E-Journal Metrics for Collection Management:
Exploring Disciplinary Usage Differences in Scopus and Web of Science
Katherine Chew
Research/Outreach Services Librarian for the
Health Sciences Libraries
University of Minnesota Libraries
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
Mary Schoenborn
Liaison, Humphrey School of Public Affairs
& Carlson School of Management
University of Minnesota Libraries
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
James Stemper
Organizational Data Strategist
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
Caroline Lilyard
Business, Economics, & Global Studies Librarian
University of Minnesota Libraries
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
Received: 5 Feb. 2016 Accepted: 26
Apr. 2016
2016 Chew, Schoenborn, Stemper, and Lilyard. This
is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 4.0
International (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
Objective – The
purpose was to determine whether a relationship exists between journal
downloads and either faculty authoring venue or citations to these faculty, or
whether a relationship exists between journal rankings and local authoring
venues or citations. A related purpose was to determine if any such
relationship varied between or within disciplines. A final purpose was to
determine if specific tools for ranking journals or indexing authorship and
citation were demonstrably better than alternatives.
Methods – Multiple years of journal usage, ranking, and citation data for twelve
disciplines were combined in Excel, and the strength of relationships were
determined using rank correlation coefficients.
Results – The results illustrated marked disciplinary variation as to the degree
that faculty decisions to download a journal article can be used as a proxy to
predict which journals they will publish in or which journals will cite
faculty’s work. While journal access requests show moderate to strong
relationships with the journals in which faculty publish, as well as journals
whose articles cite local faculty, the data suggest that Scopus may be the
better resource to find such information for these journals in the health
sciences and Web of Science may be the better resource for all other
disciplines analyzed. The same can be said for the ability of external ranking
mechanisms to predict faculty publishing behaviours. Eigenfactor is more
predictive for both authoring and citing-by-others across most of the
representative disciplines in the social sciences as well as the physical and
natural sciences. With the health sciences, no clear pattern emerges.
Conclusion – Collecting and correlating authorship and citation data allows
patterns of use to emerge, resulting in a more accurate picture of use activity
than the commonly used cost-per-use method. To find the best information on
authoring activity by local faculty for subscribed journals, use Scopus. To
find the best information on citing activity by faculty peers for subscribed
titles use Thomson Reuters’ customized Local Journal Use Reports (LJUR), or
limit a Web of Science search to local institution. The Eigenfactor and SNIP
journal quality metrics results can better inform selection decisions, and are
publicly available. Given the trend toward more centralized collection
development, it is still critical to obtain liaison input no matter what
datasets are used for decision making. This evidence of value can be used to
defend any local library “tax” that academic departments pay as well as promote
services to help faculty demonstrate their research impact.
For years, academic librarians faced with
static or reduced collection budgets have searched for e-journal usage metrics
that would best inform difficult retention decisions. Download statistics do
not tell the whole story; an article download does not indicate whether it is
later read or cited. The cost-per-use figures derived from them rarely resonate
with faculty when it is “their” journal on the chopping block. Further, each
usage metric has unique limitations. Login data from OpenURL link resolvers
lose track of the user when the user reaches the publisher site, and thus may
not capture all of the eventual downloads. COUNTER-compliant download data is
not available from all publishers, especially small societies. Journal rankings
such as impact factor are based on a short time interval that does not
necessarily reflect the citation or publishing patterns of all disciplines.
Such rankings are also not available for many social sciences or arts and
humanities journals, and can be manipulated to some extent. Ideally, librarians
would like to connect available usage measures to research outcomes in a valid
and meaningful way.
The authors sought to compare the available
metrics and determine the value users assign to a collection through their
decisions about the journal articles they download and the journals they
publish in, as well as the value inherent in their peers’ decisions to cite
faculty journal articles.
Literature Review
The Centre for Information Behaviour and the
Evaluation of Research (CIBER) at University College London studied publishing
patterns of researchers in six disciplines at eight UK universities. They found
a strong positive correlation between the use of e-journals and successful
research performance. Institutions varied in use more than disciplines but they
discovered that the journals accounting for the top five percent of use could
vary by as much as 20% between the six disciplines (Jubb, Rowlands, &
Nicholas, 2010). Regardless of disciplinary and institutional variance,
electronic journal usage had positive outcomes.
An ongoing issue in collection analysis is
knowing which metrics to use to evaluate electronic journal usage and value.
The California Digital Library’s Weighted Value Algorithm (CDL-WVA) put into
practice the ideals underlying the results of their white paper (University of
California Libraries’ Collection Development Committee, 2007). Anderson (2011)
demonstrated a tool in which the selector can determine which publishers offer
the highest value for money to the academic department, and also how that
publisher’s demonstrated value changes on the value scale. This kind of
dashboard gives selectors a tool customized to their subject areas. Customized,
easily used tools such as this are increasingly important to ensure broad
adoption of metrics evaluations.
