Evidence Summary
The Urgency and Importance of an Active Information Seeking
Task Influence the Interruption of Information Encountering Episodes
A Review of:
Makri, S.,
& Buckley, L. (2020). Down the rabbit hole: Investigating disruption of the
information encountering process. Journal of the Association for Information
Science and Technology, 71(2), 127–142. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.24233
Reviewed by:
M. Wildemuth
Emeritus, School of Information & Library Science
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Hill, North Carolina, United States of America
Received: 28 May 2020 Accepted: 17 Sept. 2020
2020 Wildemuth. This
is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 4.0
International (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
DOI: 10.18438/eblip29785
Objective – To
understand when and why information encountering episodes are interrupted.
Design – Naturalistic observational and
interview study.
Setting –
Personal network of the study authors in London.
Subjects –
Fifteen personal contacts of authors, aged 22-60, recruited via word-of-mouth
and social media.
Methods –
Each participant was asked to conduct a search on a self-chosen topic. The
researchers took notes and recorded search interactions and think-aloud
protocols. After the search, a follow-up interview asked whether the
participant had unexpectedly encountered any interesting or useful information;
if so, the researchers asked for more details about that episode. If not, they
conducted a critical incident technique interview, focused on a memorable
example of a past information-encountering episode. The researchers used
inductive thematic analysis to analyze the data, augmented with constant
comparison across the data and the themes to ensure analytical rigor.
Main Results –
The most frequent point at which participants interrupted an information
encountering (IE) episode was near its beginning, when the searcher noted an
information stimulus but then immediately returned to the active information
seeking task. IE episodes were also interrupted 1) after the searcher examined
the encountered content but did not explore it further, and 2) after the
searcher explored it but decided it was not useful.
factors that influenced interruptions of IE episodes included the searcher’s
reluctance to invest the time and effort needed to engage with the encountered
information, due to the importance or urgency of the active information seeking
task; the searcher’s reluctance to leave the active information seeking task,
seeing IE as a distraction from that task; the searcher’s reluctance to
multitask, i.e., to keep track of both the IE episode and the active information
seeking task; the searcher’s reluctance to risk a dead end; the searcher’s
reluctance to be seduced by the “shiny thing” of encountered information (p.
136) and to drift too far away from the active information seeking task; and
the searcher’s reluctance to get “caught up” emotionally in the IE episode (p.
138), a “temptation that is satisfying only in the short-term” (p. 138).
Conclusion –
Overall, the results help us understand when and why disruption of IE can
occur. When an IE episode begins, the searcher is not able to estimate the time
and effort required to pursue it or the fruitfulness of following it through.
Thus, factors associated with the primary information seeking task (e.g., its
importance or urgency) and with the searcher (e.g., ability to multitask) tend
to influence decisions about when to interrupt an IE episode.
encountering is defined by the study authors as “a type of serendipitous
information acquisition that involves passively finding unexpected
information that was not purposively sought and is considered subjectively
interesting, useful, or potentially useful” (p. 127, emphasis in original). An
IE episode consists of several stages, including noticing an informational
stimulus, stopping the active information seeking task, acquiring and examining
the encountered content, exploring or following up on that content, capturing
or using that content, and possibly resuming the active information seeking
task (p. 128; based on Erdelez, 2004; Jiang et al.,
2015). The authors of this study faced a challenge in
clarifying their focus: we are more accustomed to thinking about information
encountering as an interruption of an active information seeking episode, but
this study focused on interruptions to an IE episode. Readers will need to keep
this focus in mind as they consider the findings from this study and the
implications of those findings.
While the authors did an excellent job of defining the
scope of IE and its interruptions, studies of searchers’ stopping behaviors
during active information seeking (e.g., Wu & Kelly, 2014; Maxwell et al.,
2015; Dedema & Liu, 2019) are also pertinent. For
example, Maxwell et al. (2015) found that searchers most often stopped their
review of results after seeing too many non-relevant results, i.e., when they’d
reached the point of frustration. Thus, the searcher’s affective response seems
to play a role in interruptions to an active information seeking task as well
as interruptions to an IE episode. Both bodies of literature will be useful to
practitioners as they train new searchers, design search systems, or provide
assistance during searches.
The methods used to conduct the study are generally
strong and appropriate for the study’s purposes (Critical Skills Appraisal Programme, 2018). Because IE episodes cannot be assigned in
a lab study, the overall design was necessarily naturalistic. Because the
occurrence of IE episodes is spontaneous, the sample of participants was
necessarily a convenience sample and only five of the participants actually
experienced an IE episode during the observation. The authors filled this gap
in the data by conducting critical incident interviews with the other ten
searchers. While this is a reasonable approach, other approaches were possible:
using data only from those who experienced IE and expanding the sample until
theoretical saturation was reached, or conducting critical incident interviews
with all participants to compare and validate the quality of the data collected
with each method. At a minimum, it would have been useful if the text of the
paper had noted which data points came from observations versus interviews.
Rigorous data analysis, including detailed thematic analysis augmented with
constant comparison of the themes, balanced this slight weakness in the data
collection method. In addition, the description of the results provides enough
examples from the data for the reader to be confident in the validity of the
The findings of this study have implications primarily
for search system design. One underlying question not asked is whether search
system designers should encourage or discourage IE. Since IE often yields
references that are interesting or useful, one could argue that systems should
support more and better IE. On the other hand, IE tends to distract the
searcher from an ongoing active information seeking task; depending on the
priority of that task, it may be more appropriate for systems to discourage IE
and encourage a focus on the active information seeking task. A third
possibility is that the system could detect circumstances in which it should
encourage IE and those in which it should discourage IE, and respond
appropriately. It would have been interesting to hear the authors discuss this
question and the future research studies needed to clarify tradeoffs and the
role of uncertainty before and during an IE episode.
authors of the study do suggest some ways in which search engines can better
support searchers’ decisions about whether to continue an IE episode or return
to their active information seeking task. These include ways that systems could support the pursuit of IE (e.g., through a
user-controlled “serendipity filter” or history-based highlighting) or the
delay of IE to be taken up at a later time (e.g., by temporarily “parking”
encountered information or sending notifications to review parked content
during the searcher’s “dead time”). These recommendations seem fruitful for
further development in general search engines, digital libraries, and online
catalogs, but most of them will require that we first gain a better
understanding of the role of IE in relation to a searcher’s active information
seeking activities.
Critical Skills Appraisal Programme. (2018). CASP
Qualitative Checklist. Retrieved from https://casp-uk.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/CASP-Qualitative-Checklist-2018.pdf
Dedema & Liu, C.
(2019). Examination of online information search stopping behaviors and
stopping rules by task type. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Information Science & Technology, 56. https://doi.org/10.1002/pra2.114
Erdelez, S. (2004).
Investigation of information encountering in the controlled research
environment. Information Processing & Management, 40(6), 1013–1025. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2004.02.002
Jiang, T., Liu, F., & Chi, Y. (2015). Online information
encountering: Modeling the process and influencing factors. Journal of
Documentation, 71(6), 1135–1157. https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-07-2014-0100
Maxwell, D., Azzopardi, L., Järvelin, K.,
& Keskustalo, H. (2015). Searching and stopping:
An analysis of stopping rules and strategies. Proceedings of the 24th ACM
International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '15),
315–322. https://doi.org/10.1145/2806416.2806476
Wu, W., & Kelly, D. (2014). Online search stopping behaviors: An
investigation of query abandonment and task stopping. Proceedings of the
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science &
Technology, 51(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1002/meet.2014.14505101030