EBL 101
Research Methods: Bibliometrics
Murray Library
of Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan, Canada
Originally published in:
Based Library and Information Practice, 7(3), 121–123. https://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/EBLIP/article/view/17975/14278
Received: 01 Aug. 2012 Accepted: 08 Aug. 2012
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Bibliometrics! Metrics about biblios: A
set of measurements about a book, or books, or text. The Oxford English
Dictionary defines bibliometrics as “The branch of library science
concerned with the application of mathematical and statistical analysis to
bibliography; the statistical analysis of books, articles, or other
publications” (2012). As a research method, Beck and Manuel state that
“essentially, if you can count something without too much debate over what it
is—and it has something to do with any type of recorded information source—it
could become the subject of a bibliometric study” (2008, p. 165). Bibliometrics
can also be referred to as informetrics, webometrics, scientometrics, and
cybermetrics. The different terms basically reflect the types of information to
which the analysis is applied.
involves the measurement of data not intrinsic to the text, i.e., the text does
not need to be read in order for analysis to be conducted. Instead, extrinsic
measures such as affiliation of author, word frequency, usage statistics, and,
most commonly citations are measured. There is a school of thought that
combines bibliometrics with content analysis (extrinsic and intrinsic)
but for the purposes of this column, I intend to focus on bibliometrics alone.
bibliometrics has been around for decades, and “is one of the oldest research
methods in library and information science,” it’s only since the advent of high
powered computer technology that bibliometrics has exploded (Beck & Manuel,
2008, p. 166). “Bibliographic databases, citation indexes, and statistical
programs” have added ease, depth, and breadth to bibliometric analysis (Powell
& Connaway, 2004, p. 63). Another major development for bibliometrics has
been the internet and the publishing of “an increasingly broad range of
research-related documents, from articles to email discussion lists, allowing
the creation of a range of new metrics relating to their access and use”
(Thelwell, 2008, p. 605).
quick scan of the articles returned on a search for “bibliometrics” and
“librarian research” in the Library and Information Science (LISA) database shows
a variety of ways that this research method has been used:
Sengupta, I. N.
(1990). Bibliometrics and the identification of core periodicals. Herald of
Library Science, 29 (3-4),
Mancall, J. C.,
& Drott, M. C. (1979). Materials used by high school students in preparing
independent study projects: A bibliometrics approach. Library Research, 1(3),
Houston, W.
(1983). The application of bibliometrics to veterinary science primary
literature. Quarterly Bulletin of the International Association of
Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists, 28(1), 6-13.
Hersberger, J.,
& Demas, C. (2001). The current state of public library research in select
peer reviewed journals: 1996-2000. North Carolina Libraries, 59(1), 10-14.
Retrieved 20 Aug. 2012 from
and Connaway pulled together applications of bibliographic research outlined by
a number of authors into the following list:
can also be embraced by librarians as a core service relating to the scholarly
communication process. By honing skills in bibliometric analysis, librarians
can develop expertise which “can be used to help [their] faculty prove their
scholarly contribution and achieve success in their tenure process” (Kear &
Colbert-Lewis, 2011, p. 470).
always, this column can only give a minimum overview of any research method,
and immersion into the method is necessary when undertaking the research. Here
are some resources that can get you started on your bibliometric journey:
Andrés, A. (2009).
Measuring academic research: How to undertake a bibliometric study.
Oxford: Chandos Publishing.
De Bellis, N.
(2009). Bibliometrics and citation analysis: From the Science Citation
Index to cybermetrics. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
Thelwall, M. A.
(2009). Introduction to webometrics: Quantitative web research for the
social sciences. San Rafael, CA: Morgan & Claypool Publishers.
Wolfram, D.
(2003). Applied informetrics for information retrieval research. Westport,
CT: Libraries Unlimited.
seems like a logical progression to go from the tried and true method of
bibliometrics to a newer and quicker type of analysis called altmetrics, so
that’s what I’ll look at next time. And if you have any comments, questions, or
suggestions for this column, please comment on this article by signing in to
the Open Journal System as a reader and joining in the conversation.
Beck, S. E.,
& Manuel, K. (2008). Practical research methods for librarians and
information professionals. New York, NY: Neal-Schuman.
Kear, R., &
Colbert-Lewis, D. (2011) Citation searching and bibliometric measures:
Resources for ranking and tracking. College and Research Library News, 72(8),
470-474. Retrieved 21 Aug. 2012 from http://crln.acrl.org/content/72/8/470.full.pdf+html
Powell, R. R.,
& Connaway, L. S. (2004). Basic research methods for librarians (4th
ed.).Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
Thelwell, M.
(2008). Bibliometrics to webometrics. Journal of
Information Science, 34(4), 605-621.
Bibliometrics. (2012). In Oxford English Dictionary.
Retrieved 21 Aug. 2012 from www.oed.com/view/Entry/241665.