Evidence Summary
Literature Suggests Information Professionals Have Adopted New Roles
A Review of:
Vassilakaki, E. & Moniarou-Papaconstantinou, V. (2015). A systematic
literature review informing library and information professionals’ emerging
roles. New Library World, 116(1/2), 37-66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/NLW-05-2014-0060
Reviewed by:
Robin E. Miller
Associate Professor and Research & Instruction
McIntyre Library
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States of America
Email: millerob@uwec.edu
Received: 14 Dec. 2016 Accepted: 17 Jan.
2017 Miller.
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provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
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same or similar license to this one.
Objective – To
provide a systematic review of the emerging or newly adopted roles of
information professionals, over the past 14 years, as described in the Library
and Information Science (LIS) professional literature.
Design –
Systematic review of the literature.
Setting –
Databases featuring information science content, including ACM Digital Library,
Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts (LISTA), Library and
Information Science Abstracts (LISA), Citeseer, Google Scholar, e-prints in
Library and Information Science (e-LiS), Digital Library of Information Science
and Technology (DLIST), Scopus, and Science Direct. The database Library
Literature & Information Science Index was not included.
Subjects – Through
a systematic literature search, the authors identified 114 peer-reviewed
studies published between 2000-2014.
Methods – The
authors searched selected databases using the terms “librarian/s role” and
“information professional/s role” to collect literature about the roles of
information professionals. The authors searched the selected databases in two
phases. The initial search yielded 600 search results and the authors included
100 articles about “roles” information professionals have adopted. The authors
excluded articles focused on specific positions, health and medical libraries,
librarians’ professional skills, and development of specific programs or
initiatives within libraries. In the second phase of searching, the authors
refined search terms to include phrases specifically related to the roles
identified in the 100 articles initially included in the review. There were 48
articles identified in the second search and 14 were included in the final pool
of articles. The authors also cross-checked the references of all included
Results – The authors identified six roles of information professionals described
in the literature during the review period. The role of “embedded librarian”
was described in the largest number of articles (42%), followed by “librarian
as teacher” (20%), “knowledge manager” (20%), “technology specialist” (9%),
“subject librarian” (6%), and “information consultant” (3%).
The study did not identify a dominant journal title or professional
conference publishing research on information professionals’ roles. Some
included literature reported a specific method for investigation, including
questionnaires, content analyses, and mixed methods. However, the researchers
report that the majority of articles represented personal views or perceptions
of the authors.
Conclusion – The
roles of information professionals are continually changing, both in practice
and in description. In particular, information professionals expanded their
roles in teaching during the review period, shedding light on institutional and
professional priorities.
The authors identified information professional roles that may have
emerged or evolved during the review period. In synthesizing the reviewed
literature’s discussion of each role, the authors offer a detailed view of the
scholarly conversation about the evolution of the information profession. This research
may indicate that information professionals have assumed new roles as embedded
librarians, particularly in light of changing pedagogical resources and tools
that foster new methods of patron interaction. However, the authors’ discussion
of the other roles – librarian as teacher, knowledge manager, technology
specialist, subject librarian, and information consultant – seem more
indicative of changing rhetoric than the emergence of new conceptual roles for
information professionals. A longer review period might alter this perspective.
The systematic review method is a promising means of quantifying
professional discussions on changing roles in the information field. The
evidence presented in this article may largely apply to academic libraries
because, as the authors note, the majority of articles included in the review
were about academic libraries. The authors searched a wide range of databases,
following the guidance of Hemingway and Brereton (2009). The focus on
peer-reviewed literature discovered through database searches may be the reason
that the majority of included articles address academic libraries. This
limitation was acknowledged by the authors. While trade and grey literature
published by professional associations and consortia may be more difficult to
locate in databases, such literature might expand the subject matter to
information professionals working outside of higher education.
The inclusion and exclusion criteria employed by the authors reveal
ambiguities in LIS professional rhetoric that this research may be unable to
overcome. The search terms “librarian/s roles” and “information professional/s
roles” were employed to search several databases. However, the authors do not
define “role,” nor do they identify other terms they considered and discarded.
Research about the “skills” of librarians was also excluded, though the 114
articles ultimately included do discuss librarian “competencies,” “expertise,”
“knowledge,” and “training.” “Papers referring to specific positions or
specific occupational groups” (p. 39) were excluded, though the article does
not explain the distinction between a librarian’s “role” and “professional
responsibilities.” For example, the authors indicate that the role of “embedded
librarian” dominated the scholarly conversation in the included literature, but
the exclusion criteria indicate that “embedded librarianship” is a “type” of
librarianship that was excluded from systematic review (2015). New positions
and titles in information organizations may well represent emerging roles in
areas like scholarly communication, assessment, outreach, emerging technology,
and instructional design. Are these roles, professional responsibilities,
skills, competencies, or something else?
How information professionals describe their work is a useful inquiry.
As a survey of articles about the work information professionals do, this
research may inform hiring managers or other librarians who seek to redefine
existing roles or create new roles to fill needs within their libraries. This
research could be expanded to include trade and grey literature. Practical
applications of this research would be enhanced with refined search terms and
terminology that distinguishes between librarian position titles,
responsibilities, and competencies.
P. & Brereton, N. (2009). What is a systematic review? What is...? Series. Retrieved from http://www.bandolier.org.uk/painres/download/whatis/Syst-review.pdf