Research Article


Digging in the Mines: Mining Course Syllabi in Search of the Library


Keven M. Jeffery

Digital Technologies Librarian

San Diego State University Library

San Diego, California, United States of America



Kathryn M. Houk

Health & Life Sciences Librarian

San Diego State University Library

San Diego, California, United States of America



Jordan M. Nielsen

Entrepreneurship, Marketing & Business Data Librarian

San Diego State University Library

San Diego, California, United States of America



Jenny M. Wong-Welch

STEM Librarian

San Diego State University Library

San Diego California, United States of America



Received: 2 Sept. 2016    Accepted: 2 Jan. 2017     



cc-ca_logo_xl 2017 Jeffery, Houk, Nielsen, and Wong-Welch. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttributionNoncommercialShare Alike License 4.0 International (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the same or similar license to this one.





Objective - The purpose of this study was to analyze a syllabus collection at a large, public university to identify how the university’s library was represented within the syllabi. Specifically, this study was conducted to see which library spaces, resources, and people were included in course syllabi and to identify possible opportunities for library engagement.


Methods - A text analysis software called QDA Miner was used to search using keywords and analyze 1,226 syllabi across eight colleges at both the undergraduate and graduate levels from the Fall 2014 semester.


Results - Of the 1,226 syllabi analyzed, 665 did not mention the library’s services, spaces, or resources nor did they mention projects requiring research. Of the remaining 561, the text analysis revealed that the highest relevant keyword matches were related to Citation Management (286), Resource Intensive Projects (262), and Library Spaces (251). Relationships between categories were mapped using Sorensen’s coefficient of similarity. Library Space and Library Resources (coefficient =.500) and Library Space and Library Services (coefficient-=.457) were most likely to appear in the same syllabi, with Citation Management and Resource Intensive Projects (coefficient=.445) the next most likely to co-occur.


Conclusion - The text analysis proved to be effective at identifying how and where the library was mentioned in course syllabi. This study revealed instructional and research engagement opportunities for the library’s liaisons, and it revealed the ways in which the library’s space was presented to students. Additionally, the faculty’s research expectations for students in their disciplines were better understood.





Librarians have long seen syllabi as a valuable way to gauge how effectively library services have been integrated into the curriculum. In 2015, the San Diego State University Library leveraged a campus syllabus collection to do a broad analysis of how effectively the library was integrating itself into the curriculum. The San Diego State University (SDSU) Syllabus Collection was initiated after a 2011 request from the student government for syllabi to be made available in digital format before the deadline for course registration. Students were interested in having access to the course requirements, especially factors like assignments, fieldwork, or required travel that may not be available in the course catalog description. At the time of the request, syllabi were mandated by the University Senate to be made available only in print from department offices. The documents were therefore not easily available to students who might be registering for classes remotely.


Even though the primary goal for creating an open and accessible syllabus database was to provide easier access to course information for students, other potential uses for the Syllabus Collection have emerged. In addition to being an open syllabus repository, it also represents a storehouse of data about courses, faculty, and students at SDSU. In 2015, four librarians in the university’s library mined the Syllabus Collection to discover how the library was being referenced and used at the University.


Creating the Syllabus Collection


A working group led by the Dean of the Division of Undergraduate Studies identified the library as a partner on the project due to its having the experience and resources to manage existing collections of university documents, such as digital theses and course calendars. The library offered to support the project using a DSpace instance, the same software used by the library for other campus publications. As of summer 2015, 90% of academic departments were participating at some level in the Syllabus Collection, and the collection had surpassed 8,500 documents. From June 2014 through May 2015, over 1 million syllabi had been downloaded from the database suggesting the collection has fulfilled the original goal of providing access to students and those interested in the University course offerings.


Issues like intellectual property were relatively easily overcome with the option to use a course information template instead of the syllabus, but challenges remain. Even though the campus supports the database, there is no real incentive for participating, so gaining participation from the last 10% of departments may be a challenge. While uploading documents is not a hard task for administrative staff, taking approximately one minute per document, it is sometimes still a challenge obtaining the syllabi from the teaching faculty. There is a suggested metadata standard, but there is no enforcement of the standard for the collection. As section codes are not often included, it is not easy to connect the syllabus in DSpace to the course calendar to accurately determine the level of participation.


