Evidence Summary
Flipped Library Instruction Does Not Lead to Learning Gains for
First-Year English Students
A Review of:
Rivera, E. (2017). Flipping the classroom in freshman English library
instruction: A comparison study of a flipped class versus a traditional lecture
method. New Review of Academic
Librarianship, 23(1), 18-27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13614533.2016.1244770
Reviewed by:
Kimberly Miller
Learning Technologies Librarian
Albert S. Cook Library
Towson University
Towson, Maryland, United States of America
Email: kimberlymiller@towson.edu
Received: 12
May 2017 Accepted:
11 July 2017
2017 Miller.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 4.0
International (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
Objective – To determine
whether a flipped classroom approach to freshman English information literacy
instruction improves student learning outcomes.
Design –
Setting – Private
suburban university with 7,000 graduate and undergraduate students.
Subjects – First-year
English students.
Methods – Students in
six sections of first-year “English 2” received library instruction; three
sections received flipped library instruction and three sections received
traditional library instruction. Students in the flipped classroom sections
were assigned two videos to watch before class, as an introduction to searching
the Library’s catalog and key academic databases. These students were also
expected to complete pre-class exercises that allowed them to practice what
they learned through the videos. The face-to-face classes involved a review of
the flipped materials alongside additional activities.
Works cited pages from the students’ final papers were
collected from all six sections, 31 from the flipped sections and 34 from the
non-flipped sections. A rubric was used to rate the works cited pages. The
rubric was based on the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Information Literacy Competency Standards
for Higher Education (ACRL, 2000), Standard Two, Outcome 3a, and included
three criteria: “authority,” “timeliness,” and “variety.” Each criterion was
rated at one of three levels: “exemplary,” “competent,” or “developing.”
Main Results – Works cited
pages from the students who received non-flipped instruction were more likely
to score “exemplary” for at least one of the three criteria when compared to
works cited pages from the flipped instruction students (68.6% vs. 52.7%).
Differences were found in the scores for “timeliness” (88.2% non-flipped scored
“exemplary” compared to 58% flipped), and “variety” (55.9% non-flipped scored
“exemplary” vs. 35.5% flipped). This pattern was not found for the “authority”
category, in which 61.8% of non-flipped works cited pages scored “exemplary”
vs. 64.5% of flipped works cited pages.
Conclusion – The results suggest
that the flipped library instruction approach did not improve student learning
outcomes. The study’s findings are limited by the small sample size, the
unknown impact of the variability of research assignments between sections, and
the lack of control over whether students in the flipped sections completed the
pre-class assignments. The author also notes that future research should
examine how well the content of flipped library instruction mirrors that of
non-flipped instruction sessions. The study concludes that the flipped
classroom model needs further research to understand whether it is a strong fit
for one-shot library instruction.
Information literacy instruction remains an essential
element of academic libraries’ missions; however, frustration with the
“one-shot” model for course-embedded instruction persists (Julien, Gross, &
Latham, 2017, p. 12). As such, librarians continue to explore instructional
approaches that promise to improve student learning outcomes, enabling them to
make the most of limited contact time with learners. With its typical blend of
pre-class preparation and in-class application, the flipped classroom is one
model that offers librarians expanded opportunities to connect with learners
and extend information literacy instruction.
Evaluating the current study with Koufogiannakis,
Booth, and Brettle’s (2006) ReLIANT instrument finds that the study provides a
clear objective, the details of the flipped classroom intervention, and the
rubric used to score the students’ works cited pages. The study’s data support
the author’s conclusion that the flipped intervention alone did not improve
student learning outcomes, as measured by the works cited rubric. Many academic
libraries are transitioning towards using the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (ACRL,
2015), so librarians who wish to replicate this study may find value in
translating the article’s Standards-based (ACRL, 2000) rubric criteria to the
newer information literacy framework.
However, the article does not provide critical student
population information necessary to fully understand the study’s design or
evidence. No overall sample size (i.e., how many students received instruction)
is provided for either the flipped or non-flipped instruction sessions, and
there is no demographic information to demonstrate whether students in the
flipped and non-flipped groups were similar along study variables. It is also
unclear whether the six sections were randomly assigned to the flipped or
traditional sessions. While six total sections received instruction over two
semesters (p. 23), there is no information about which instruction methods
(flipped vs. non-flipped) were used each semester. This may introduce potential
confounds, such as maturation, if students’ experience levels or other
characteristics differed from one semester to the next. Without such
information, it is difficult to evaluate whether study results are due solely
to the educational intervention.
Considering the educational context, there is no
description of the lesson design for the traditional classes or how it compared
to the content of the flipped lesson.
Controls for measuring whether students in the flipped classes completed
their pre-class work would be required to understand what element of the
flipped approach should be improved. For example, incentives for student
participation vs. the actual structure and content of the flipped lesson.
Considering how the flipped tutorial content, with its
focus on search and retrieval skills, aligns with rubric criteria (focused
primarily on evaluation concepts) may provide an additional facet to
interpreting study results.
This study provides evidence that, like any education
intervention, the flipped classroom model by itself may not improve student
learning outcomes. Instead, librarians must carefully consider how well
different instructional models could work in relation to local scenarios,
classes, and content. The current study’s discussion of considerations for
flipped lesson design, lesson content, and outcomes measurement provides
librarians with a starting place to continue expanding research into flipped
classroom effectiveness.
Association of College & Research Libraries. (2000). Information literacy competency standards
for higher education. http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/informationliteracycompetency
Association of College & Research Libraries. (2015). Framework for information literacy for
higher education. http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/ilframework
Julien, H., Gross, M., & Latham, D. (2017). Survey of information
literacy instructional practices in U.S. academic libraries. College & Research Libraries.
Advance online publication. http://crl.acrl.org/
Koufogiannakis, D., Booth, A., & Brettle, A. (2006). ReLIANT:
Reader’s guide to the literature on interventions addressing the need for
education and training. Library &
Information Research, 30(94),
44-51. http://www.lirgjournal.org.uk