Article Information

E. Lum1,2
H.K. Kimbi1,2
J. Mbuh1
J. Ndamukong-Nyanga1,2
A. L. Njunda3
J. Lello4

1Department of Plant and Animal Sciences, University of Buea, Cameroon

2Research Foundation for Tropical Diseases and the Environment, Buea, Cameroon

3Department of Medical Laboratory Science, University of Buea, Cameroon

4School of Biosciences, Organism and Environment Group, Cardiff University, Cardiff

Correspondence to:
Antony Musoke

How to cite this poster:
Lum, E., Kimbi, H.K., Mbuh, J., Ndamukong-Nyanga, J., Njunda, A.L. & Lello, J., 2012, ‘Co-infections of malaria and soil-transmitted helminths in localities with different levels of urbanization in the Mount Cameroon region’, Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 79(2), Art. #487, 1 page.

Proceedings of the Conference of the Southern African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance ‘One Health’ held at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases, Johannesburg, July 2011.

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© 2012. The Authors. Licensee: AOSIS OpenJournals.

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Co-infections of malaria and soil-transmitted helminths in localities with different levels of urbanisation in the Mount Cameroon region
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Open Access
Malaria co-exists with intestinal helminths and they have different effects on infected individuals. A total of 235 and 208 children from Ekona and Great Soppo respectively of both sexes aged 4–14 years were enrolled into a cross-sectional study.

Capillary blood was collected for detection and determination of malaria parasitaemia as well as PCV. Stool samples were collected for quantitative determination of helminth ova by Kato-Katz technique.

The prevalence of malaria and helminths was higher in Ekona than Great Soppo. In Great Soppo, Trichuris was the most prevalent helminth than Great Soppo and an association was found between these co-infections. More children were co-infected in Ekona and co-infecting species were Ascaris and Plasmodium falciparum.

The prevalence of malaria and intestinal helminths as well as co-infection was lower in Great Soppo than in Ekona, probably due to increased urbanization in Great Soppo than Ekona.