Literature Review


Prior to beginning the analysis, a literature search was undertaken using databases specific to library science, such as Library Literature & Information Science Index and Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, along with more general subject databases, such as EBSCO Academic Search Premier and ProQuest Research Library, as well as the ProQuest Summon discovery tool. The authors performed independent searches for articles dealing broadly with syllabi analysis and decided as a group which articles were appropriate to the project. Most of the studies examined, out of necessity, looked at small samples of documents that could be obtained directly from faculty or class sites available on the web. These analyses have been conducted in a variety of ways, including by random sampling, by targeting specific student populations/courses, and by focusing on specific degree or major programs.


Syllabi Analyses Involving Random Samples


Rambler (1982) identified a random sample of 162 courses from the Pennsylvania State University Winter 1979 course schedule and collected syllabi and course documents directly from faculty. She then rated these according to a three-point scale for library usage, finding that 63% of the courses required no library use (p. 156) and that library use increased with class level. Rambler found that only 8% of the courses analyzed made heavy use of the library (pp. 158-159). Smith, Doversberger, Jones, Parker, & Pietraszewski (2012) looked at a similarly sized sample, first identifying the 5,173 course sections offered in spring 2009 by the University of Notre Dame. They then eliminated graduate courses, laboratory sections, and directed research classes. They also eliminated syllabi from sections known to have a library component. Of the remaining 1,496 sections, they selected a random sample of 300 classes and obtained 144, or 52%, of the documents for the sample. The syllabi were then rated for library use according to a four-point scale. They found 43% of the syllabi examined required no library use, and only 38% required use of the library beyond course reserves, with library use increasing with class level (pp. 266-267).


Williams, Cody, & Parnell (2014) started with a list of 3,125 class sections offered by the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in the fall 2002 and spring 2003 semesters and identified 828 available via the “free web.” Of these 828, they identified 253 upper-level courses in 34 disciplines for analysis. They found 41% of classes used the library for research papers or projects, 18% used the library for reserve materials, 16% required library use for special projects and book reviews, 12% offered extra-credit library assignments, and 11% offered optional use of materials not on reserve (p. 271).


Syllabi Analyses Involving Special Student Populations/Courses


VanScoy & Oakleaf (2008) obtained the course lists for a random sample of 350 first-semester freshmen students from the North Carolina State University registrar. They obtained a complete set of syllabi for 139 students from the Internet or directly from instructors. They found 97% of the 350 students were required to find research resources with the number jumping to 100% for the 139 students where a complete syllabi sample was available (pp. 569-570). O’Hanlon (2007) examined winter quarter, 2006 syllabi for writing courses and senior capstone courses at Ohio State University, analyzing 71 syllabi provided by instructors or found on the Internet (p. 174). These 71 syllabi represented 44, or 30%, of course sections for the writing course and 27, or 55%, of the senior capstone courses (p. 181). Fifty-nine percent of writing course syllabi indicated a writing assignment requiring external research (p. 182), and 70% of the senior capstone courses mentioned the same. O’Hanlon in looking for research related lectures in the syllabi found that while some courses offered supplemental support, “no indication of class lectures by instructors or librarians on research methods was found in these syllabi” (p. 183).


Syllabi Analyses Involving Majors or Programs


Boss & Drabinski (2013) examined a comprehensive set of 79 undergraduate and graduate course syllabi obtained directly from the School of Business at Long Island University. They then searched the syllabi for the word “library” and rated the syllabi according to a set of questions developed from the Association of American Colleges & Universities Information Literacy standards (pp. 267-268). The authors found that while 51 of the syllabi included a research assignment, only 22 directed students to the library or a librarian (p. 270). Dewald (2003) examined syllabi for courses required for the completion of a B.S. in Business Administration at Penn State University. The author looked at examples from the 20002001 and 20012002 academic years and rated library usage according to a four-point scale (p. 35). Dewald found that 48.9% had no library use, 31.6% required library use for short assignments, and 18.3% required significant research assignments (p. 39).




