy topics from
2002-2008. After peaking in 2008, the number of articles on information
literacy topics declined precipitously in 2009, followed by a more gradual
decrease in 2010 and 2011. Figure 3 also reveals that over the years,
information literacy topics have become increasingly likely to be a “Major
Focus” of journal articles, whereas in the past there was a more even split in
the depth with which articles addressed the topic.
Figure 1
Information literacy
articles by subject area.
Figure 2
Number of articles by O'Connor level.
Analysis of authorship patterns of the information literacy-related
journal articles revealed that subject faculty and/or graduate students wrote
the vast majority of these works. Figure 4 shows that librarians (writing
either alone or with other librarians) wrote only 4 of the 156 information
literacy-related articles. Collaborations between librarians and subject
faculty/graduate students were somewhat more productive, resulting in 13
articles. One unexpected finding was the number of publications written by
educational developers and other teaching centre employees (either alone or in
conjunction with subject faculty/graduate students). This category was not
included in the initial analysis but was added when it become apparent that
these staff contributed information literacy-related articles in numbers
comparable to librarians.
Results also
revealed that the O’Connor level of articles varied depending on the authorship
of the article. Articles written by librarians (either alone or in
collaboration with others) were much more likely to address information
literacy topics in depth, as demonstrated in Table 2. Table 2 also shows that
articles written by those other than librarians were spread much more evenly
over the O’Connor levels, particularly “Major Focus,” “Substantive Treatment,”
and “Incidental Mention.”
The researcher also
categorized the articles under review according to the ACRL information
literacy competency standards that they addressed. She assigned up to four
standards for each article as applicable, assigning articles addressing all
five standards or information literacy generally to the category “IL--General.”
Standard two (accessing information effectively and efficiently), standard three
(evaluation of information) and particularly standard four (using information
to accomplish a specific purpose) were most frequently the topic of the
articles under review. Standard five (ethical and legal use of information) was
addressed less often, and Standard one (identifying an information need) was
only infrequently the focus of articles in the science pedagogy literature.
Figure 3
Articles by publication year and O'Connor
Figure 4
of articles.
Table 2
O'Connor Level of Articles by Authorship
Librarians (#) |
Librarians (%) |
Non-librarians (#) |
Non-librarians (%) |
Major Focus |
16 |
94% |
48 |
35% |
Substantive Treatment |
1 |
6% |
52 |
37% |
Incidental Mention |
0 |
_ |
32 |
23% |
Not Explicitly Named |
0 |
_ |
7 |
5% |
Figure 5
ACRL standards addressed by articles.
Note: As some articles
address more than one standard, the sum of the numbers in this chart exceeds
the 156 articles categorized.
The number of
information literacy-related journal articles published in the science pedagogy
literature is quite small and in this regard similar to findings in earlier
studies of information literacy in the non-LIS pedagogical literature. It is
difficult, however, to draw more detailed comparisons between these results and
those of previous studies because their searching practices did not provide a
denominator that gave a sense of the percentage of articles that were
information literacy-related. The one
study by Still (1998) that did determine that less than .5% of articles studied
addressed information literacy initially seems to suggest that the current
study’s findings of 1.5% of articles in the science pedagogical literature may
be an improvement. In fact, the present study’s use of the broader concept of
information literacy (rather than Still’s use of library instruction), as well
as its supplementation of keyword searches with more inclusive title/abstract
scans, may in fact mask a decline in the overall percentage of articles being
published on information literacy topics in pedagogical literature. Despite the
difficulties of comparing rates between studies, it can be claimed with
certainty that the rate of information literacy-related articles in non-LIS
journals always has been and remains disappointingly low.
