Research Article
The Library Assessment
Capability Maturity Model: A Means of Optimizing How Libraries Measure
Simon Hart
Policy, Planning and
Evaluation Librarian
University of Otago Library
Dunedin, New Zealand
Howard Amos
University Librarian
University of Otago Library
Dunedin, New Zealand
Received: 19 July 2018 Accepted: 11 Oct. 2018
2018 Hart and
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provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
DOI: 10.18438/eblip29471
This paper presents a Library Assessment Capability Maturity Model (LACMM) that
can assist library managers to improve assessment. The
process of developing the LACMM is detailed to provide an evidence trail to
foster confidence in its utility and value.
The LACMM was developed during a series of library benchmarking activities
across an international network of universities. The utility and value of the LACMM was tested by the benchmarking
libraries and other practitioners; feedback from this testing was applied to
improve it. Guidance
was taken from a procedures model for developing maturity models that draws on
design science research methodology where an iterative and reflective approach
is taken.
Results –
The activities decision making junctures and the LACMM as an artifact make up
the results of this research. The LACMM
has five levels. Each level represents a measure of the effectiveness of any
assessment process or program, from ad-hoc processes to mature and continuously
improving processes. At each level there are criteria and characteristics that
need to be fulfilled in order to reach a particular maturity level.
Corresponding to each level of maturity, four stages of the assessment cycle
were identified as further elements of the LACMM template. These included (1) Objectives, (2) Methods and data collection, (3) Analysis and interpretation, and (4) Use of results. Several attempts were needed to determine the
criteria for each maturity level corresponding to the stages of the assessment
cycle. Three versions of the LACMM were developed to introduce managers to
using it. Each version corresponded to a different kind of assessment activity:
data, discussion, and comparison. A generic version was developed for those who
have become more familiar with using it. Through a process of review,
capability maturity levels can be identified for each stage in the assessment
cycle; so too can plans to improve processes toward continuous improvement.
Conclusion – The LACMM will add to the plethora of resources
already available. However, it is hoped that the simplicity of the tool as a
means of assessing assessment and identifying an improvement path will be its
strength. It can act as a quick aide-mémoire or form the basis of a
comprehensive self-review or an inter-institutional benchmarking project. It is
expected that the tool will be adapted and improved upon as library managers
apply it.
The improvement of processes has become
increasingly important in libraries, especially within the higher education
context. This has been in response to wider economic pressures that have seen
limited budgets and the rise of accountability (Lilburn, 2017). Libraries have prioritized
the need to demonstrate a return on investment, show that users’ needs are
being met, remain relevant, offer (added) value, and align with wider strategic
imperatives (Matthews, 2015; Oakleaf, 2010; Sputore & Fitzgibbons, 2017; Tenopir,
Mays & Kaufman, 2010; Urquhart & Tbaishat,
2016). A drive for efficiency and effectiveness has culminated in calls to
foster cultures of quality, assessment, and evidence based decision-making (Atikinson, 2017; Crumley & Koufogiannakis, 2002; Lakos &
Phipps, 2004). Business as usual is no longer enough. Doing more with less
while continuing to improve is the new norm. Applying assessment processes and
improving upon them has become imperative for library mangers (Hiller, Kyrillidou, & Oakleaf, 2014).
The challenge is how can assessment be conducted and improved efficiently and
effectively. This paper documents the development of a tool—the Library Assessment Capability Maturity Model
(LACMM)—that can meet this need.