The University of Memphis adapted California
Digital Library’s journal value metrics and compared them with faculty
decisions on which journals to cancel. Knowlton, Sales, and Merriman (2014)
found that faculty selection of journals differed significantly from
bibliometric valuation, and that “higher CDL-WVA scores are highly associated
with faculty decisions to retain a title, but lower CDL-WVA scores are not
highly associated with decisions to cancel” (p. 35). To explain the difference,
they suggested that special faculty research needs, institutional pressure to
retain titles for accreditation, and a focus on teaching over research by
faculty all lead to certain journals selected for retention while not
frequently being downloaded or cited. These findings echo the authors’ findings
here in that the metrics valued by faculty are not always those used by
Are metrics different when assessing
consortial package deals? Do limitations surface when assessing the value of
“big deals”? The Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) also adapted the
CDL approach. CRKN assessed whether the value of a consortial package of
journals stayed the same despite variation in institutional characteristics.
They found the top quartile was largely composed of the same journals,
regardless of the individual characteristics of the institutions. The overlap
of journal titles was around 90%. Similarly, the bottom quartile for each
school had an overlap of titles around 90%. Consortia could move from a big
deal to a smaller core package and still meet the needs of most members
(Jurczyk & Jacobs, 2014). Appavoo (2013) also found that when comparing
traditional cost-per-use against the CDL approach for the top 100 journals,
“The journal value metric method returned a wider variety of disciplines in the
results, while the use-based metric returned primarily journals in the STM
disciplines” (slide 11, notes). Schools using cost-per-use to reduce costs of journal
packages need to be careful not to disadvantage users in the social sciences
and humanities.
The Carolina Consortium also analyzed its big
deals, and found that the utility of cost-per-use metrics is mitigated by the
fluid nature of the industry (e.g., title changes, publisher mergers, etc.).
This should be just one of a suite of decision tools (Bucknall, Bernhardt,
& Johnson, 2014). This reinforces our findings that various metric analyses
must be employed for meaningful results.
Several studies document differences among
subject disciplines as to how closely download and citation behaviours are
related. The University of Mississippi examined publications by the business
school faculty to see what they cited. The conclusion was that local citation patterns
vary widely, even among departments in one discipline, thus necessitating
analysis at the local level (Dewland, 2011). Variations exist among
departments, let alone disciplines.
In the health sciences, a comparison of
vendor, link resolver, and local citation statistics revealed a high positive
correlation between the three data sets (De Groote, Blecic & Martin, 2013).
In another study, physicians from Norway examined the 50 most viewed articles
from five open access oncology journals, and concluded that more downloads do
not always lead to more citations (Neider, Dalhaug & Aandahl, 2013).
Fields in which faculty publish in
multidisciplinary journals, such as public administration and public policy,
provide additional challenges. In these cases, how are “good journals” defined?
The authors discuss measuring and ranking article output in the discipline and
the effect on analysis (Van de Walle & Van Delft, 2015). The complexity of
arrangements, e.g., single purchase electronic journals, big deal packages, and
interdisciplinary journals and fields, necessitate a more thorough approach and
point to a variety of metric analysis methods being more useful than a simple
cost-per-use model.
Another complicating factor for this endeavour
is open access. The University of Illinois at Chicago noted that a focus on
article downloads is indeed complicated by open access. Subject repositories
such as ArXiv, PubMed Central, RePEc, and SSRN can draw users without leaving a
COUNTER trail (Blecic, Wiberley, Fiscella, Bahnmaier-Blaszczak & Lowery.
2013), skewing analysis results. In the future, other metrics may become more
significant. A 2012 study sampled 24,331 articles published by the Public
Library of Science (PLoS) and tracked their appearance in tools such as Web of
Science citation counts, Mendeley saves, and HTML page views. As an indicator
of how open access is not only changing how researchers read and cite but how
they share articles, the authors found that 20% of the articles were both read
and cited, while 21% were read, saved, and shared (Priem, Piwowar, &
Hemminger, 2012).
The Pareto Principle is often mentioned in
journal usage studies. This is also known as the 80/20 rule, and states that,
for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes
(Nisonger, 2008). An example is a citation analysis of atmospheric science
faculty publications at Texas A&M University. It found 80% of cited journal
articles were from just 8% of the journal titles (Kimball, Stephens, Hubbard
& Pickett, 2013). Ten years earlier, one of the authors of this study and a
colleague found a larger percentage of titles, roughly 30%, comprising 80% of
downloads when analyzing use of all subjects in five large journal publishers
(Stemper & Jaguszewski, 2004). A small percentage of the total journals
were most heavily cited and downloaded in both instances. Taken together, one
could conclude that online journals lead users to read more but not necessarily
to cite more journals. The variety of metrics cited here reflect our findings
that collecting and correlating authorship and citation data allows patterns of
use to emerge, resulting in a more accurate picture of activity. The
development of more complex analysis will inform collection development in
meaningful ways in the future of academic libraries.