Variation in the
prevalence of information literacy-related journal articles among the specific
scientific disciplines represented in the journal set are likely the result of
several factors. Undoubtedly, some of
these are complex issues embedded in the nature of the disciplines themselves;
awareness of differences among practices and beliefs in different subject areas
has been growing ever since the 1989 publication of Becher’s book, Academic tribes and
territories: Intellectual enquiry and the culture of disciplines. Although the
disciplines included in this study are all “sciences,” there are likely
deep-rooted differences in the ways that researchers use the literature of the
field, as well as varied expectation levels about the information literacy
capacity of incoming students. Some disciplines may simply not view developing
student information literacy levels as part of a university instructor’s
responsibility. On a more pragmatic level, some differences in information
literacy-related publication levels seem to be related to publication practices
of the journals in the various subject areas. “Special” topic issues of
journals, examples of which include a “Special Issue on Plagiarism” from IEEE
Transactions on Education, and regular columns (for example “Chemical
Information Instructor” in the Journal of Chemical Education) account
for a significant proportion of the relevant articles published by these
journals. Future research, focussed on developing a better understanding of the
different perceptions of information literacy among faculty in these
disciplines, may provide insight into how information literacy can have more of
an impact, on both teaching practices and the pedagogical literature in these
fields of study.
The data revealed
that librarians contribute only a small proportion of the information
literacy-related articles in science pedagogy journals, with subject faculty or
graduate students responsible for the lion’s share of this work. This finding
suggests that interest in the topic extends beyond the LIS sphere, and to at
least some of our target audience of teaching faculty in the disciplines.
Viewed less positively, it also indicates that librarians may not be leading
the charge (or even be visible) in efforts to improve student information literacy
levels and advocate for the importance of these competencies. The few faculty
or graduate student-authored articles that do mention a librarian simply do so
in passing “after the librarian taught students how to x,” or credit them in
the acknowledgements section of the paper. Without further follow-up, it is
unclear whether this is because librarians declined further involvement in the
writing of the journal article, or because they are regarded simply as a
“service” rather than an academic partner. It is, however, an important
question for future research to ask as it gets to the heart of how librarians
see themselves and are seen by teaching faculty as contributing to the teaching
mission of the university.
collaboration with subject faculty and graduate students was more fruitful in
terms of publication output than librarians working alone or with other
librarians. As thorough course integration is integral to the success of
information literacy competency development (ACRL, 2012), the collaborative
librarian/faculty projects documented in these publications are a positive
development. The wide variation of O’Connor level by authorship (librarians
involved in articles in which information literacy is a “Major Focus” vs. a
more even spread among “Major Focus,” “Substantive Treatment” and “Incidental
Mention” in non-librarian articles) is telling of the difference perspectives
on information literacy held by these populations. It suggests that librarians
treat information literacy as a standalone activity, while subject faculty view
and write about it as an integrated component of coursework and the larger
curriculum. The unexpected finding that educational developers and those
working in teaching centres contribute a significant portion (more than
librarians writing alone) of the information literacy-related articles in these
journals suggests that this is another campus group with whom librarians could
be collaborating, both in terms of program development/delivery and of
The heavy focus on
ACRL information literacy competency four, “uses information effectively to
accomplish a specific purpose,” in the journal articles under review was
interesting. Standard two, “searching for information,” is the information
literacy element that librarians “most often address and teach within our
professional domain, as illustrated by the large body of professional
literature addressing methods for teaching and assessing skills in information
search and retrieval” (Adams, in press, p. 11).
While standards two and three are addressed by a large number of the
journal articles, it is standard four that receives the most attention in these
works. This illustrates a disconnect between subject faculty emphasis and that
of librarians, as there is little evidence in the literature that librarians at
large engage in teaching or assessment related to this information literacy
competency. The reasons for and implications of this finding are unclear but
important; it may mean that librarians and/or subject faculty view standard
four as best left to the subject experts, or it could suggest that librarians
and faculty members have not figured out the best way to collaborate on student
development of this competency. Further research into the roles around this
standard may help subject faculty to recognize potential librarian
contributions to the development of this competency, as well as help them to
situate it in the larger context of information literacy.