Literature Review
issue of library assessment is well documented (Heath, 2011; Hufford, 2013;
Town & Stein, 2015). Signposts, “how to” manuals, and examples of practice
are readily available (Oakleaf, 2010; Wright &
White, 2007). A range of comprehensive books have been published (Appleton,
2017; Brophy, 2006; Heron, Dugan, & Nitecki, 2011; Matthews, 2015).
tools to measure effectiveness are continually evolving—from the questionnaire
employed by the Advisory Board on College Libraries across Carnegie libraries
in the 1930s (Randel, 1932) to Orr’s framework for quantitative measure for
assessing the goodness of library services (Orr, 1973) to more contemporary
tools like LibQual+® surveys (Association of Research
Libraries, 2012) and web based assessment tools offered by Counting Opinions (n.d.). Significant investment has been made to strengthen
librarians’ assessment practices, for example through the ACRL program Assessment in Action: Academic Libraries and
Student Success (Hinchliffe & Malenfant,
2013). Work has been undertaken to identify factors important to effective
library assessment (Hiller, Kyrillidou, & Self,
2008) as well as to identify factors influencing an assessment culture (Farkas, Hinchliffe, & Houk,
2015). In discussing the history of library assessment, Heath (2011) noted that
“recent years have seen a collaborative culture of assessment reach its full
maturity” (p. 14).
the rich literature that exists on assessment practices, the concept of
maturity in assessment has only received limited attention in libraries. Cosby
(1979) popularized the concept of maturity of business processes by considering
them in stages building on each other, offering an effective and efficient
means for the analysis and measurement of the extent to which a process is
defined, managed, assessed, and controlled. The application of capability
maturity within a framework emerged out of the software engineering industry
where Paulk, Curtis, Chrissis, and Weber (1993)
conceived a Capability Maturity Model (CMM). Subsequently, CMMs have been
applied in a range of other industries and organizations to assess the level of
capability and maturity of critical processes, such as project management
capability (Crawford, 2006), people capability (Curtis, 2009), and contract
management process capability (Rendon, 2009).
CMM has five levels of capability maturity, as illustrated in Figure 1 (adapted
from Paulk, Curtis, Chrissis, & Weber, 1993).
Each level represents a measure of the effectiveness of any specific process or
program, from ad-hoc immature processes to disciplined, mature, and
continuously improving processes. The CMM provides criteria and characteristics
that need to be fulfilled in order to reach a particular maturity level. Actual
activities are compared with the details at each level to see what level these
best align to. Consideration of the details in the levels above where
activities align provide guidance on where improvement can be made (Becker, Knackstedt, & Pöppelbuß,
The first reported instance of the CMM being
utilized in developing a maturity model in a library setting was by Wilson and
Town (2006). Here the CMM was used as a reference model to develop a framework
for measuring the culture of quality within an organization. As part of her
doctoral research, Wilson (2013) went on to develop a comprehensive
and useful Quality Maturity Model (QMM) and Quality Culture Assessment
Instrument for libraries (
Subsequently the CMM has been used to develop maturity models in library
settings to map knowledge management maturity (Mu 2012; Yang 2009, 2016) and
digital library maturity (Sheokhshoaei, 2018). Only
Wilson (2013) and Sheokhshoaei (2018) provided a
detailed account of how their model was developed.
are other instances of developing maturity models in a library setting. Gkinni (2014) developed a preservation policy maturity
model; however, this used a maturity assessment model promoted by de Bruin and Rosemann (2005). Howlett (2018)
has announced a project to develop an evidence based maturity model for
Australian academic libraries. It will describe characteristics of evidence
based practice and identify what library mangers can implement to progress
maturity at a whole organization level. At this stage, it is not known whether
this will follow the structure of the CMM.
maturity model.
are limited instances of the application of CMMs within the library literature.
An early version of the QMM was applied by Tang (2012) in benchmarking quality
assurance practices of university libraries in the Australian Technology
Network. Egberongbe and Willett (2017) refer to an
assessment of quality maturity level in Nigerian university libraries that
applied the Prince 2 Maturity Model from the field of project management.
Similarly, within a university library in Sri Lanka, Wijetunge
(2012) reported using a version of a knowledge management maturity model;
however, like Willett (2017), this also did not apply a CMM in its development.
This paper shares the LACMM, a tool that can assist
library mangers with improving assessment. The LACMM offers managers an
effective tool where, through a process of self-review, assessment processes
can be simplified and considered in a stage-by-stage manner along an
anticipated, desired, and logical path to identify how well developed and
robust processes actually are. It offers efficiency as it acts as a diagnostic
tool that helps to identify a course of action to optimize performance. The
process of developing this tool is presented with an evidence trail to foster
confidence in its utility and value.