The authors had collected traditional link resolver and publisher
statistics for years, and to facilitate a study on e-journal metrics the
created a comprehensive “uber file”, one which combined all selected subjects
and publishers and allowed sorting by title or subject fund number. They
purchased and included a customized dataset from Thomson Reuters’ Web of
Science, the Local Journal Use Reports (LJUR), that showed which journals were
cited by University of Minnesota (U-MN) authors, the
journals in which they published, and which journal venues with U-MN authors
were cited by others. The authors felt they could no longer rely solely on
download statistics, which while convenient and comprehensive, are unfavourable
to disciplines that do not depend heavily on journal articles and are much more
favourable to disciplines that do, as shown in Table 1. Plus, as noted, there
was a wish to focus more on user outcomes, which made citation data attractive.
Table 1
Top Twenty Journals Accessed by University of Minnesota Students,
Staff and Faculty 20092012
Journal Title |
Number of
Downloads |
Science |
44,114 |
Nature |
39,407 |
Jama |
33,126 |
The New England
Journal of Medicine |
32,467 |
The Lancet |
22,676 |
Harvard Business
Review |
21,275 |
Journal of The
American Chemical Society |
16,838 |
Proceedings of The
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
14,666 |
Pediatrics |
12,485 |
Scientific American |
12,213 |
Health Affairs |
10,897 |
Annals of Internal
Medicine |
10,757 |
Neurology |
10,406 |
American Journal of
Public Health |
8,937 |
Journal of Personality
And Social Psychology |
8,515 |
Child Development |
8,011 |
Critical Care Medicine |
7,622 |
Ecology |
7,534 |
Medicine And Science
In Sports And Exercise |
7,263 |
Journal of Clinical
Oncology |
7,153 |
The jumping-off point was an unpublished study by the Wendt
Engineering Library at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a peer institution,
which surveyed faculty to gauge the importance of various criteria in journal cancellations.
The journals that engineering faculty cited the most in their articles were
ranked as most important, followed by journals that they published in, then in
decreasing order, usage statistics, impact factors, citation by peers, ending
with the metric of cost-per-use, the one most used by librarians (Helman,
2008). Due to perceived survey fatigue by U-MN faculty, a different approach
was developed using University of Wisconsin-Madison’s findings to guide the
investigation. The first phase of the authors’ investigation addressed U-MN
faculty’s citation patterns (Chew, Stemper, Lilyard, & Schoenborn, 2013).
This second phase addresses their choice of publication venue and external citations
to their articles in these journals.
The design of the study was heavily based on
the California Digital Library’s (CDL) Weighted Value Algorithm framework
project, which assesses user value in three overall categories:
usage statistics and citations
represented by impact factor and Source Normalized Impact Per Paper (SNIP)
effectiveness: cost-per-use and the cost-per-SNIP
The weighted value algorithm combines these
aspects of use when assessing the journal’s value in the institutional context
while also factoring in disciplinary differences (Wilson & Li, 2012).
Adapting this approach, each journal’s value would be assessed by a) local
author decisions to publish there, b) external citations to institutional
authors, and c) cost effectiveness (via downloads and citations). In addition
to CDL’s categories of user-defined value-based metrics, data was added on U-MN
users’ departmental affiliations to assess any disciplinary differences. These
“affinity strings,” attached to a user’s resource login, are generated by U-MN
University’s Office of Information Technology with information from the
University’s human resources management system. All U-MN students, staff, and
faculty are assigned affinity strings that are based on his or her area of work
or study.
The study framed the following questions to
try to ascertain what faculty actually value with regards to the journal
or reading value: Does locally-gathered OpenURL click data combined with
affinity string data provide a “good enough” departmental view of user
activities, such that COUNTER-compliant publisher download data is expendable?
or citing value: Is Eigenfactor or SNIP an adequate substitute for impact
factor as a measure of faculty citation patterns?
effectiveness or cost value: How should these reading and citing values be
combined with cost data to create a “cost-per-activity” metric that
meaningfully informs collection management decisions?
to what extent could unique local usage data be leveraged: Do departments vary
greatly in their journal downloading, and do any of the measures predict which
journals U-MN faculty publish in and which of these articles will get cited by
their peers?