It is difficult to
draw connections and see trends between this study and past works because the
concept of interest (“information literacy”) did not exist or was not in
widespread use when past works explored the narrower notion of “library
instruction.” As well, the decision to scan all article titles in addition to
searching for specific terms changes the nature of the study; while it helps to
illustrate the occurrence of the information literacy concept independent of
variations in terminology, it does make it almost impossible to compare the
occurrence of information literacy in this study with findings of previous
works. Another limitation to this study is that a single researcher conducted
the searches and screened the titles; while efforts were made to apply standard
criteria, a second selector may have reduced any potential bias or
consistencies. It should also be noted that journal articles in the science
pedagogy literature are just one measure of information literacy uptake in the
sciences; there are undoubtedly instances of information literacy competency
development that are not written up in articles in traditional journals (such
as editorials, news items, letters, and resource reviews, which were all
excluded from this analysis), or are published in other formats (e.g., news
items, conferences, blogs). Finally, authorship is just one way that librarians
may contribute to information literacy articles; passing references to their
contributions to projects, or acknowledgements, are not accounted for in this
This paper set out
to discover the extent to which science pedagogy journals address information
literacy competencies, and to characterize these information literacy articles
in terms of authorship, ACRL standards addressed, and level of detail. Results
indicate that information literacy has a very low profile in science pedagogy
journals overall, with only 1.5% of articles addressing information literacy
competencies. Perhaps even more concerning is the fact that the number of
information literacy-related articles in these journals appears to be declining
over recent years, suggesting that more needs to be done to keep information
literacy on the minds of those reading these publications.
The study also
reveals some potential avenues to increase the prevalence of information
literacy publications in these journals. Rates varied by specific scientific
field, from a high of 4.2% in the biological/life sciences, to a low of .2% in
physics. Further exploration of the reasons for the relatively high levels in some
subject areas may provide clues to increasing interest in information literacy
in other subjects where levels were low. The study also found that special
issues of journals as well as dedicated columns help to increase the number of
information literacy-related journal articles, findings that may encourage
those interested in the topic to seek these publication opportunities, or even
to suggest or implement them themselves in science pedagogy journals.
Findings also
highlighted tensions between librarian and subject faculty conceptions of
information literacy. Subject faculty, sometimes aided by graduate students,
have written the vast majority of articles about information literacy in these
journals, although they very rarely adopt the LIS term “information literacy”
to describe their work. Terminology is not the only difference; while
librarians tend to write articles about information literacy as a “standalone”
major topic, subject faculty more often favour “Substantive Treatment” or “Incidental
Mention,” characterizing information literacy as one component of student
learning experiences. Librarians and subject faculty also seem to focus on
different information literacy competencies, with the latter particularly
interested in “using information effectively.”
While this study
focused on information literacy in the science pedagogy literature, it may also
have implications for other disciplines. The methods used in this work suggest
that the study of information literacy in the literature of academic
disciplines can provide valuable insights into representations and
characterizations of information literacy within diverse fields of study.
Future research into information literacy in the literature of other fields of
study has the potential to illuminate faculty perceptions across disciplines.
It would be interesting to learn if the science literature paints an entirely
different picture of information literacy than that found, for instance, in the
humanities or social sciences. A better understanding of how subject faculty
think and write about information literacy in their scholarly literature could
have a significant impact on how librarians approach and collaborate with
faculty in all fields of study.
Librarians need to
redouble their efforts to publish and raise the profile of information literacy
in science pedagogy journals, either alone or collaboratively with subject
faculty and even with educational developers/teaching centre staff. In doing
so, they need to remain mindful that the term “information literacy” may not
resonate with those outside of LIS, ensuring that their profession’s preferred
language doesn’t become a barrier to collaboration. Librarians need to extend
the reach of their information literacy work by using language and publishing
in venues that will turn the LIS profession’s information literacy monologue
into a dialogue with subject faculty.
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Lozano, G. A., Larivière, V., & Gingras,
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O’Connor, L.G. (2008). The diffusion of
information literacy in academic business literature. Journal of Business
and Finance Librarianship 13(2), 105-125. doi: 10.1300/15470640802119455
Stevens, C. R. (2007). Beyond preaching to
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(1998). The role and image of the library and librarians in
discipline-specific pedagogical journals. The Journal of Academic
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