The LACMM was developed during a series of library
benchmarking activities across a group of seven universities from across the
world, the Matariki network (
The authors of this paper coordinated the development of the LACMM and managed
the benchmarking activities. One author is a library director (H.A.) and the
other (S.H.) has assessment responsibilities as a significant component of his
role. The network libraries shared in the development of the LACMM as they
addressed the following question: If we enable and support the academic
endeavour, how do we measure our effectiveness? Guidance was taken from Becker,
Knackstedt, and Pöppelbuß
(2009), who offered a procedures model for developing maturity models that
draws on design science research methodology (Hevner,
2004). This provided a clear flow of activities and decision-making junctures,
emphasising an iterative and reflective approach.
The benchmarking activities included structured
case studies from each of the university libraries that were assessed and best
practice examples and resources that were shared. Decisions were made through
consultation via shared discussion documents. These conversations occurred
during three day-long annual meetings between 2013 and 2017 when the seven
library directors met as part of a series of Matariki
Humanities Colloquia that had emerged as part of the network activities. Prior
to each meeting staff from the libraries responded to a series of questions
with reference to their library’s case study. The responses were shared via an
online collaborative workspace. Using the workspace allowed each library to
come to the activity as resources allowed. Each case study could be reviewed
prior to the meeting where more questions could be answered and each library
could report on what they learned from considering each other’s best practice
examples. This process ensured a rich and productive interaction during the
meetings (Hart & Amos, 2014).
Benchmarking topics focused on activities and
practices for library programs that supported teaching, research, and the
student experience. Aligned to wider strategic priorities, the topics included
transition of first year students to university life, library space that
support students’ experiences, planning for change to support research, how the
library helps researchers measure impact, and the cost
and contribution to the scholarly supply chain. As the library directors
considered possible areas of improvement, the need to improve assessment
processes was acknowledged. Early on in the benchmarking process, the library
directors agreed to investigate, as a separate but aligned activity, the use of
a CMM for
library assessment as a shared response to address “how we measure our
effectiveness” (Hart & Amos, 2014, p. 59).
To encourage wide application of the tool, the
authors promote the use of terms “assessment” and “evaluation” as
interchangeable within the library context. While some argue for a distinction
between assessment and evaluation (Hernon &
Dugan, 2009) it needs to be recognized that this call is made within the
context of higher education, where historically care has been taken to
differentiate between assessing learners and evaluating things or objects (Hodnett, 2001). In contrast, Hufford (2013) concedes that
among librarians the use of each term is ambiguous, and their uses have changed
over time.
Problem Definition
The idea of developing a guide or roadmap that a CMM
could offer appealed to the library directors within the network. They
acknowledged that there were plenty of good case studies, resources, and lists
of what had to be in place to advance a culture of assessment. For example, see
bibliographies by Hufford (2013) and Poll (2016). While these are useful to
learn about what others are doing, they did not offer systematic guidance on
how to improve assessment processes within current and planned activities and
programmes. It was confirmed that testing the model across a group of
international libraries would strengthen its application to a wider audience
(Maier, Moultrie & Clarkson, 2012; Wendler,
Applying the CMM to library assessment was further
validated when one of the partner libraries shared their experience using the
revised Australasian Council on Online, Distance and e-Learning (ACODE)
benchmarking tool, which focuses on technology-enhanced learning (McNaught, Lam, & Kwok, 2012; Sankey, 2014a). The ACODE
tool includes eight benchmarks with each containing a series of criteria-based
performance indicators using a 1 to 5 scale of capability. It comprises a
two-phased application, where it is applied in a self-assessment process and
then used to develop a team response within or between institutions (Sankey,
2014b). This example was useful as it allowed the library directors to
conceptualize what a LACMM may look like and how it may be utilized. It was
recognized that through the benchmarking activities the library directors could
review their assessment processes against criteria, compare with what others
had done, and draw upon this to improve practices.