Table 2
Subjects Included in Study
Major Discipline |
Department/School |
Number of Subscribed
Titles |
Arts & Humanities |
History |
48 |
Social Sciences |
Accounting |
14 |
Finance |
22 |
Management |
29 |
Marketing |
15 |
Public Affairs |
40 |
Physical Sciences |
Chemistry |
160 |
Life Sciences |
Forestry |
51 |
Health Sciences |
Hematology |
34 |
Pediatrics |
64 |
Pharmacy |
99 |
Nursing |
115 |
The Data
The data for the project was collected from
nearly 700 e-journals that were licensed for system-wide use, owned by, or
accessible to the U-MN Libraries users. In order to discover whether or not
there may be any disciplinary differences in local faculty download or
authorship behaviours, or patterns of external citing by their peers, 12
subjects were chosen from four major disciplinary areas as defined by U-MN
Libraries’ organizational structure. In all but three cases, the authors were
either departmental liaisons or the previous subject coordinator. Table 2 lists
the subjects and the number of subscribed titles that were funded
for that subject. Subject relevant titles that were excluded from this project
included those that were part of consortia purchases or centrally-funded
full-text databases such as EBSCO’s Academic Search Premier, where resource
costs could not be parsed out to individual titles.
To gain an understanding into a journal’s
usage patterns, researchers used four years of usage data spanning from 2009
through 2012, along with 2-4 years of citation data, and journal impact metrics
from 2012. These were and analyzed by individual subject, and then combined in
a single spreadsheet for comparative analysis. The data variables collected,
sorted into CDL-WVA categories, are shown in Table 3.
The median figures were calculated for each
metric in order to reduce the influence of outlier results, except for impact
factor where 5-year scores that were available for the project titles were
used. Data could not be collected for all of the variables for every title, as
not every publisher is COUNTER-compliant, nor are there impact factor,
Eigenfactor, LJUR, or SNIP data available for every title. For the sciences
(with the exception of nursing) at least three-quarters of the titles had
journal ranking metrics available; Eigenfactor scores were available for 84-94%
of the titles, SNIP scores for 92-100% and impact factor for 78-94% of the
titles, where the 5-year impact factor was the least available. The difference
was only significant in nursing, where the gap was counted across 13 titles.
Conversely, the social sciences had a much lower comparative journal ranking
metrics. Eigenfactor scores were available for only 36-64% of the titles and
impact factor for 31-55% of the titles. On the other hand, the social sciences
did well with SNIP, ranging from 70-95% of the titles available (Table 4).
Table 3
E-Journal Metrics Collected
CDL-WVA Category |
Metric |
Years |
Utility: Usage |
Article view requests, as reported by the library’s OpenLink Resolver
2009-2012 |
Utility: Usage |
Downloads, as reported by publisher COUNTER- compliant reports |
2009-2012 |
Utility: Citation |
University of Minnesota a) authorship and b) citations to these
locally authored articles, from Thomson Reuter’s Local Journal Use Reports
(LJUR) |
2009-2010 |
Utility: Citation |
of Minnesota a) authorship and b) citations to these locally authored
articles, Elsevier’s SciVal/Scopus (2009-2012) |
2009-2012 |
Quality |
● Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Five Year Impact Factor (IF) ● Eigenfactor Scores ● Elsevier’s Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) |
2012 |
Cost Effectiveness |
Via Cost Per Download ●
Via Cost Per Ranking (EBSCO
subscription price divided by SFX /COUNTER and Impact Factor/Eigenfactor/SNIP
as appropriate for each subject) |
2013 |
Note. Due to the
significant yearly cost of a purchase of the LJUR dataset only the 2009-2010
dataset was available. Elsevier’s SciVal is an institutional level research
tool that provides a snapshot of institutional research performance at the
institutional and departmental level. Information provided by SciVal is drawn
from the Scopus dataset.
A Pearson’s correlation analysis was chosen to
examine if there was any relationship, positive or negative, between selected
journal metrics, whether or not there were any disciplinary differences between
the various metrics, and the potential significance or strength of those
relationships. The goal was to find which correlations, and thus which metrics,
provided the best “goodness of fit,” i.e., which best explained past patron use
of e-journals as well as best predicted their future use.
