Evidence Summary
A Review of:
Jowitt, A. (2008). Perceptions and usage of library instructional podcasts by
staff and students at New Zealand’s Universal College of Learning (UCOL). Reference
Services Review, 36(3), 312–336. https://doi.org/10.1108/00907320810895396
Reviewed by:
of Information Studies, Candidate 2022
of Ottawa
Ontario, Canada
Received: 30 Mar. 2021 Accepted: 12 July 2021
2021 Kathmann. This is an Open Access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 4.0 International
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
DOI: 10.18438/eblip29948
Objective – To examine usage of a specific set of library instructional podcasts and
the potential of the format for effective library instruction.
Design – Concurrent mixed methods survey.
Setting – Multiple campuses at a polytechnic college in New Zealand.
Subjects – A total of 86 self-selected, non-random students and
Methods – Web-based survey, piloted before a broader launch, with open and closed
questions in one survey instrument (SurveyPro)
regarding six sample podcasts accessible via the college’s library website. The
researcher used closed questions to gather quantitative data with Likert and
verbal frequency scales and used concurrent triangulation to ensure balance
with qualitative open-ended question responses for proper later interpretation.
Main Results – Of the 86 participants in the study, 71.1% responded that the five
library podcasts were “very good.” The study determined that the most
useful podcast was called “My account” and helped students and staff activate
and use their library accounts. Overall, students enjoyed the five library
podcasts slightly more than staff. The orientation walking tour was the least
popular podcast. The researchers hypothesized that this was because the podcast
did not fit the users’ preferred medium, which was computer based. Even
listeners who owned a portable media device preferred using a media player on
their computer to access the podcasts. The participants preferred to listen to
the podcasts during the day. The participants found that the 24/7 availability
and the ability to listen to the material repeatedly were particularly helpful
Conclusion – Based on the research results, students and staff found library
instructional podcasting advantageous because of its ease of access and
constant availability. Some participants mentioned ways to improve the quality
of the podcasts, but they found them to be an effective new medium overall.
Additional research is needed to evaluate podcasts as an instructional medium.
study builds upon the body of research around podcasting, podcast users,
podcasts as educational tools, and new technologies in libraries (Nelson, 2021)
and recognizes a gap in the knowledge available about New Zealand podcast users
and those in other countries. The study uses Rogers’ diffusion of innovations
theory as its framework.
research was thorough when appraised with a critical review checklist for mixed
methods studies (Hong et al., 2018). The researcher noted a potential
shortcoming in that people who are familiar with podcasts could be more
inclined to respond to the survey, and therefore the results could be biased
towards that group. The researcher encountered issues regarding the sample, and
the participants are not necessarily indicative of their target group of
students from diverse backgrounds, including online and distance learners. The
author of the study noted that technical issues with the survey impeded
distance learners’ ability to complete it. Online students were a key
demographic that would benefit from podcasting technology, and so their input
was crucial to the study. Although the researcher attempted manual solutions
where possible, this is a drawback of the study. Further, while 200
participants began the survey, only 86 entered more than their ID numbers. This
indicates that the survey was somehow inaccessible or turned the participants
off from responding after they had begun. The researcher did not explore this
avenue further to identify why the response rate was low.
Rogers’ diffusion of innovations theory framework, the findings of this study
are useful when considering how much podcasting has grown since this study was
conducted in 2008. Now that podcasts are considered mainstream technology, it
would be interesting to investigate whether the researcher’s theory, that
podcasting would follow Rogers’ five-stage decision-making process, was
correct. This article provides an important historical perspective on the
ever-evolving world of new media.
author’s findings encourage libraries to adopt new technologies for student
learning. The study shows that students and staff appreciated podcasting as an
educational tool. These findings are relevant to the modern student, as
podcasting is still used in education today. With that said, other mediums are
becoming more popular. For example, short videos and video-recorded lectures
are being used more frequently. In fact, in my experience, video-assisted
learning is more common than podcasting for educational purposes and visual
aids are highly beneficial to learning. As such, it would be useful to
investigate the benefits of podcasting versus the benefits of video learning.
Those potential findings, along with the findings of this study, could be used
to make budgetary decisions and to support librarians requesting funding for
new technologies. Almost 15 years later, it would be useful to investigate
whether the findings of this research were applied in New Zealand schools and
what the status of this technology is today.
Q. N., Pluye, P., Fàbregues,
S., Bartlett, G., Boardman, F., Cargo, M., Dagenais,
P., Gagnon, M-P., Griffiths, F., Nicolau, B., O’Cathain, A., Rousseau, M-C., & Vedel,
I. (2018). Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool
(MMAT). http://mixedmethodsappraisaltoolpublic.pbworks.com/w/page/127425845/Download%20the%20MMAT
R. (2021). Podcasting services in academic libraries: A case study. College & Undergraduates Libraries, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/10691316.2021.1897722