Comparison with Existing Models
Having defined the problem and agreed upon an
approach, the next stage of the procedures model required comparison with
existing models. Here Wilson’s (2013) comprehensive QMM was considered. The QMM included 40
elements grouped into 8 facets. Those elements that focussed on assessment
processes included progress monitoring, performance measurement, gathering
feedback, collation of feedback, responding to feedback, and acting on
feedback. Despite this focus, the QMM was rejected
for this activity because of its complexity and size. The aim was to provide an
efficient tool that would not overwhelm those using it. It was also rejected
because overall the facets did not provide direct alignment to library
assessment. Instead, it focused on the broader concept of quality of which
assessment is a smaller part. It was noted that, when it came to assessment,
the QMM tended to focus more on feedback and not on assessment as a process. As
noted earlier, with no other suitable model dealing with the issue of library
assessment available, the need to develop a distinctive LACMM was confirmed.
Model Development
provide guidance in determining the characteristics of a LACMM, the literature
on library assessment was reviewed. Bakkalbasi, Sundre, and Fulcher’s (2012) work on assessing assessment
was considered. In presenting a toolkit to evaluate the quality and rigor of
library assessment plans, their work draws on the elements of the assessment
cycle. The elements include (1) establishing assessment objectives, (2)
selecting and designing methodologies and collecting data, (3) analyzing and
interpreting data, and (4) using the results. It was decided that focusing on
these elements would reduce the complexity of the design and simplify the
development of the LACMM. A template of the LACMM was determined, as
illustrated in Figure 2.
The LACMM template was shared with library managers
and assessment practitioners at international forums. Presentations were made
at the 11th Northumbria International Conference on Performance
Measurement in Libraries and Information Services 2015, the OCLC 7th
Asia Pacific Regional Council Conference 2015, and the Council of Australian
University Librarians Forum: Demonstrating and Measuring Value and Impact 2016.
During the discussions at these presentations, attendees confirmed the utility,
value, and simplicity of the model (Amos & Hart, 2015; Hart, 2016; Hart
& Amos, 2015).
As part of the shared development of the LACMM,
each library in the Matariki network was invited to
populate the model as an additional part of a benchmarking activity. They were
asked to consider the assessment applied in the case study they were reporting
on in the benchmarking activity, to rank the level of capability for each stage
of assessment in the project, and then to provide notes of the criteria for
each of these. When only three of the seven libraries completed this task with
varying degrees of success, the project lead decided to change tack to get more
buy in. The decision was made, in line with the iterative nature of the
procedures model, that a group of library staff at the University of Otago
would draft criteria for the network libraries to consider in the next
benchmarking activity.
assessment capability maturity model template.
The Otago staff selected for this task all had
experience in either business management and or assessment roles. They included
the University Librarian, the Resources Assessment Librarian, the Library
Programmes Manager, and the Policy Planning and Evaluation Librarian. Drawing
on their practice and knowledge, these staff met several times to discuss,
develop, and revise criteria. Following this, a draft version was then tested
with the staff at Otago who were responsible for undertaking the next
benchmarking activity.
In reviewing the version completed by Otago staff
as part of the benchmarking activity, the project lead noted that a number of
different kinds of assessment activities had been documented. Furthermore, the
different types of activities were reported on in the different assessment
stages of the LACMM. For example, survey data were covered in objectives,
methods, and results, while group interviews were reported on in analysis.
Reflecting on this, the project lead decided to use the Otago criteria group to
produce three versions of the model for different types of assessment
activities. The wording of the criteria in each corresponded to the particular
assessment activity:
Data, to cover assessment activities that included
usage data and surveys
Discussion, to cover assessment activities that
included group interviews and focus groups
Comparison, to cover assessment activities that
included benchmarking, case studies, standards, or best practice examples
To add more clarity, descriptions were provided for
each of the levels of capability maturity and the stages of the assessment
cycle (see Figures 3, 4, and 5). These three versions were then distributed to
the Matariki Libraries as part of the next
benchmarking activity.