Data analysis was done using Excel’s CORREL
function. In conjunction with the correlation coefficient, “r”, the coefficient
of determination, which is the square of r and is reported as r-squared, was
calculated. All of the correlations’ F-test p-values were less than 2.2e-16 (2
x 10-16), therefore statistically significant. R-squared is often expressed as
a percentage when discussing the proportion variance explained by the
correlation. Though there can be a range of interpretation depending on the
discipline, it is generally accepted that within the social sciences, or when
looking at correlations based on human behaviour, an r<0.3 is considered a
low or weak correlation, 0.3-0.5 modest or moderate, 0.5-1.0 strong or high
correlations, with anything over 0.90 a very high correlation (Table 5), and R2
values anywhere between 30-50% are considered meaningful (Meyer, et. al.,
2001). A wide variety of correlations were run to provide comparison data
Table 4
Percentage of Subscribed Journal Titles That
Have Impact Factors, Eigenfactors or SNIP
Department / School |
No. of subscribed titles |
% 5-year impact factor |
% Eigenfactor |
% SNIP |
Hematology |
34 |
94% |
94% |
100% |
Pharmacy |
99 |
91% |
92% |
95% |
Pediatrics |
64 |
80% |
86% |
92% |
Nursing |
115 |
44% |
56% |
86% |
Chemistry |
160 |
91% |
91% |
94% |
Forestry |
51 |
78% |
84% |
96% |
History |
48 |
31% |
38% |
83% |
Marketing |
15 |
40% |
53% |
80% |
Management |
29 |
55% |
55% |
93% |
Finance |
22 |
45% |
64% |
95% |
Accounting |
14 |
36% |
36% |
93% |
Affairs |
40 |
55% |
60% |
70% |
Table 5
Range of Pearson Values for Study
Correlation |
Negative |
Positive |
None |
-0.09 to 0.00 |
0.0 to 0.09 |
Low or Weak |
to -0.1 |
to 0.3 |
Moderate or Modest |
-0.5 to -0.3 |
0.3 to 0.5 |
Strong |
to -0.5 |
to 1.0 |
Table 6
Comparison of Indexing of Locally-Held Titles in Web of Science and
Department / School |
No. of subscribed titles |
No. of titles indexed in Scopus |
% of titles indexed in Scopus |
No. of titles indexed in Web of Science |
% of titles indexed in Web of Science |
Nursing |
115 |
111 |
97% |
54 |
47% |
Pharmacy |
99 |
98 |
99% |
92 |
93% |
Pediatrics |
64 |
64 |
100% |
56 |
86% |
Hematology |
34 |
34 |
100% |
31 |
91% |
Chemistry |
160 |
156 |
98% |
154 |
96% |
Forestry |
51 |
49 |
96% |
49 |
96% |
History |
48 |
44 |
92% |
41 |
85% |
Finance |
22 |
19 |
86% |
13 |
59% |
Accounting |
14 |
13 |
93% |
4 |
29% |
Affairs |
40 |
31 |
78% |
22 |
55% |
Marketing |
15 |
13 |
87% |
5 |
33% |
Management |
29 |
28 |
97% |
17 |
59% |
Table 7
Comparison of Citing of U of M Authors in
Locally-Held Titles in Web of Science and Scopus
Department / School |
No. of subscribed titles |
Scopus: U of M authors cited |
% of titles cited in Scopus |
Web of Science: U of M authors cited |
% of titles cited in Web of Science |
Nursing |
115 |
26 |
23% |
66 |
57% |
Pharmacy |
99 |
71 |
72% |
94 |
95% |
Pediatrics |
64 |
45 |
69% |
55 |
85% |
Hematology |
34 |
21 |
62% |
33 |
97% |
Chemistry |
160 |
87 |
54% |
144 |
90% |
Forestry |
51 |
22 |
43% |
43 |
84% |
History |
48 |
4 |
8% |
23 |
48% |
Finance |
22 |
7 |
32% |
15 |
68% |
Accounting |
14 |
3 |
21% |
4 |
29% |
Affairs |
40 |
15 |
38% |
23 |
58% |
Marketing |
15 |
6 |
40% |
7 |
47% |
Management |
29 |
8 |
28% |
21 |
72% |
In order to determine “utility”, SFX link
resolver and COUNTER data were correlated with both the LJUR for local
authorship and local citing patterns and SciVal/Scopus data for local
authorship and local citing patterns. For “quality”, LJUR authoring/citing and
SciVal/Scopus authoring/citing data were correlated with impact factors,
Eigenfactors, and SNIP. The R² values that resulted from the correlations were
then inserted into bar charts for subject comparisons.
Indexing Selections by Publishers.
The two primary indexes used as a basis for
the “utility” and “quality” analysis, Web of Science and Scopus, were also
analyzed. The question was whether Web of Science or Scopus fared better in
tracking the publishing activity of U-MN faculty. The surprising discovery was
that neither Scopus nor Web of Science could function as a single data source
(Harzing, 2010). In answering the question of which database was the better
metric data source, it turned out that Scopus provided better authoring data,
because it indexed more of U-MN subscribed titles than Web of Science, ranging
from a low of
78% for public affairs titles to a high of
100% of pediatrics titles, compared to Web of Science, with a low of 47% for
nursing titles to a high of 95% for chemistry titles (Table 6). On the other
hand, Web of Science provided better citing data, because it contains citation
data dating back to the 1900s and includes citation data from journals that
they do not regularly index, whereas the majority of Scopus citing data only
goes back to 1996 and only includes titles that they index. Web of Science
ranged from a low of 29% for accounting titles to a high of 97% for hematology
titles, compared to Scopus, with a very low 8% for history titles and a modest
highest 72% for pharmacy titles (Table 7).