By examining a large group of syllabi during a specific timeframe, the librarians conducting this study sought to identify how the library was referenced in courses at the University. It was expected that most mentions of the library in course syllabi would be related to spaces within the library’s physical location rather than personnel or services. It was hoped that the following key questions could be answered during this research study:





As of May 28, 2015, there were 8,433 total syllabi in the collection dating back to the 2011 pilot. For the purpose of this project, the syllabi from fall 2014 were chosen for examination due to multiple factors. First, the set of syllabi were cross-disciplinary and would provide data across all colleges and most subject areas on campus. Second, the 1,258 syllabi in the fall 2014 set were relatively higher in total number when compared to other semesters. Third, the analysis was started in the spring 2015 semester, and fall 2014 was the most recent set of syllabi available to analyze.


As the DSpace software housing the collection was not managed in-house, it was not possible to simply download the collection metadata and files. We were, however, able to obtain a spreadsheet of the metadata for all documents uploaded to the Syllabus Collection prior to February 2015. A script was then written in the server-side scripting language (PHP) that visited the Handle Uniform Resource Identifier for each DSpace record in the spreadsheet and downloaded every document in the collection containing the string “2014.” During the download process, the collection name was added to the start of the real document name, meaning each document in a “2014 fall” collection could be easily identified and added to the pool of documents to be analyzed.


After obtaining the fall 2014 syllabi set of documents, appropriate text-mining software had to be identified. The software had to support batch ingestion of large amounts of PDF and Word documents, have the ability to search across the entire contents of each document, and provide the ability to tag the discovered content with keyword codes. Ultimately, QDA Miner was chosen for this project due to its ability to support qualitative data analysis through coding, annotation, and retrieval of the large syllabus collection. It is important to note two key aspects of using this software: 1) the software is only compatible with the Windows operating system, and 2) when importing Word documents, the text formatting was thrown off and Unicode characters were added to some of the text content. To counteract this, all documents were converted to PDFs.


After importing the PDFs, metadata was applied to each document. This metadata included the associated college, subject, and course level represented in each syllabus. Next, the librarians brainstormed a list of keywords during multiple meetings to use when searching across the syllabi. These keywords were related to either the library and its services or spaces or the courses’ research assignments. Keywords related to the library and its services or spaces were used to identify if or how the teaching faculty referenced the library as well as what services or spaces were promoted. Keywords related to the courses’ research assignments were used in order to identify opportunities for subject librarians to promote the library’s research services. Similar keywords were grouped together to form codes. The codes include Library Spaces, Library Services, IT Services, Librarian-Led Instruction, Independent Instruction, Resources, People, Campus Space in the Library, Citation Management, and Research. Table 1 shows the keywords and their corresponding code category.



Table 1

Codes Categories and Keywords

Code Categories


Library Spaces

Library Classroom, Student Computing Center, Media Center, Reference, Special Collections, SDSU Library, Love Library, Library

Library Services

Reference Help, Circulation/Course Reserves, Exam Space, Interlibrary Loan

IT Services

Computers, Software, Technical Assistance, Email, Blackboard

Librarian-Led Instruction

Library Session

Independent Instruction

Self-Guided Tour, Plagiarism


Databases, Media Collection, PIN, Research Guide, eBook, Book, Article/Journal, Syllabus Collection, Microform


Name, Librarian, General

Campus Space in the Library

Writing Center, Financial Lab, Tutoring/Math Center

Citation Management

APA, MLA, Chicago Style, Bibliography


Research Paper, Literature Review, Capstone, Senior Project, Thesis, Literature Search, Data Management



Figure 1

The Digital Syllabus Collection hosts a total of 8,433 syllabi, with 1258 syllabi from the fall 2014 semester—approximately 15% of the total collection.



Results & Analysis


Analysis of Sample Set


Twelve hundred and fifty-eight syllabi from fall 2014 courses were ingested into QDA Miner for analysis out of a total of the nearly 8,500 syllabi in the entire collection. Thirty-two were unable to be labeled and coded due to missing text and poor conversion by the software. The final corpus size of 1,226 syllabi represents approximately 17% of the total planned classes for SDSU during fall 2014, as outlined by the 20142015 course catalog.


Seventy-one of 96 campus subjects were represented in the corpus, along with seven colleges and the Division of Undergraduate Studies. The colleges are represented by their short codes as follows: College of Arts and Letters (CAL), College of Business Administration (CBA), College of Health and Human Services (CHHS), College of Education (COE), College of Engineering  (ENG), College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts (PSFA), College of Science (SCI), and the Division of Undergraduate Studies (OTH). Figure 2 depicts the relative prevalence of syllabi from each college in the sample. CAL provided the most syllabi, with 520, while ENG provided the fewest with only 26.



