Evidence Summary
Model Correlates Many Factors to Undergraduates’ Perceived Importance of
Library and Research Activities, but Low Explanation Power Suggests More
Research Needed
A Review of:
Soria, K. M. (2013). Factors predicting the importance of libraries and
research activities for undergraduates. Journal
of Academic Librarianship, 39(6), 464-470.
Reviewed by:
Diana K. Wakimoto
Associate Librarian
California State University, East Bay
Hayward, California, United States of America
Email: diana.wakimoto@csueastbay.edu
Received: 19 Mar. 2014 Accepted: 22 May
2014 Wakimoto.
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which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
– The purpose is to analyze characteristics
and perceptions of undergraduate students to determine factors that predict the
importance of library and research activities for the students.
– Student Experience in the Research
University (SERU) survey questionnaire.
– Nine large, public, research universities
in the United States of America.
– 16,778 undergraduates who completed the
form of the survey that included the academic engagement module questions.
– The researcher used descriptive and
inferential statistics to analyze student responses. Descriptive statistics
included coding demographic, collegiate, and academic variables, as well as
student perceptions of the importance of library and research activities. These
were used in the inferential statistical analyses. Ordinary least squares
regression and factor analysis were used to determine variables and factors
that correlated to students’ perceptions of the importance of libraries and
research activities.
Results – The response rate for the overall SERU
survey was 38.1%. The results showed that the majority of students considered
having access to a “world-class library collection,” learning research methods,
and attending a university with “world-class researchers” to be important. The
regression model explained 22.7% of variance in the importance students placed
on libraries and research activities; factors important to the model covered
demographics, collegiate, and academic variables. Four variables created in
factor analysis (academic engagement, library skills, satisfaction with
libraries and research, and faculty interactions) were significantly correlated
with the importance students placed on libraries and research activities. The
most important predictors in the model were: student satisfaction, interest in
a research or science profession, interest in medical or health-related
profession, academic engagement, and academic level.
– Based on the results of this study,
librarians should be able to tailor their marketing to specific student groups
to increase the perception of importance of libraries by undergraduates. For
example, more success may be had marketing to students who are Hispanic, Asian,
international, interested in law, psychology or research professions as the
study found these students place more importance on libraries and research
activities than other groups. These students may be targeted for being peer
advocates for the libraries. Further research is suggested to more fully
understand factors that influence the value undergraduate students place on
libraries and find ways to increase the value of libraries and research
activities for those demographic groups who currently rate the importance
This study is part of the growing body of
literature concerned with determining factors associated with students valuing
the academic library and demonstrating the libraries’ value to students and
administrators (Oakleaf, 2010). The study’s topic and suggestions for practical
application of the findings to showcase the importance of libraries and
increase the perception of importance in various student demographic groups
will be of interest to academic librarians. For many librarians, the lack of
accessibility of the statistical methods and results combined with the
relatively low predictive power of the regression model, may make them cautious
about applying the study’s results in outreach and marketing efforts.
The study provides an interesting look at
correlating factors with student perceptions of the importance of library and
research activities. The researcher notes the limitation of the low response
rate, which is not a unique issue with online surveys (Sax, Gilmartin, &
Bryant, 2003) and the large number of responses may compensate for the
potential nonresponse bias. Using the appraisal checklist by Glynn (2006), the
article is valid if the reader makes assumptions about the SERU questionnaire
being validated; regardless of this lack of clarity, the analysis of the data
is clear.
The main concern with the study is basing
conclusions for marketing and outreach to specific demographics on a regression
model that only explains 22.7% of the importance placed on libraries and
research activities. The study found some factors that are statistically
significant in predicting the importance of libraries and research activities,
but many important factors were not uncovered via the SERU questionnaire and
the researcher calls for more research to create a robust model.
Furthermore, while the statistical
analyses are appropriate to the research questions, lack of clarity in
communicating these methods and results for a non-statistician audience limits
understandability. Librarians without strong statistics backgrounds will have
trouble evaluating whether the results are valid to apply leaving them to rely
only on the researcher’s interpretations. The researcher is very capable of
communicating statistics and limitations to a non-statistician audience as seen
in another recent article written with her colleagues (Soria, Fransen, &
Nackerud, 2013). Hopefully her future articles will be written as clearly, as
these topics are of great interest and importance to academic librarians.
As academic librarians seek ways to assess
their impact on undergraduate education and ways of marketing their value to
students, research in these areas becomes increasingly important. In order to
deepen the research base, as noted by the researcher, librarians should work
with other academic units to collect and evaluate appropriate data to move
beyond student perceptions and into library and research skills to correlate
library activities with student performance.
Glynn, L.
(2006). A critical appraisal tool for library and information research. Library Hi Tech, 24(3), 387-399.
Oakleaf, M. (2010). Value
of academic libraries: A comprehensive research review and report. Chicago,
IL: Association of College and Research Libraries. Retrieved from
Sax, L. J.,
Gilmartin, S. K., & Bryant, A. N. (2003). Assessing response rates and
nonresponse bias in web and paper surveys. Research
in Higher Education, 44(4), 409-432. http://link.springer.com/journal/11162
Soria, K.
M., Fransen, J., & Nackerud, S. (2013). Library use and undergraduate
student outcomes: New evidence for students’ retention and academic success. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 13(2),
147-164. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/pla.2013.0010