Authorship Decisions by U of Minnesota
Authors, or, “Where do I publish my article?”
first question to answer was whether the journals in which U-MN faculty choose
to publish are also the journals that are most downloaded by U-MN users.
Overall, the social sciences and humanities had several moderate to strong
positive correlations between downloads and where faculty chose to publish.
Journals for Finance and Accounting were found to have a strong relationship in
both Web of Science and Scopus. History shows the greatest variation between
downloads and choice of authoring venue, with Web of Science at about 75%,
compared to Scopus at 8% predictive (see Figure 1). Pediatrics shows the
greatest variation in the Health Sciences between downloads and choice of
authoring venue, with Scopus at about 65% and Web of Science at about 5%
Figure 1
Downloads and authorship choice based on SFX
title clicks correlated with U-MN authors titles in Web of Science or Scopus.
The next question to answer was whether the
journals in which U-MN faculty chose to publish are also the journals that
external rating services consider being of the highest quality. Using Scopus
authoring, Figure 2 illustrates initial results. In the Social Sciences and
Humanities subjects, the data show that no one impact measure stood out as most
predictive overall. Accounting and Management both show strong correlations for
all three measures, while, interestingly, a weak negative relationship was
found for Marketing.
In the Physical and Health Sciences, multiple
weak or negative relationships are evident. The negative correlations, while
low, may suggest there is close to no correlation between those journals that
faculty in Nursing, Hematology and Pharmacy chose to publish in and their value
rankings. On the other hand, in Pediatrics all of the value metrics
correlations are either moderate or strong, suggesting that impact factors or
similar value measures may play a role in faculty publishing decisions.
Figure 2
Journal ranking and authorship choice using
SNIP, Eigenfactor, and impact factor score correlated with U-MN authored titles
in Scopus.
Comparatively, in the Web of Science authoring
results shown in Figure 3, the Social Sciences and Humanities impact factor
rankings overall were weak to moderate predictors, except for History where
impact factor is a strong predictor. Eigenfactor on the other hand, was the
overall stronger predictor, in the subjects of History, Finance, Accounting,
and very strong in Marketing.
Finally, SNIP proved to be a better predictor
only for Finance.
The Web of Science authoring results in the
Physical and Health Sciences subjects illustrate a very different, far less
stable pattern of correlations. Here Eigenfactor is most predictive only for
Chemistry, and all other Web of Science authoring relationships are moderate at
best, but mostly weak or negative.
In summary, the data comparing a discipline’s
impact measure and its faculty journal authoring choices suggests that impact
factor rankings are weak predictors about half the time, but the strongest
predictors are in the Humanities and Social Sciences where Eigenfactor may be
“good enough”.
Citing Decisions by Peers: Is this U-MN
article worth citing?
How are U-MN faculty researchers viewed by
their peers? To put it another way, were the journals that cited U-MN faculty’s
research also the most downloaded journals by U-MN users? Among the disciplines
analyzed, the external citing patterns for many disciplines, including Public
Affairs, Accounting, Finance, Management, Hematology, Pediatrics, Forestry,
Chemistry all showed strong relationships with either Scopus or Web of Science,
and as noted in Figure 4, a few instances of disciplinary relationship strength
in both tools. Conversely, History, Marketing, and Pharmacy had
weak-to-moderate citing correlations in both Web of Science and Scopus. Finally,
nursing results show the greatest variability, where Web of Science is strong
and Scopus is a negative relationship. The results show Web of Science citing
correlated stronger in the majority of disciplines except for Hematology,
Pediatrics, and Accounting, fields where Scopus is a stronger predictor.
Figure 3
Journal ranking and authorship choice using
SNIP, Eigenfactor, and impact factor score correlated with U-MN authored titles
in Web of Science.
Also analyzed were citing decisions by
external authors and impact measures in Web of Science. Were the journals that
cited U-MN faculty’s research also the journals that external rating services
consider to be of the highest quality? As Figure 5 illustrates, the Social
Sciences and Humanities results present multiple strong correlations in
Management, Accounting, and Finance. Public Affairs and Marketing each have one
strongly predictive value measure, SNIP and Eigenfactor respectively. Overall,
the value metrics that are most predictive are SNIP and Eigenfactor.
In the Natural, Physical, and Health Sciences,
common patterns are far less pronounced, though for Forestry, Chemistry, and
Pediatrics, Eigenfactor is strongest. Beyond these subjects, Web of Science
citing shows moderate, weak or negative relationships to the three impact value
Figure 4
Downloads and others citing U-MN based on SFX
title clicks correlated with cites to U-MN authored titles in Web of Science or
Figure 5
SNIP, Eigenfactor, and impact factor scores
correlated with cites to U-MN authors titles in Web of Science.
