Evidence Summary
Content Analysis of Reference Transactions Provides Guidance Regarding
Staffing of Library Service Points
A Review of:
Bishop, B. W., & Bartlett, J. A. (2013). Where do we go from here?
Informing academic library staffing through reference transaction analysis. College & Research Libraries, 74(5),
489-500. Retrieved from http://crl.acrl.org/content/early/2012/05/07/crl-365.full.pdf
Reviewed by:
Annie M. Hughes
Reference Librarian
Wilson Dental Library
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA, United States of America
Email: amhughes@usc.edu
Received: 22 Feb. 2014 Accepted: 25 Apr.
2014 Hughes.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 2.5 Canada (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by‐nc‐sa/2.5/ca/),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
Objective – To identify the quantity of location-based and
subject-based questions and determine the locations where those questions are
asked in order to inform decision-making regarding optimal placing of staff.
Design – Content analysis of location-based and subject-based
reference transactions or transcripts collected using LibStats at 15
face-to-face (f2f) service points and via virtual services.
Setting – Virtual and f2f service points at University of
Kentucky (UK) campus libraries.
Subjects – 1,852 location-based and subject-based reference
transactions gathered via a systematic sample of every 70th
transaction out of 129,572 transactions collected.
Methods – Using LibStats, the researchers collected data on
location-based and subject-based questions at all service points at UK
Libraries between 2008 and 2011. The researchers eliminated transcripts that
did not include complete data or questions with fields left blank. If all
question fields were properly completed, identification and coding of
location-based or subject-based questions took place.
Usable transcripts
included 1,333 questions that contained sufficient data. For this particular
content analysis only the question type, reference mode, and location of
question were utilized from the data collected. Unusable transactions were
removed prior to content analysis, and reliability testing was conducted to
determine interrater and intrarater reliability. Interrater reliability was
high (Krippendorff’s alpha = .87%) and intrarater reliability was acceptable
(Cohen's kappa = .880).
Main Results – From the usable transcripts, 83.7% contained
location-based questions and 16.3% were subject-based, and a little over 80% of
location-based questions and 77.2% of subject-based questions were asked
face-to-face (f2f). Of the location-based questions, 11.5% were directional
questions and many of these questions were related to finding places inside the
libraries. “Attribute of location” questions related to library services and
resources, such as finding an item, printing, circulation, desk supplies, and
computer problems, made up 72.8% of total question transactions. Researchers
found that subject-based questions were difficult to categorize and noted that
other methods would be needed to analyze the content of these questions.
Professional librarians and library staff are better equipped to answer these
questions, and the location where the question asked is irrelevant. The
researchers addressed the issue of where questions were asked by recording the
reference mode (chat, e-mail, phone, or f2f) and location service point at UK
Libraries. Overall, 79% of questions were asked f2f, rather than via chat or
e-mail. Researchers think that this is due to a lack of marketing efforts
regarding those services, noting that most questions were asked in the system’s
large main library, which also receives the most subject-based questions.
Conclusion – This study can inform the UK Libraries system
as to where their resources are most needed and allow for more strategic
decision-making regarding staffing. The study could also prompt development of
a mobile application to answer location-based questions, though more
investigation is needed before moving forward with development of a mobile app.
Due to the findings of this study, UK Libraries will deploy their professional
library staff to locations where subject-based questions were most frequently
asked. Because staffing of libraries is one of the “most expensive and valuable
resources,” academic libraries can use this method to validate their current
staffing strategies or justify the allocation of staff throughout their systems
(p. 499).
While the researchers
have published on this topic in other instances, it is surprising that they do
not focus their literature review toward desk staffing and service point
allocations in academic libraries. They do cite articles in their introduction
related to their research questions, though the literature review is focused
primarily on mobile technologies such as mobile applications, QR codes, and
augmented reality. These topics have less to do with the research questions at
hand, and so it is odd that they discuss mobile applications and augmented
reality in their larger review.
The authors do not
provide sufficient background as to why they are conducting the study, nor do
they provide a description of their current staffing or service model. We know
that the staff exist at various service points within the library, but more
information about their location, the setup of the service points (e.g.,
whether physical service points have a separate circulation desk/reference desk
or a reference office) would be helpful.
The authors of this
study clearly state the limitations of their data collection. Collecting
complete data at busy service points proved to be a challenge when using
LibStats. The researchers put forth that simplifying data collection and increasing
training on systems used for collection would be a future approach. The UK
Libraries system also plans to implement the LibAnswers product by Springshare,
which will allow for recording of f2f transactions, telephone, e-mail, text
message and chat transactions and which also provides a FAQ section that allows
patrons to instantly access location-based and subject-based answers. The
researchers plan to replicate this study using data gathered via this new
The researchers report
that a mobile application could help to answer location-based questions, such
as finding physical items, which would allow for staff to stay at their service
points instead of abandoning their stations to aid a patron. The researchers do
indicate that without further study they are speculating regarding the use of
mobile applications.
One major outcome of
this study is that 80% of questions asked at desk or virtual service points
were location-based questions, not subject-based or reference questions. The
implication here is that professional librarians or reference librarians are
using their skills to answer directional questions rather than focusing on the
more complex reference questions for which they were hired. In this case, the
use of a tiered reference service whereby staff or library student workers
triage questions at key services points and then pass on more complex questions
to a reference librarian would be ideal.
Overall, the article
provides evidence that location-based questions are asked most frequently at
various service points throughout the library and that subject-based questions,
while asked less often, require a skilled professional to answer them. This
type of study can inform library administration about how to go forward with
staffing allocations as well as introduce technologies that provide anytime,
anywhere service to alleviate the volume of location-based questions.