Figure 2

Relative number of syllabi from each college in the corpus and the total number of syllabi from each college: CAL = 520, CBA = 156, CHHS = 58, COE = 124, ENG = 26, PSFA = 234, SCI = 73, OTH = 35.



Table 2

Scheduled Classes a, Number of Syllabi Available, and Percentage of Scheduled Classes Represented for Each College in fall 2014

aNumbers include all sections of courses.



Relative to the number of planned classes for the fall 2014 semester, CBA provided the highest percentage of syllabi (44%) while SCI provided the lowest percentage (4%). Table 2 compares the number of scheduled classes, the number of syllabi, and the percentage represented in the corpus from each of the eight colleges. The corpus contains syllabi from 77 unique subjects. Rhetoric and Writing (RWS), History (HIST), and English (ENGL) were the top subject contributors of syllabi, with 84, 77, and 62 respectively. Fifty-five percent of subjects had fewer than 10 syllabi in the sample, with 14% of subjects having only one syllabus each.


Codes & Keywords Results


Of the 1,226 syllabi in the corpus, more than half did not mention any library spaces, services, or resources, nor did they mention any papers or projects requiring research. The following results are based on the remaining 561 syllabi. The least frequently used keyword codes included the following: Senior Project and Math/Tutoring Center had no mentions, and the keywords Blackboard, Syllabus Collection, Librarian Title, Tour, Microform, Data Management, Wells Fargo, Interlibrary Loan, and Literature Search had fewer than five mentions each. The most popular keyword codes overall were Research Paper (173), APA (125), and MLA (123), as depicted in Figure 3. After the keywords were condensed into 10 codes, the three most frequent codes in the syllabi were Citation Management (286), Research (262), and Library Spaces (251). Figure 4 depicts the three most frequently used keyword codes mapped to each of the top three codes.



Figure 3

Number of occurrences in the corpus of the three most popular keywords.



Figure 4

Frequency of individual keyword codes from the top three code categories of the corpus.



Figure 5

Frequency of code occurrence in the corpus and likelihood of co-occurrence with other codes in the same syllabus.



Relationships between codes were mapped using Sorensen’s coefficient of similarity. Library Space and Library Resources (coefficient =.500) and Library Space and Library Services (coefficient-=.457) are most likely to appear in the same syllabus, with Citation Management and Resource Intensive Projects (coefficient=.445) next likely to co-occur. These two clusters are somewhat related to each other, as they all have loose ties to Library Space, but the codes of Librarians, Librarian-Led Instruction, and Self-Guided Instruction have almost no co-occurrence frequency with Research, Citation Management, or Library Services. Figure 5 shows a 2D representation of code frequency and strength of co-occurrence with other codes. Line thickness indicates the strength of Sorensen’s coefficient.


Syllabi from History were the only subgroup to have mentioned keywords representing all 10 codes. General Studies, English, Management Information Systems, Child & Family Development, and Sociology all used keywords mapping to 90% of the codes. At the college level, CAL and CBA mapped to 100% of the codes, while ENG was the only college to map to less than 90% of the codes. Table 3 shows the number of code mentions from the syllabi of each college.



Table 3

Number of Category Codesa Represented in Syllabi of Each College

aCitation Management and Library Spaces are the two most used codes across all disciplines, followed by Library Resources.



Figure 6

Percentage of syllabi, out of the 1,226 syllabi sample, mentioning instruction codes versus a resource-intensive project.



Of our corpus of syllabi, only 38 mentioned Librarian-Led Instruction and 18 of these syllabi were from Rhetoric and Writing, which is a core curriculum course. In contrast, there were almost twice as many (67) syllabi mentioning Independent Instruction, typically from requirements to complete the library’s plagiarism tutorial or interactive tour. Eight percent of syllabi mention any type of library instruction, while 21% mention some sort of Research. Figure 6 highlights the 18% gap between mentions of Research and Librarian-Led Instruction sections, and the 16% gap between Independent Instruction and Research.