Figure 6
SNIP, Eigenfactor, and impact factor score
correlated with cites to U-MN authored titles in Scopus.
Using Scopus citing data, almost all
disciplines have at least one impact measure with strong correlation, but no
one measure stands out as most predictive overall. Figure 6 shows multiple
negative or weak relationships are evident when looking at peer citing
decisions in Finance, Pharmacy, and Nursing. And some of the strongest
relationships are found with impact factor for both Public Affairs and
Marketing. On the other hand, Eigenfactor is strongly predictive with peer citing
in History, Accounting, Management, Forestry, Chemistry, and Pediatrics.
Meanwhile, SNIP shows strong relationships in Hematology, Pediatrics,
Management, and Accounting.
Finally, these results provide evidence to
answer the question of comparative impact measure at the journal discipline
level. While many disciplines have multiple strong correlations, many also have
weak or negative relationships. Thus, discipline does matter in terms of
overall impact measure decisions, though patterns do emerge for some fields
where the discipline result may be sufficient for a group of subjects, such as
business, as we found for Eigenfactor in Web of Science. The same though cannot
be said for health subjects where a far more nuanced approach may be required.
Discipline Usage Behaviour
What could be the possible explanation behind
low to barely moderate, or even the negative correlations with regards to
authorship, citing behaviour, or relationships with value metrics such as
impact factor? Is there something in the usage behaviour of discipline specific
users that can provide insight? One way to understand these differences is to
look at U-MN’s affinity string data. Affinity strings provide some insight into
usage patterns at college or school level, as well as degree or subject
discipline level. Affinity string data reveals who is accessing U-MN electronic
resources without identifying a specific person.
Table 8
Affinity String Usage of Harvard Business Review 2009-2012
Affinity String |
Status |
College |
Department /School |
No. logins 2009-2012 |
tc.grad.csom.bus_adm.EMBA |
student |
School of Management |
Admin |
2734 | |
student |
School |
Resource Development |
507 | |
student |
School |
General |
485 |
ahc.pubh.hcadm.mha |
student |
Health Center |
Health |
338 |
tc.grad.csom.bus_adm.DMBA |
student |
School of Management |
Admin |
323 |
ahc.grad.nurs.d_n_p |
student |
Health Center |
Nursing |
212 |
tc.grad.cehd.humrsrcdev.m_ed |
student |
& Human Develop |
Resource Development |
156 | |
student |
School of Management |
Resources |
156 | |
student |
School |
Communication |
133 | |
student |
School |
& Human Resources Education |
106 |
ahc.staff.pubh |
Staff |
Health Center |
Health |
93 |
tc.grad.cehd.humresdev.humresd_gr |
student |
& Human Develop |
Resource Development |
93 | |
student |
School |
of Technology |
87 |
tc.ugrd.csom.mktg.bs_b.cl2011 |
student |
School of Management |
Marketing |
86 | |
student |
Agricultural & Natural Resource Sciences |
Sciences |
84 | |
Staff |
Health Center |
Medicine |
81 | |
student |
School |
Resource Development |
81 |
tc.grad.csom.bus_adm.CEMBA |
student |
School of Management |
Admin |
73 | |
student |
School |
Policy |
57 | |
student |
& Human Develop |
& Human Resources Education |
57 |
Sometimes this data reveals rather surprising
things. For instance, Table 8 shows that among the top twenty users of the Harvard Business Review are graduate
school nursing students, as well as public health and medical school staff. So
decisions about the Harvard Business
Review would not only impact the academic business community, but the
health sciences as well.
Figure 7
Nursing staff download activity versus nursing
faculty download activity
Figure 8
Pharmacy staff download activity versus
pharmacy faculty download activity.
Within a particular school, there can be
differences in what e-journals are accessed. Nursing or Pharmacy staff and
faculty (which includes research assistants, fellows, and PhD candidates)
access a wide variety of journals outside of their immediate disciplines.
Research staff download to a much greater extent than faculty, possibly because
they are the ones doing the bulk of the background work for grants,
publications, or curriculum instruction (Figures 7 & 8). So decisions about
any health sciences/bio-sciences titles could impact how the nursing school or
college of pharmacy would be able to conduct research, apply for grants, or
build curriculum content.
Publication Practices
When looking at where nursing or pharmacy
authors chose to publish, the vast majority publish within their disciplinary
journals. However, when looking through a list of articles that have the
highest citation counts that include nursing or pharmacy authors, the top
journals are not nursing or pharmacy journals, but well-known medical titles,
such as the New England Journal of
Medicine or Circulation.