Testing the Model
Distributing three versions of the LACMM, including
specific criteria for each, proved a successful strategy with six of the seven
libraries completing them. The library that did not submit indicated that the
project they reported on did not lend itself to assessment activities. Overall,
four libraries reported on one type of assessment activity that was applied in
the project, and two libraries reported on two types of activities. Each
library ranked their capacity maturity across each of the four stages of the
assessment cycle, providing evidence about how they met the criteria.
Applying the model provided each library the
opportunity to review their performance and see where they could improve.
Following this, each of the libraries’ responses were shared among one another
and then discussed at a face-to-face meeting. This meeting provided the
opportunity to clarify any issues and seek more tacit information from each
other on assessment processes and resources—in particular, from those who scored a higher level
of capability maturity.
At the meeting, feedback on the criteria and
templates for different assessment processes in the LACMM were received and
then confirmed. Feedback primarily focused on the wording used. Fine tuning
terminology across a group of international libraries helped to provide wider
appeal and utility. The library directors agreed that having a template for
different kinds of assessment activities assisted their staff to complete the
model in the first instance. However, as their staff become familiar with using
the LACMM, the directors agreed that using one generic version for any type of
assessment activity would be sufficient. The directors confirmed the usefulness
of the tool and decided that they had sufficiently addressed the question of
how they measure their effectiveness. Having built a structure and precedence
for collaborating and sharing resources through the benchmarking activities,
the directors agreed to refocus on other projects that support scholarly
communications and digitizing collections. Nevertheless, most committed to
applying the LACMM in projects at a local level. Two directors commented that
it was hard to get their staff interested in participating in benchmarking.
However, it was acknowledged that within the activities each partner had the
flexibility to come to the benchmarking as resources allowed. As Town (2000)
asserts, “benchmarking is as much a state of mind as a tool; it requires
curiosity, readiness to copy and a collaborative mentality” (p. 164).
In line with the procedure model, further testing
of the generic LACMM was carried out when it was shared with the Council of
Australian University Librarians Value and Impact Group. The group acts as a
community of practice with practitioners from New Zealand and Australian
university libraries with a quality or communication role. Overall the
practitioners confirmed its utility and value. They suggested including more
examples in the assessment activities and that brief “how to” instructions be
included. The generic version that resulted from this testing is shown in
Figure 6. When advancing to using the generic LACMM, it is useful to understand
that the term “data” used in each of the criteria statements refers to “what is
collected from each of the different assessment activities.”
assessment capability maturity model for data.
assessment capability maturity model for discussion.
assessment capability maturity model for comparison.
assessment capability maturity model generic version.
Put simply, the LACMM is designed to assist library
managers in assessing their assessment activities and in identifying how these
can be improved until they are optimized through continuous improvement. In the
first application of the LACMM, there is benefit in using a recent piece of
work or an example that is considered leading practice. Managers can choose a
piece of work that included assessment activities or that was an assessment
activity. For example, the assessment activity could be something that was
carried out to inform an initiative or to review the effectiveness of an
Once a piece of work has been selected, the next
step is to identify the kinds of assessment activities that were applied in
terms of data, discussion, or comparison (see Figures 3, 4, and 5). Then, for
each kind of assessment activity, managers should make notes on what was
carried out at each stage of the assessment cycle, including Objectives, Methods and data collection, Analysis
and interpretation, and Use of
results. These notes should then be compared with the criteria listed at
each level of capability maturity from the Initial
level upwards to the Optimized level
for each of the stages of the assessment cycle. All of the criteria at a
particular level must be met for that level to be attained. This comparison
should be carried out for each kind of assessment activity applied in the piece
of work.
managers are familiar with using the LACMM for the different kinds of
assessment activities, they can then move to using the generic model. Here it
is useful to understand that the term “data” refers to “what is collected for
each of the different assessment activities.”