Study Limitations


While the syllabus collection study helped to uncover broad patterns and opportunities for library interventions, there were a number of limitations. First, the sample chosen for this study was syllabi uploaded during the fall 2014 semester. A more accurate picture of the Library’s presence in the syllabi would likely be revealed if the librarians analyzed the entire collection of syllabi from the last 5 years, rather than focusing on one semester. Second, there is not complete course coverage within each subject area of the syllabus collection. Even though the vast majority of subjects are represented within the collection, only certain courses within each subject area actually appear within the collection. In order to have a better understanding of the subject areas and possible library interventions, the library would need to reach out to departments to ensure that there is a syllabus on file for each course taught within a subject area. Third, a full content analysis was not performed on the syllabi. The syllabi were searched for specific words and phrases, and the results were contextualized by viewing the sentences surrounding the search hits. More context for how the Library is mentioned in the syllabi could be discovered if a full content analysis was performed.




A collection of syllabi can provide access to vast amounts of data about a university’s community. Mining this data can provide libraries with much-needed information about their communities and inspire new methods of outreach and engagement. The information gleaned from syllabi can have an impact on a library’s collections, service points, instructional activities, spaces, and technologies. In the case of SDSU, the initial syllabus collection investigation has revealed multiple opportunities for the library to intervene. Of the over 1,200 syllabi examined, only 38 included information about a librarian. Additionally, over 250 syllabi included requirements for research or intensive resource use. There is clearly a mismatch between the number of courses requiring research and those that mention librarians. Librarians at SDSU can capitalize on these findings to offer research and information literacy instruction support.


From a subject or department standpoint, there is much to be gained. This study revealed that many History syllabi refer to the library, yet subject support from the library consists of several librarians serving niche areas within the department. This finding led to recommendations that subject coverage be provided in a more organized manner, which resulted in establishing a coordinator who works with all librarians providing support for History. Moving forward, individual subject librarians have planned syllabi-analysis projects based on this study in order to uncover specific needs within the schools, departments, and colleges they support. This will allow for a more targeted approach to engaging library users with relevant resources and services. It will also give subject librarians the data they need to develop and improve their services.




In this study, syllabi were analyzed from the entire university, across most levels and departments. The results revealed major differences across academic disciplines with regards to if or how the library is mentioned in syllabi. Despite its limitations, this study does demonstrate how academic librarians can perform a text-mining analysis of syllabi to shed light on the information needs of their campus communities. It also revealed gaps where the library could intervene and provide support, especially in the area of research support. Key areas of outreach for liaison librarians were identified, particularly in History and writing courses. Additionally, student research expectations were further illuminated across disciplines. It is no surprise that research is different from one discipline to the next, but this study sheds some light on the research expectations faculty have for the students in different disciplines.


While there are many examples of librarians evaluating syllabi collected from the web or directly from instructors, programs, and colleges; this study was unique in utilizing syllabi from a central campus repository and leveraging text-mining software. A central repository of syllabi decreases the time and effort required for collection and access, while QDA Miner significantly reduces the burden of hand coding text documents. We conclude that our research has produced a replicable method for text mining digital syllabi, whether they are in a central repository or individually collected, and for identifying areas for improved services to faculty and students that other libraries could use to their advantage.




Boss, K. & Drabinski, E. (2014). Evidence-based instruction integration: A syllabus analysis project. Reference Services Review, 42(2), 263-276.


Dewald, N. (2003). Anticipating library use by business students: The uses of a syllabus study. Research Strategies, 19, 33-45.


O’Hanlon, N. (2007). Information literacy in the university curriculum: Challenges for outcomes assessment. Libraries and the Academy, 7(2), 169-189.


Rambler, L.K. (1982). Syllabus study: Key to a responsive academic library. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 8(3), 155-159. Retrieved from


Smith, C., Doversberger, L., Jones, S., Parker, J., Pietraszewski, B. (2012). Using course syllabi to uncover opportunities for curriculum-integrated instruction. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 51(3), 263-271.


VanScoy, A., & Oakleaf, M. (2008). Evidence vs. anecdote: Using syllabi to plan curriculum-integrated information literacy instruction. College & Research Libraries, 69(6), 566-575.


Williams, L. M., Cody, S. A., & Parnell, J. (2004). Prospecting for new collaborations: Mining syllabi for library service opportunities. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 30(4), 270-275.