Examining the author list from these articles reveals the increasing
interdisciplinary nature of research, where the nursing or pharmacy author is
one member of a team.
Selected Disciplinary Evidence: Visualizing
the Data at the Discipline Level
The results illustrate that disciplinary
trends exist. Can a more careful look at specific funds determine how these
data actually may impact librarian selection decisions, or certainly the
discussions that surround selection/deselection? To draw out patterns in the
data, and hopefully tease out a more meaningful story, the data was visualized
using Tableau software.
Figure 9
Journals selected using the Finance fund.
Figure 9 represents titles selected using the
Finance fund. As noted above, Web of Science was found to be a strong predictor
for both authoring in and peer citing for this subject. The addition of the
Authoring data shows Journal of Banking
& Finance and Journal of
Financial Intermediation as titles with comparatively few downloads but
marked faculty authoring activity. Couple this with the additional peer citing
data from the last column and it becomes clear that the Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Financial Markets, and the Journal of Financial Intermediation are titles with higher local
impact to U-MN faculty than downloads alone would suggest.
Figure 10 highlights titles selected using the
Public Affairs Fund. Seen here are International
Public Management and Journal of
Transport Geography as titles with a lower level of downloads, but marked
authoring and peer citing activity. These additional journal level views
provide a richer set of data from which to analyze collections.
Figure 10
Journals selected using the Public Affairs
It is enlightening to consider how “weak”
“moderate” and “strong” correlations play out in practice. Through comparison,
the next couple of figures offer some insight. For example, data for authorship
and downloads in History are presented in Figure 11 because of the previously
noted gap between Web of Science authoring (at 75% correlation), shown in the
first column, and Scopus authoring (at only 8%) shown in the second column.
Comparing the LJUR and Scopus columns for
journals where data exists for both, Web of Science results are often higher
than Scopus, but not always. Noticeable outliers include Radical History Review and Historical
Methods with stronger Scopus authorship.
Forestry presents another view of variability
(Figure 12). Presented are downloads in relation to citing by peers of U-MN
authored works. The findings show Web of Science is the better predictor at 75%
to Scopus ‘moderate 35%.
While many of the same journals are
represented as having been cited by peers based on data for both Web of Science
and Scopus, what is remarkable is the degree of variation. Certainly, Web of
Science tells a strong story. Scopus tells a story too, just not as compelling.
The final case study looks at the relationship
between journal ranking measures and Scopus authoring in Public Affairs, the
tools with the more predictive authoring result. Figure 13 shows impact results
ranked by SNIP, the most predictive of the three measures in Scopus authoring.
Ranked in descending order of SNIP values, Scopus does consistently provide
comparatively stronger authoring relationships than either Impact Factor or
Figure 11
Journals selected using the History fund.
Figure 12
Journals selected using the Forestry fund.
Figure 13
Public Affairs fund titles and impact
both login demographics and interdisciplinary use are collected, correlated
evidence of patterns of use emerge, resulting in a more accurate picture of
activity. The results suggest practical ways to inform selection decisions. Web
of Science provides more complete information on citing activity by faculty
peers for subscribed titles, while Scopus provides better information on
authoring activity by local faculty for subscribed journals. One solution is to
use both the Web of Science Local Journal Use Reports and Scopus tools. If LJUR
is too pricey but one subscribes to Web of Science, the latter can be searched
by institutional affiliation (though this can be labour-intensive).
Given the trend toward more centralized
collection development, it is still critical to obtain liaison/subject
coordinator input no matter what datasets are used for decision making. Not
only do liaisons have the deepest understanding of disciplinary level use and
quality, but as this research demonstrates, the “best fit” metric may vary both
within a broad discipline category as well as between disciplinary categories.
Such analysis also provides proactive evidence
of value to the academy. The process of looking at impact provides the same
frame or structure across disciplines, often with very different outcomes.
Furthermore, this evidence of value can be used to defend any local library
“tax” that academic departments pay, as well as to promote services that help
faculty demonstrate their research impact, e.g., for tenure portfolios.
Collecting and correlating authorship and
citation data allows patterns of use to emerge, resulting in a more accurate
picture of activity than the more often used cost-per-use. To find the best
information on authoring activity by local faculty for subscribed journals, use
Scopus. To find the best information on citing activity by faculty peers for
subscribed titles, use Thomson Reuters’ customized LJUR report, or limit a Web
of Science search to local institution. The Eigenfactor and SNIP journal
quality metrics results can better inform selection decisions, and are publicly
available. Given the trend toward more centralized collection development, it
is still critical to obtain liaison input no matter what datasets are used for
decision making. This evidence of value can be used to defend any local library
“tax” that academic departments pay as well as promote services to help faculty
demonstrate their research impact.
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