comparing a piece of work, managers may identify that the first three elements
of the assessment cycle meet the criteria for the Defined level because the assessment processes in the piece of work
are documented, standardized, and integrated. However, when it comes to the Use of results, what was carried out may
only meet the criteria for the Repeatable
level. For example, the piece of work may have inconsistent reporting with no
audit trail of how results are applied. For guidance on improving this element,
a manager can review the criteria in the Capability
level and apply those criteria in the next project. In addition, managers,
especially those who attain projects with higher levels of capability, could
share their experiences of using the LACMM and the processes and resources they
applied the LACMM to a representative range of assessment activities, a manager
can characterize their whole assessment program. This may be a useful exercise
to help set targets for improving capability across the library or for
benchmarking. However, as was seen through testing the LACMM, comparing
examples of leading practice where tangible examples could be shared was also
The LACMM has advantages over other tools and
processes available. In only considering the four stages of the assessment
cycle, the LACMM is not as complex as Wilson’s (2013) QMM, which includes 40
elements grouped into 8 facets. By focusing on assessment processes in a
stage-by-stage manner, self-review is simplified. The LACMM offers efficiency
as both a self-review tool and as a means of identifying improvements. Although
this tool will add to the plethora of resources already available (see Farkas,
Hinchliffe, and Houk, 2015 and Hiller, Kyrillidou, and Self, 2008), the simplicity of the tool as a means of assessing assessment and
identifying an improvement path is its strength. It can act as a quick
aide-mémoire and form the basis of a comprehensive self-review or an
inter-institutional benchmarking project (Sankey, 2014b).
The benchmarking exercises provided a unique
opportunity to develop the LACMM where it could be applied and tested against
actual case studies of best practice across an international group of
university libraries. The development utilized staff experience at different
levels of the organization, including both practitioners and leaders. The
results at decision-making junctures were verified at international forums of
library managers and assessment practitioners. Drawing on design-science
research methodology (Hevner, 2004) was also
beneficial. The iterative approach allowed methods to be trialled and revised
as required. The schedule of annual meetings with each benchmarking exercise
stretched over a year provided ample time for reflection in the shared
development of the LACMM as a useful artifact. Being flexible with timeframes
allowed each partner to come to the exercise as resources allowed (Hart &
Amos, 2014). The successful use of the design science research methodology
demonstrates the potential of this approach to other library and information
Several limitations to the LACMM and its
development must be acknowledged. First, the LACMM is sequential in nature and
represents a hierarchical progression. Some may argue that real life is not
like that. Some may legitimately be content to be at a certain level and not
prioritize resourcing to improve practice. Second, the authors acknowledge that
bias may have influenced the development of the LACMM because it became the
only means for participating libraries to respond to the question of how they
measure their effectiveness. However, when deciding this path, no other options
were put forward by other network partners. Third, limitations exist because
the LACMM was developed solely within the context of university libraries.
Input from other areas within the wider library and information management
sector would provide additional insight into the relevance and usefulness of
the LACMM.
The LACMM does not replace the comprehensive and
useful QMM as a means of assessing the quality of library quality (Wilson,
2015). It does, however, provide an effective and efficient means of assessing
library assessment.
The LACMM is an effective tool that, through
self-review assessment processes, can be simplified and considered in a
stage-by-stage manner along an anticipated, desired, and logical path to
identify how mature assessment processes actually are. Managers can compare
their effort with each level of capability maturity from the Initial level through to the Optimized level across each of the four
stages of the assessment cycle (Objectives,
Methods and data collection, Analysis and interpretation, and Use of results. The LACMM offers
efficiency as it acts as a diagnostic tool that helps identify a course of
action to improve performance. Criteria at each level of capability maturity at
the particular stage of the assessment must be met to move up a level. The
level above a particular stage provides guidance on how assessment process can
be improved.
It is anticipated that providing the evidence trail
of the development of the LACMM will further foster confidence in its utility
and value. It is expected that the tool will be adapted and improved upon as library
managers apply it. As this resource is being shared with a Creative Commons
license, it will support other practitioners in sharing their work with and
improving the LACMM as a means of optimizing how libraries measure their
The authors would like to acknowledge the
contributions of their colleagues at the University of Otago Library, those
across the Matariki Network of Universities, and
others that participated in various forums in the shared development the LACMM.
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